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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Posts posted by Fist 666

  1. HOOKS&..., yeah so, pric, TIGER HOODS, KINGSDESTROY, Icecream4, mr.porosis, WHAT_THIRD_RAIL?, class act, CRIZ 156, protect ya neck, *SUS*RFA*, zymerng, Ali G, somethinglikethat, John Gacy, freeloaders, getursaladtossd, xianct, Doctor Lipshitz, totetechs, FOOFIE FOOFIE, monsterdecay, rusty antique, dotdotdot, typical stereotypes, The Truff, Papi Drew It, Tuff Tone, DDD, Theo. Huxtable, JTSNOW, Kems, dailycrunch, lonestarbrew, MR.AWSOME, SagaContinues, menudo, life WDS, "P", realwalk, paintpaintpaint, zabawa, soneMILWwi, pushin kilos, hedd dogg, post.bomber, 808 TaGGA, treefort, thecrazykid, corsu, bambooklaus, johnny ballbags, zinester, golden power filla, ALLTHEGOODNAMESARETAKEN, Shroomie, tunedmassdamper, revo, thewood_fromthehood, METAL MOUTH, smezieron, trigun, selcyis1, curve-tge, YeslerDubRock, Em DigGleR, Ren man, KELPER, *katusha*, TALL HOUSE, john wayne, daneb, Arkady Gregorivich, yersgoat, coconut pete, beks_vsn, mesrockuno, ballast, its faze 1, Hit This Blunt, narwhal, chestrockwell1, amotik, ZeroCool, grill boogie, riko chico, Skitzofrenik, banmeagainplease, Mr. Fynk, urmomsfilthy Cunt, shortypants, MesoHorny, fuckyoupayme$$$$$$$$, yoloco, momoney, wrote island, 11:11, Jsmash372, the phrase that pays, StinkyInk, some dude, LUDAkurs, How2, defyoner, ROYONE, Slowmo, He Got Clapped2, Knim One, clintonfordictator, one one, HELLSATAN., blood boils, Sike_Bomber, twenty, marko, KnifeHits RS, nash bridges, Zack Morris the 2nd, ilovemarijuana, juez one, tango 24, Ceasker one//CFC//Ek*, getgully, porism, killakash, xALxGOREx, foodstamps, Yadada, SapONE, queensoner2006, burromatic, bolt cutter, hbilu1, HighLifer45, adepter, bloodspray, 2me, roll_out, kanz, must76, daley4president, graffongirls, u know who it is, cokedoutnamvet, realness, toys "R" us, Rex, moterhead, BORAT HIGH FIVE!!!, BooMRoK, leaks


    skunk butt, celphtitled, porCelain, eyehategod, chradical, Badtouchrandle, ENO ELPMIS, big lebowski, R453V, tropfanfiend, X22, blunts and KUNTS, told, cady666, S145, Lazarus Jackson, Nightmare On Elm Street, PissingOnWhores, FUKED UP KID, CommunistManifesto, G"AL3X"C,


    meat market, ol' flap jack, Weapon XXX, krysto502, zulu, Spiderman., jewbag, ServOner. IS, TurfsUp, smoky, WHOSYO WHOSYOURSTEPDADDY, HueyDontTouch, Dagmar Onasis III esq., the kloner, Highway PatroL.S.Fla., haterface, kill yo'self, restecp, eko1, Peter_North, seacouch,


    bionic commando.., KOMPUTER, oddio1, wileyrockk, trackstand, BESOS, stay fly, alter1, cornbread, geneva-sf, 40ozproffit, war pigs, thegraffman, MY ROTTING LIVER, Bite_Me, beardofzeus., Metaloapocalypse, eh squeaky breaks, osaurus rex, Dietz&Watson, perfectprint, lahojilla, ma choire, AGOE1, BLACK=HIPHOP, Car Talk, photograffy9, theworks, Melbs Scum, FILTER.BFG, fat stacks, fuck molly,


    CrimeRateMultiply, Saggy, BreakfastBurrito, ENDS, livejig, allfreetime, KingWillie, the.crooked, Paulie Walnuts, observer1, fatalist, FOBE ONER, poopdick, Pedestrian, sweatstance, vellar, downsouthjnkin, bill paxton, readabook, socoman, direct336, heel.moeilijk, ORANGE


    JUICE., Wittyreference, marsneedswomen, kostoner, skirockonerisms, jobro, VILE_ATX, Arekshun, nikonnn, thebumpmaker, aspeckt, sandwicho, cuzzoe, Omemslacker, StUnNa_ShAdEz_BeEyAtCh, destruction, alexb34876, roben-carrages, ttckillin, skem, ulver, reviser, Dirty


    Messican, yo-yo, no.name, SolidColdest, SHO, katz gregory, bobby bruce, TIZYPER, RSDEVIL, schizophrenia, RustyShackleford, NATS, Voices, nastee243, sinbad90, dwel_WDC, axis_of_evil, Dr. Lith, MONSTER//TNK//SPK, sarcasm, she's crafty, iloveboxcars, IMPEACH CORZINE,


    ginseng, Grasp, Dirty_habiT, Shirt and tie, SQUIRREL, DARTANIAN, MAR, bellarocks, blood fart, Same.SCH, edoggg, blart.BOS, molson, Issac Brock, ides, thevisible, uncle_filthy, INKTHEWALLS, NewKoncept, juiceposse, SURVIVED ABORTION, steve buscemi, Demolitia,


    MEATNORMOUS, timeago, kingnate, entsonerismski, Highlife, hiphopfan, angry orphan, goosequit, OLDNYC13, 1978, grafxnine, DIPSETALLDAY,^.^, why write, QUEEE!, Q*666, under bridges, A1 Yola, homeslice, cL.1., mintchocolatechip, EL_SIEN713, TheFormer'06,


    discorporated, rumblefish, WZRDGANG, ufayocouch, metavizual, street scrawler., THEBMO, Romeo, yellowblueberry, WeakSauce, purevil, Nodass, IKrAzE!, Kerb Smile, cannagrafic, iven one, MadManMoses, homer2, Dustin Diamond, A.J. Foyte, cashflow, RAHREY, darkesthour, second side, SleepAnDream, monster zero, OHASHI, angelofdeath, poes, Anthony from Brooklyn, nomak, shit whiskers, fourth avenue, podrido, Blamoo, silentwrytes, CerohXXL, stevefrench, un4SAKENed one, BIGMOMMY, mask, cenko, LUSHI, G.FIZZLES, STYLEISKING, E_B_A, CRUSHER, sintassasin, ice..etc, chewy, Chingasos, cab312tfo, famous amos, LanceUppercut, eXpression, Crones, buttabisket,

    • Like 3
  2. I remember having an e-crush on you, @MESTHREE, and I think you went to the restaurant I worked at before joining the army. 






    Memories of screennames are a funny thing without having met someone in person. The vaguest of recollections coupled with a generally positive or negative tint. That dude was funny, or fuck that clown, or whatnot. I wonder if I'd drank less, and fucked up my sleep less, if I'd have better recall. In highschool I wouldn't show any work on math homework or tests because I could do it mentally. Nowadays with basic construction math I've got to write it out (in sharpie on a wall stud). I'm sure concussions havent helped... What have I forgotten along the way?


    Anyhow, it's cool to see these old names popping back up. Welcome home, everyone.


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  3. I have a small collection of actual bookmarks from bookstores I've visited around the country.


    But I like to leave whatever I use as a bookmark in the book when it goes back on the shelf. Sometimes that's a movie or a concert ticket, a liquor store receipt, a photo, a sticker, or an actual made/printed bookmark.

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