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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. She should try to get him pregnant.
  2. Dick out, rocking my slayer shirt, finna order a pizza.
  3. Crosspost-yv4epqmx5n871.mp4
  4. Once your rape conviction gets officially overturned like this and you're released, you're technically entitled to the same number of rapes you were originally convicted of, plus a wild card sex offense of your choosing.
  5. Probably bad south of the Equator not sure if it gets cold in Australia or not but that's when flu season hits here. Seems like most people outside of the U.S. aren't vaxxed. Our friends in Spain, and down South America are just starting to get the jab now, most are waiting on the 2nd dose. My area in the U.S. is above 70% vaxxed now. You still see masks occasionally in public, but I've never once been asked to wear one yet going inside anywhere over the last month. Almost nobody wears them here except some people with gigs working with the public, or at risk, and paranoid people hat are still masking up. People here that do end up testing positive are getting the delta variant as well. Seems to be much more contagious. Know someone who was over 85, on oxygen, and could barely breath on a good day for years that got vaxxed in April. Then, a couple moths later caught the delta variant, but ended up surviving after a week in the hospital. Just hoping this shit isn't popping off again as bad during flu season here later this year in November/December.
  6. I think he is most likely a piece of shit, and they'll find an excuse to lock him up. Also think technically he's not the aggressor in this situation, and he used force in self defense, technically. Not sure if there's a law regarding having a gun where he was, in my opinion you should be allowed to have one anywhere, especially in a riot. The people that got shot were clearly "looking for trouble" themselves, and got exactly what they were looking for. Fuck em. One can only assume they were someplace between suicidal, and retarded. "Hey, I don't have a rifle, maybe I'll attack that guy holding a rifle? OMG I can't believe I got shot."
  7. Superman_hit_by_a_bus.-bvpz2l2b9j271.mp4
  8. El Cucuy with estrogen treatments Anytime down for downtown
  9. Posted the lab on page one of this thread with a map, still think that's where it came from. Giving them the benefit of the doubt I'll assume the lab leak was unintentional. What smells of intent is the CCP's lack of transparency, and lack of an investigation, no one even allowed to search for patient zero, etc. The information that has been released intentionally cloudy, opaque, acting the same way someone playing coverup would do from day one.
  10. Nothing we didn't already know. Jack_Murphy_-_So_Jon_found_1_100th_of_his_ball_sack._Who_cares.-1404813528763088900 (1).mp4
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