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Everything posted by grd

  1. Penblwydd Hapus lovely girl! Glad the world is being good to you, I hope you got everything you require and desire x
  2. Drinking tea and avoiding work, not much changes. Can someone please explain the whole Kaepernick thing to me? Why are people so upset about kneeling?
  3. I miss that thing where if you hovered the cursor over the thread title you could read the first post, thereby, you could decide if the thread was worthy of reading before actually committing to a click. Commitment is for losers.
  4. How fucking serendipitous! Cymru am byth
  5. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear NOES, Better late than never, innit? - promisekeeperextraordinaire Dear aggressive robin that's been chirping outside my bedroom window for the past 3 hours, kindly, fuck off. I hope a mangy street cat guts you and uses your gnarled feet as a back scratcher. - grumpyasfuck
  6. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Oontz, what's good? I miss all your imaginary faces that I've created for you in the recesses of my mind. I shall endeavour to make more of an effort to be present. No promises though, life innit. grd
  7. Eating out of season strawberries and drinking tea, trying to sober up.
  8. grd

    12oz collapsed?

    Ooh look at all the shiny new buttons an that.
  9. I knew there'd be a Tinder thread. Saw this and thought of you reprobates... The Tinder Diaries
  10. Still bitter(and hungover) after Sunday. Still, we have the best fans in the fucking world...and a dragon.
  11. grd

    what. the .....

    Spotted dick and custard is fucking rad. Other than that I have nothing to add.
  12. I watched like one, maybe two of this last season and gave up. Remember when I used to say it didn't drag? Yeah, I was wrong. It hasn't been the same without Jimmy. I really miss looking at Michael Pitt's pasty face.
  13. I don't know if I'm alive, dead, dying or just a little jaded.
  14. Rest in Peace Relapser. My thoughts are with his friends and family.
  15. grd

    Tea thread

    8 pints of tea a day on average. I fucking LOVE tea. None of that builders shit though. Milk in first and it has to be the colour of a rich tea biscuit. No thank you tannins, you can stick your builders brew where the sun don't shine. Realism can attest to my superior tea skills.
  16. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Realism, like that is it? Fucking charming. *cries* - seekingoutadivorcelawyer Dearest dears, I trust you are all well and good. I'd like to be able to say I missed you all but that would be a huge fucking lie. I kid...course I do. - grdinnit
  17. Company comes out with new pork-laced ammunition they believe will keep Muslims from going to heaven. A company in Dalton Gardens, Idaho has developed a new line of pork-laced bullets they hope will be used to fight back against Islamic terrorists. South Fork Industries created the bullets, which they call Jihawg Ammo, so they can be used as a 'defensive deterrent to those who violently act in the name of Islam.' They took traditional ammo and coated the bullets in a pork-infused paint. Those shot with the bullets would be unclean, as the Islamic religious forbids Muslims from coming into contact with pig meat. Unclean: The creators of Jihawg Ammo believe that shooting a Muslim with a pork-laced bullet will keep them from getting to heaven Terrorist repellant: The bullets were created to deter 'those who violently act in the name of Islam' The manufacturers believe that this act will keep any Muslims shot with the bullets from going to heaven. 'With Jihawg Ammo, you don't just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell.That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels,' the company said in a press release earlier this month. Not effective: Religious experts say there is nothing in the Quran that states dying with pork in your system would keep one from getting to heaven But experts on the religion disagree with the theory that the bullets would keep Muslims from attaining salvation. 'There is no penalty for coming into contact with pork given by the Quran,' said Shannon Dunn, assistant professor of religious studies at Gonzaga University in an interview with Religion News Service. 'To my knowledge, Muslims, especially unknowingly, would not be banned from heaven for eating or getting hit by pork. There are some interpreters who suggest that Muslims should eat pork than starve, if faced with that alternative.' Effective or not, the company is getting a surprising amount of support on Facebook with more than 5,500 likes. And they're looking to make money outside of bullet sales. The company is selling shirts and other paraphernalia on their website with such taglines as 'Do 72 Virgins a Favor' and 'Put Some Ham in MoHAMed'. Just when I thought I'd seen it all.
  18. He's wearing a moo moo! I hope this becomes a permanent fixture in rap, like 'bitches and bling'.
  19. http://www.tmz.com/2013/06/19/chris-brown-city-of-la-appeal-graffiti-art-free-speech/ CHRIS BROWN TO L.A. CITY: MY GRAFFITI IS PROTECTED By the 1st Amendment!! Chris Brown is firing back at the City of L.A. -- claiming the gov. has NO RIGHT to force him to remove the graffiti art on the front of his L.A. home because it's protected by the 1st Amendment. Brown just filed an appeal with the city -- telling officials the bill they're trying to stick him with for having an "unpermitted" mural on the front wall of his Hollywood Hills home is pure B.S.. According to the legal documents, obtained by TMZ, Brown claims the city is wrongly trying to nail him for having an illegal "sign" -- when the graffiti is art that "[enhances] the architectural and aesthetic features of the residential property." Translation -- my artwork makes my house look dope, son! Then Chris drops the constitutional bomb -- arguing, "The murals are a reflection of [my] aesthetic taste and a reflection of free speech and expression protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution." Brown's case is now in the hands of the Dept. of Building and Safety's board of appeals -- and if they shut him down, he can bring the fight to L.A. County Superior Court. In fact, there's a chance ... albeit a small chance ... that Brown's case could go all the way up to the Supreme Court if he's not willing to back down. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/06/paula-deen-racist-jokes-deposition/ Paula Deen Admits Using The N-Word & Making Racial Jokes In Explosive Deposition Celebrity chef Paula Deen has admitted to using the N-word and telling insensitive racial jokes during a May 17 deposition that was videotaped — and also confessed to her brother’s cocaine, pornography and alcohol addictions! Paula, 66, admitted to using the N-word and wanting black waiters to play the role of slaves at a wedding party she was putting together, a new bombshell report from the National Enquirer claims. “The personal disclosures uncovered have stunned Paula’s family and could mark the collapse of her entire empire,” a source told the tabloid. The Emmy-winning kitchen queen was questioned for three hours because of the $1.2 million 2012 lawsuit in which the former General Manager of their Savannah, Georgia, restaurant, Lisa Jackson, claimed use of the N-word by Paula and sexual harassment and infliction of distress and assault by her brother Bubba Hiers. PHOTOS: Celebrity Racist Rants When asked by Lisa’s Atlanta-based attorney if she’d ever used the N-word, Paula responded, “Yes, of course,” and gave examples of times she used the offensive term. In terms of telling racist jokes, Paula said, “It’s just what they are — they’re jokes…most jokes are about Jewish people, rednecks, black folks…I can’t determine what offends another person.” And when asked if she wanted black men to play the role of slaves at a wedding she explained she got the idea from a restaurant her husband and her had dined at saying, “The whole entire waiter staff was middle-aged black men, and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie. “I mean, it was really impressive. That restaurant represented a certain era in America…after the Civil War, during the Civil War, before the Civil War…It was not only black men, it was black women…I would say they were slaves.” PHOTOS: Diabetic Paula Deen Tucks Into A High Calorie, Fatty Treat During the deposition, Bubba also made shocking admissions, including using the N-word in reference to President Barack Obama. “While Paula and Bubba did make some pretty damaging confessions in their depositions, what they admitted to only scratches the surface of what actually goes on in their daily lives,” an insider told the Enquirer. To find out more about Paula and Bubba’s disturbing deposition, pick up the latest issue of the National Enquirer, on newsstands Thursday. A representative for Deen exclusively tells ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, “Contrary to media reports, Ms. Deen does not condone or find the use of racial epithets acceptable. She is looking forward to her day in court.” 'kin 'ell
  20. THIS Also, what the fuck does Yeezus mean? Or does the twat actually think he's some sort of second coming?
  21. Mercer, must spread reps. DAO head cake is both scary and alluring.
  22. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Realism, as you've admitted to a secret child and a previously undisclosed marriage, I feel it's only fair that I should tell you not to try and draw any money out from your bank, try to take out a loan or apply for any credit cards for say, the text 10 years or so. Love you boo Dear Dr Scientist, where've you been hiding to? grd phd Dear weather, I ain't mad at'cha. I can't speak for the people I've let down today due to my apathy that I'm blaming you for. badgrd Dear Dada, You've made awesome strides in your recovery over the last year. So, the fact that I've only just realised it's fathers day tomorrow and haven't gotten you anything is nowt, in the grand scheme of things, right? your favourite child
  23. Well that's not fair. What about the rest of us? I demand we have a vintage tea party; wear circle skirts, eat cucumber sandwiches and fairy cakes with a nice pot of tea.
  24. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Seyer, Try and stay strong for your family. Sending the good Welsh vibes your way. grd Dear Realism, YOUR WHAT?! Yeah, I heard about the 2 hour queues. I asked Seeking to send me some so let's keep that between us, yeah? I really NEED a cronut! S
  25. grd

    Dear ________,

    Dear Decy, you're 25 already? Damn hahah I'm glad you had fun!! You missed Nic's birthday so we'll have to arrange some drinking and a proper catch up soon. (I actually have some hysterical gossip for you that's best told in person) I just blushed thinking of that, fanks for reminding me innit S
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