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Everything posted by Swindle

  1. they had taken photos of existing photographs, probably to send to family members........ duncehat.jpg
  2. Swindle

    17000 post

    what the hell was that!?
  3. we all knew this day would come
  4. http://www.worldstaruncut.com/uncut/44948 looooooooooooooooooool
  5. i always wonder how powersellers on ebay are able to sell brand name things at a huge discount, like vans, nike, and electronics, is this what they are doing?
  6. fingers crossed it doesnt suck
  7. they're all vegan too. and they dont taste that bad.
  8. i eat this all the time, comes in chocolate too. i've never had the schnitzel but they have chicken burgers, ham burgers, hot dogs, bbq sausages and other stuff, its fairly cheap and in the freezer at safeways/coles
  9. the rest of this book is hilarious
  10. you and soup should form a club called "the league of knowing everything about every different culture and/or subject" and you can spend the days holding hands, frolicking through fields of flowers and being wrong about mostly everything tralalalalallala!
  11. do you know the difference between dubstep, drum n bass and jungle?
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