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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. He’s doing it wrong. Those fall under farm equipment if you use the right tax people. Then get the huge write offs The most popular usage of Section 179 Deduction is for vehicles. In the past, Section 179 deduction was also referred to as the “Hummer Tax Loophole”, as, at the time, the deduction allowed businesses to purchase SUVs and then write them off. The tax code has been modified since then; however, the Section 179 deduction can still be beneficial for businesses while buying vehicles. https://cleverleverage.com/ultimate-list-of-section-179-approved-vehicles-for-tax-deduction/
  2. Hand on hip looks small no clear Adams apple may just be a shitty roll of the dice in the bone structure Dept. I believe she falls into Femcel category?
  3. Got any screen shots of what’s going on? youre using this button right
  4. Used 30 in 870 barrel on eBay same price as new one on cheaperthandirt what sense that make
  5. Which streaming service is that one on? @Kults starting a run in Dexter right now. Only plan on watching the first few season before it moves into soap opera territory
  6. Yeah really good. Will prob be one of the series I rewatch every few years. Suggested it to a buddy who is a recon marine from 1st recon battalion that did a few tours in Iraq.
  7. Just finished watching this on your recommendation. Good shit 👍
  8. @lord_casek So, if all this is backchannel, 4d chess. Endgame after 50 years of development. why make the posts? why allow trump to declare “drain the swamp”? wouldnt it be best to stay in the shadows?
  9. Holy cow. Yep. That would’ve gone totally past me. Would’ve had no idea what 11.3 would’ve been.
  10. Are the underscores and brackets the code talk you mentioned? will look up reading Socratic method. I only know it in reference to a classroom setting. Bunch of chairs in a circle all able to engage without raising a hand etc.
  11. Ok so thanks for breaking it down that way @lord_casekI appreciate the time you put into that reply to explain it in a way that is easily digestible So the guys had four years on this op to take down the worst of the worst. Is the Qanon theory that Trump is behind the people around him being busted left and right? cohen, manafort, Stone, papadoupolous (sp), Flynn, bannon, Gates maybe Epstein and maxwell?
  12. @lord_casekif you can, can you break down what the overarching point of the Q posts is? Boil it down as basic as you can. If that’s something that’s even possible to do. After making this thread and a few days going by with no one answering, I looked it up on a very basic YouTube video (lol I know..) like a five or ten minute vid. and what the vid put out is that the thesis of Qanon is basically- Trump is a double agent on a mission to expose a pedophile ring in a shadow govt. and that just seems so outlandish to me. There’s no way a guy who cannot pronounce Yosemite has the capacity to be a double agent in the White House. I just can’t accept that. I cannot believe that same fellow is playing the 4d chess required to be president/double agent.
  13. Do you ever equate things to beers @mr.yuck? I find myself doing this one a lot too ”damn, I like that Tee but it’s $15. well, $15 is only three $5 beers... and I’d pay that bar tab with out batting an eye... so fuck it imma get that tee!” always, all the time its an illness lol
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