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Everything posted by FruityLexia.

  1. sick life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. my girlfriend smokes bongs up her ass.
  3. I havent cared about basketball since micheal jackson stoped playing
  4. Needs moar penetrationz. I think theres a diffrence in posting pictures of naked women and pictures of the same woman getting penetrated by two black dudes who are still in there gym socks.
  5. i always laugh when girls fart out there hot pockets.
  6. Hasnt come out here yet, but im seeing it asap, pop corn and crap.
  7. True. But going for a sober week this week. Person below has a problem with booze. edit... True, am right now. person below me needs a shower.
  8. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo Youre the best dancer on 12oz
  9. When i was 9 my teacher asked "what would you of done in the vietnam war." I told her a fuck load of opium and cheap hookers.
  10. Congrats swindle. Hold your head up high although to be honest you should be out getting hammerd instead of typing on the net.
  11. I make money too, just not as much.
  12. When i was about 16 some teenager jumped in front of my train off a bridge, the train stoped for about 10 mintes so i opend up the door becasue i had no idea what was going on and 2 bits of this dude were spread about 40 meters apart with gizzards and crap every where. I screamed out to my friend in shock and everyone on the train ran and saw it too.
  13. I had a very layed back up bringing which i actually think was a bad idea. I was never worried about getting hit or anything like that. I wa allowed to do pretty much wahtever i wanted from about the age of 14 and i think that was a bad idea, becasue i was terror. I love and respect my parents no matter what but they could of been a bit more strict. it prolly would of helped my school work and had a big impact on the way i treated people at that age.
  14. i coulndnt stop farting at the party i was at last night. It was heinous,
  15. Sad but true. I have even started buying collins memrabelia
  16. I got weed breathe too. it rules.
  17. A very early example of a raygun is the Heat-Ray featured in H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds (1898).[1] Science fiction as far back as the 1920s depicted death rays. Early science fiction often showed raygun beams making bright light and loud noise like lightning or large electric arcs. Nikola Tesla's attempts at developing directed-energy weapons, or "death rays", also fueled the imagination of many writers. After the invention of the laser in 1960, it briefly became the death ray of choice for science fiction writers. For instance, characters in the Lost in Space TV series (1965–1968) and in the Star Trek pilot episode The Cage (1964) carried handheld laser weapons.[2] By the late 1960s and 1970s, as the laser's limits as a weapon became evident, rayguns were redubbed "phasers" (in Star Trek), "blasters" (Star Wars), "pulse rifles", "plasma rifles" and so forth.
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