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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. I’m not very versed in denim i have a coworker who was trying to school me on it but I didn’t take away a whole bunch big point I remember was the stitching down the sides of the leg being done much better so if you’re someone who cuffs your pants you can flex that ive always heard great things about Japanese denim but have never owned a pair last couple years I’ve been wearing chinos almost exclusively @glorydays


    https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/31/us/vallejo-california-badge-bending-scandal/index.html "During that meeting, Captain Whitney wanted all supervisors to inspect their subordinates' uniforms and collect badges," Wilkinson said. She confirmed other details of the Open Vallejo story, including that 10 suspicious badges were eventually put in a cardboard box and brought to the chief's office. "When the chief saw how many there were that needed to be repaired, he was concerned it would raise suspicion with the city finance department, and so he then ordered the badges be returned to the officers with an instruction that the officers fix them," Wilkinson said her client told her. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced last month that his office would review the department's policies and practices amid a string of shootings by officers. A 2019 investigation by NBC Bay Area found that per capita the Vallejo Police Department had the highest number of people shot by police officers in Northern California, and the third highest number in the state. The Becerra review appears to have been prompted in part by the June 2 shooting death of 22-year-old Sean Monterrosa in Vallejo. Police shot the Latino man in a Walgreens parking lot after they arrived to investigate reports of looting following protests. The officer who fired the fatal round mistook a hammer for a gun in Monterossa's sweatshirt pocket, police said in a press release. What's more, investigators looking into the case, discovered that key evidence -- the bullet-riddled windshield of the police car the officer shot through -- was destroyed. anyone surprised anymore??? FTP
  3. Toyz only im gettin a sixer 😎
  4. 🎼 I’m a simple kind of man 🎶 🎵 Restaurant Costco for the fuckin win
  5. Famous Swastika building on NAB Coronado where the SeAL teams have BUDS not often seen with its sister Bldgs shaped as bomber aircraft ready to destroy the swastika
  6. Best for last! i think this is where the Hells Angels adapted their death head logo from VF-101 Grim Reapers last remaining F-14 Tomcat sqdn now known as VFA-101 Grim Reapers and one of the very few F-35 Lightening sqdn
  7. @One Man Bannedwearing the Doritos extreme team and leave her with the extreme cream
  8. Spotted at my local bottle shop COP -or- DROP ?
  9. HUMOR for when you come across something that makes you do a double take and you think “damn, I might could make that work”
  10. I’m ready for another rpg in my life where I can sit back and enjoy the damn intensity of cod wears on me lol. Sitting on the edge of my seat and sound whoring for footsteps in my peripheral, only to be melted by a corner camper... 🤣
  11. I hope not im gonna be picking this shit up over all the Ubisoft offerings if it drops if it delays I think I’m gonna cop the assassins creed Viking joint. Will be my first AC game


    The only time I had teammates who were haters was in HC S&D i think it’s cause they watch your screen after they die
  13. Ignorance truly is bliss i have a few sayings that have stuck with me though life. one of them is - ‘don’t ask a question if you don’t want to know the answer’ this can be applied to so many things.
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