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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ



    SNL jacked this bit from cum town for the bill burr episode recently
  2. Netflix VAMPIRES VS THE BRONX congrats to one of us
  3. Found a podcast that is uploading all eps from the Carolla era in sequential order. If you remember the name Superfan Giovanni, he is the curator. Thought I’d pass it along, major influence in how I approach a lot of things. Wild dose of topics for the 13 year old boy in the day. Not as much enjoyment from the David Alan Grier episodes at this point in my life... surprisingly, the single ICP episode I’ve listened to so far was really entertaining. A lot of guests that are bands who are no more, and actors on television shows that are no more. Ok mix. overall the show stands the test of time. The shit Carolla says is still funny and on point (don’t care for him as a radio host or a comic these days). He was still just a few years removed from a construction worker/boxing coach in these days, not a “literal millionaire”. The man show was a thing, but barely starting up. The advice Drew gives is compelling. Now that I’m midway through my thirties I can digest and decipher it at another level. It all comes back to the parents, apparently. His takes on addiction can be a bit.... condescending, but overall good and interesting. get it on mahalo
  4. GM 500 page deposition https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/7274479-Maxwell-Deposition-2016.html?s=09
  5. PayPal and Venmo adopting crypto in 2021 LFG!
  6. This shit bugs the hell outta me but it ain’t worth the fees to unfuck 👿
  7. If you buy with it that’s one thing what I meant was don’t cash out
  8. https://decrypt.co/45239/bitcoin-trajectory-should-approach-gold-like-status-report
  9. What kind of paper and ink are you using? (Pencil?). id get some string that isn’t coated/treated. Will likely bleed through the paper over time. Kite string maybe? Not sure how wax will react with salt water and sun over time. Maybe bathroom caulking better option? what are the notes about?
  10. Dear NOES, where my package at tho? VR BNH
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