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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. @Dirty_habiTnah first ep of Lovecraft Country seen the wire start to finish a few times. I used to have the box set and no cable and this was well before streaming services. I’ve even watched it start to finish with cast commentary on before lol
  2. Watched the first ep last night i wonder if it’s going to be an adventure of the week format or if we will follow those same characters on their green book road trip I liked it


    @aimeri think you can sync an Xbox controller w your PC since they are both Microsoft. Of you can stick w the keyboard and mouse though it seems like you end up getting the better performance no idea about pc gaming. I’ve thought about going that route instead of buying new console over and over again though...
  4. Need a Facebook account to use oculus now gheyyyyy https://uploadvr.com/oculus-facebook-account-required
  5. 1) doubt anyone is shocked 2) they’ll settle out of court, I’m sure. How much $? 3) Kinda clear now that the TikTok shit is because it’s a competitor, right? 4) isn’t this what the fear of that app that made you look old was?
  6. Facebook facial recognition tech has been being used on Instagram https://www.businessinsider.com/instagram-facing-500-billion-in-fines-in-facial-recognition-lawsuit-2020-8?op=1 Instagram is accused of illegally harvesting people's biometric data without their knowledge or consent in a new class action lawsuit filed against Facebook, Instagram's parent company. The lawsuit, Whalen v. Facebook, claims that Instagram has a face-tagging tool that uses facial recognition to identify people and create a "face template" that is stored in its database. While Instagram discloses this practice in its terms of service, the lawsuit alleges that the tool automatically scans the faces of people pictured in other users' posts, even if they don't use Instagram and didn't agree to the terms of service. That practice violates an Illinois state law that bans companies from collecting people's biometric data — like a facial recognition scan — without their knowledge or consent, the lawsuit alleges. "Once Facebook captures its Instagram users' protected biometrics, it uses them to bolster its facial recognition abilities across all of its products, including the Facebook application, and shares this information among various entities. Facebook does all of this without providing any of the required notices or disclosures required by Illinois law," the plaintiffs wrote in their complaint. In a statement to Business Insider, Facebook spokesperson Stephanie Otway said Instagram does not use facial recognition in the way the Facebook app does. "This suit is baseless. Instagram doesn't use Face Recognition technology," Otway said. Facebook has already faced litigation stemming from the Illinois law. Last month, the company offered to pay $650 million to settle a lawsuit that claimed a similar face-tagging tool was being deployed on Facebook users without their consent. The new class action Instagram lawsuit seeks damages for as many as 100 million Instagram users. Under the Illinois law, Facebook could be forced to pay $1,000 to $5,000 per violation, meaning the full damages could reach $500 billion if Facebook is found responsible. Facebook did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


    https://www.newschannel5.com/news/thp-trooper-terminated-after-pulling-face-mask-off-protester so here is the video... It’s a guy filming a traffic stop not a protestor disinfo in full effect
  8. DeJoy to testify before Oversight and Reform Committee https://www.politico.com/news/2020/08/17/dejoy-testify-congress-postal-service-397082 “Over the past several weeks, there have been startling new revelations about the scope and gravity of operational changes you are implementing at hundreds of postal facilities without consulting adequately with Congress, the Postal Regulatory Commission, or the Board of Governors,” House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) wrote to DeJoy on Sunday, giving him a deadline of Monday to respond to the testimony invitation. “Your testimony is particularly urgent given the troubling influx of reports of widespread delays at postal facilities across the country—as well as President Trump’s explicit admission last week that he has been blocking critical coronavirus funding for the Postal Service in order to impair mail-in voting efforts for the upcoming elections in November.”


    https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/arrested-state-trooper-shot-driver-fearing-life-72425593 Thomspon wrote that he followed the car at speeds up to 65 mph (105 kph) until the vehicle rolled through a stop sign. The trooper then performed a maneuver that forced the car into a ditch. Thompson said he pulled alongside the vehicle and drew his gun as he got out of his cruiser. “At some point, I heard the engine on the violator’s vehicle revving at a high rate of speed,” Thompson wrote in his report. “I activated the light on my weapon and observed the violator with both hands on the steering wheel. I saw him wrenching the steering wheel in an aggressive back and forth manner towards me and my patrol vehicle.” He continued: “It appeared to me that the violator was trying to use his vehicle to injure me. Being in fear for my life and safety, I discharged my weapon once.” The trooper's bullet hit Lewis in the forehead. Thompson wrote that he tried to render first aid until paramedics arrived.
  10. And diggity 😅 Im sure I am forgetting others too.. PSM is orange I think


    I’m sure it is. He’s been away from home for a few decades and his parents were ready to throw all that stuff out. Luckily the my reached out to him before doing that!
  12. I’m in an apartment so my space is limited as fuck
  13. Thanks bro I really appreciate that luckily a couple of guys on the hunt are from AZ and are gonna bring some shells for me just gonna have to PayPal or Venmo them when we meet up 🍻
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