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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. There’s an Elks Lodge as the midway point between my place and my buddies and we are thinking about checking it out. The idea of a private bar seems kinda cool and being involved with charity drives etc would be nice. Being able to stop in at different ones while in other towns and cities is appealing too. I got invited to be a Shriner years and years ago by some old dude at a bar I used to regular and I wish I hit him up now that I know how hard that invite is to get. there was a couple Clampers in channel zero back in the day and KOH was a Mason if I remember right. any one here a member of any lodges or checked any out?
  2. I just learned about people eating Ortolan (finch). Have you guys ever heard of this? they cover their head with napkins to hide their shame??
  3. After the Lubbock news reported the story on Friday 11/5, the records were sealed Monday 11/8 It will be interesting to see if anything develops with this case. https://www.everythinglubbock.com/news/local-news/court-records-name-shooter-of-chad-read-but-then-sealed-after-news-media-report-and-no-longer-available-sjc/
  4. Article on that shooting: https://www.kcbd.com/app/2021/11/24/attorney-chad-reads-widow-files-petition-take-custody-his-children-their-mother-releases-video-shooting/ tragic. the guy who got shot was there to pick up his kid for court mandated visitation. the guy who shot him is married to a judge and was having an affair with his ex wife. He told them he was going to tell the judge about the affair. Judge is now filing for divorce. attorney representing the widow of the victim is saying there’s a chance this may have been premeditated based on the reaction/lack of reaction of the shooter and his mistress once the victim was shot, paired with the child not being there for the victim to pick up for his visitation and the mother telling the victim she needed to speak with him that day. *** people need to learn how to box. These poor damn kids.
  5. When the bot has a dope screen name and also bumps a cool thread
  6. Trump dawg with the Kim Jong Un pic pon a backhand side (Note hand size in this pic)
  7. I lurk the Q board and saw someone call him Cucker Carlson and it made me chuckle irl the way the snake eats it’s tail is pretty sick
  8. Article is a long read, but a good one.
  9. https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2021/11/the-cia-and-the-new-dialect-of-power/ “The CIA’s adoption of the new dialect of power also has wider implications given the ongoing debate over whether, in the words of the economist Tyler Cowen, “wokeism will rule the world” and become the next great American export.48 If exporting “wokeism” abroad is a goal of the United States, the CIA will play an important role. Historically, the agency has been more adept at cultural manipulation than intelligence gathering (see the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the failure to predict the Iranian Revolution, the failure to predict the Yom Kippur War, the failure to predict the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, the failure to predict 9/11, the faulty intelligence pointing to the existence of WMDs in Iraq, and most recently, miscalculating the strength of Ashraf Ghani’s government in Afghanistan).49 After all, this is an agency that failed to foresee the success of its own propaganda efforts in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Given its track record, the CIA is certainly not above culture jamming abroad, but the question of why it would even bother remains. In a rebuttal to Cowen, Ed West, the senior editor of UnHerd, argues that wokeism is unlikely to resonate among elites in China, India, and the Middle East because wokeness is not an ideology or a set of discrete political demands, but rather a Western vernacular.50 Its single consistent demand—inclusion of individual minorities at the elite level—is already a feature in much of the non-Western world. Iran reserves a number of seats in its parliament for religious minorities; affirmative action in government jobs for “scheduled castes and tribes” is written into the Indian constitution; and the Chinese Communist Party sets quotas for ethnic minority representation in its congress. This serves as a legitimization tactic for the current elite in these countries just as wokeness does here. Of course, woke language is far less likely to have any substantive effect on the well-being of its purported beneficiaries. Take the decline of black wealth under the presidency of Barack Obama or Aung San Suu Kyi’s heartfelt interview with future CIA operative Amaryllis Fox over the treatment of minorities in Myanmar—combined with her failure to stop, or even acknowledge, the genocidal treatment of the Rohingya under her premiership—as examples. Anything “woke” the CIA says or does, from its use of the elite vernacular to the invocation of human rights, is aimed at the politically engaged American professional class first, and the cosmopolitan elite second. On the international stage, it will continue to utilize “wokeness” to attack opponents like China and Iran for their treatment of minorities while ignoring or defending the actions of allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, as it has for decades. Opponents of the United States and its allies will similarly criticize America’s treatment of minorities, Palestinians, African Americans, or whomever happens to be in the news that day, with accusations of hypocrisy flying from both sides. Thus wokeness is unlikely to be useful to the CIA as a tool of cultural imperialism writ large. Still, moral justifications for state inter­ference abroad will continue to be marshalled to convince the American public and some global audiences of the necessity of those interventions, such as the Bush-era hand-wringing over the plight of Afghan women under Taliban rule. As for the superficial spread of the dialect of power, this is probably inevitable, if articles like “‘You Don’t Look Dalit’ and Other Things ‘Upper Castes’ Must Stop Saying to Dalits Immediately,” published in an Indian newspaper, are any indication, at least among the anxious professional classes.51”
  10. Dating coworkers sucks because you can’t get away from them see them outside of work see them at work gets serious enough, see them during rides to /from work conversations about work/coworkers when you guys are off work… best case scenario is a hit n run, but even then you never really get away because you have to see them at work. worst case scenario is you guys actually date for a while and then break up, but now you have an ex at work. stay away
  11. It’s tough for me to wrap my head around the high level of mathematics this takes.
  12. https://apnews.com/article/nasa-dart-spacecraft-asteroid-1f351c9ce5890c275f1f9b2c884a0278 If all goes well, the boxy, 1,200-pound (540-kilogram) craft will slam head-on into Dimorphos, an asteroid 525 feet (160 meters) across, at 15,000 mph (24,139 kph) next September. Dimorphos orbits a much larger asteroid called Didymos. The pair are no danger to Earth but offer scientists a better way to measure the effectiveness of a collision than a single asteroid flying through space. Dimorphos completes one orbit of Didymos every 11 hours, 55 minutes. DART’s goal is a crash that will slow Dimorphos down and cause it to fall closer toward the bigger asteroid, shaving 10 minutes off its orbit. The change in the orbital period will be measured by telescopes on Earth. The minimum change for the mission to be considered a success is 73 seconds. DART will take 10 months to reach the asteroid pair. The collision will occur about 6.8 million miles (11 million kilometers) from Earth. Ten days beforehand, DART will release a tiny observation spacecraft supplied by the Italian space agency that will follow it.
  13. Check out this fuckin hovercraft 😮


    https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/christian-hall-pennsylvania-police-shooting-video-rcna5626 STROUDSBURG, Pa. — A Chinese American teenager who was fatally shot by Pennsylvania State Police last year had his hands in the air when troopers opened fire, new videos reveal, prompting calls for an independent investigation.


    https://keyt.com/news/crime/2021/11/16/former-ventura-sheriffs-deputy-pleads-guilty-to-throwing-out-detainees-drug-test/ VENTURA, Calif. – A former Ventura County Sheriff's Deputy has admitted to throwing out a drug test that exonerated a woman who was detained on suspicion of being under the influence of methamphetamine.
  16. Anyone had any luck selling on here? I’d be interested in listing some stuff I’d usually donate
  17. pain in arches and left knee seem to finally be gone. Hooray
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