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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Quick update: So we got our 2nd dose of Moderna Saturday afternoon, arm still sore, and had night sweats last night (Sunday night into Monday morning). Wife an I were both lethargic on Sunday though, with no headaches or sickness. Also woke up this morning and while taking my first piss of the day, noticed I had an oddly shaped micro-penis so no changes there. All and all I'd give Moderna round 2, an 8 out of 10.
  2. Martha Steward is more gangster than you in 2021
  3. I used to roll with a duffel bag full of shop lifted rusto cans, none of these slow controlled artsy type pussy cans. Slap a male orange dot fat tip on a painter's touch™ and it had more thrust to can control than a landing space X rocket. Listen up son, I also kept a gallon of paint/primer, a roller, and some roll trays in trash bags in the duffel bag too because in my day we scoped out new spots to paint that didn't have older legal graffiti to paint over. Blood wars kid, sometimes the entire crew would have to scrap another entire crew under bridges, at house party's, on railroad tracks. No lie, I used to pick exploding seeds out of my dirt weed in pitch black conditions with paint on my fingers (we didn't use gloves/masks back then) rolled blunts. Sparked them up with, did business with the local gangsters, and the homeless people living on the tracks to insure the hood pass stayed triple platinum. Got home every morning blowed rainbow boogers, and slept 3 or 4 hours before going back to selling weed and convincing white girls to help shoplift for the crew. "Yea right old man, you're exaggerating"
  4. Yea, the BBQ sauce one hurts me on a spiritual level.
  5. I'd rather not come in here at all if it's going to become another echo chamber for mainstream conformists. I feel like if one party in a philosophical disagreement is measuring their words, and avoiding any direct attacks on the other, that person "wins" whether I agree with them or not. I mean I'm def not trying to offend anyone because for the most part I've got nothing but respect for anyone who hasn't directly attacked me on a personal level, which is pretty much everyone posting in this thread for the most part. That said, I feel like "run off" is a huge mischaracterization of someone who consistently approaches things with calm, measured language (something I'm slowly trying to emulate myself). Sometimes you can't help but offend people who approach their own beliefs as unquestionable religious edicts. Sometimes the only offense is not nodding in agreement, or keeping your opinion to yourself and people get extremely upset. If I wanted to be part of an echo chamber of conformity, I'd join a globalist lefty community, or a right wing populist community. There are so many places one can go (even for obscure lines of thought) for non stop confirmation bias. For where this community comes from, I feel like that level of conformity, and intolerance for intellectual discussion is embarrassing. I value the diversity in opinion we have here, the free thinkers and people with unique individual perspectives, and above all else, butthole waxing humor.
  6. No lie, extra sad I won't see him live again. He's just OK recorded IMHO, but seeing him hit the stage live is an entirely different ball game. Knocked em out the park every time.
  7. LiterallyYourMom_-_That_single_tear_rolling_down_his_cheek_got_me-1398783306838257664.mp4 My sentiments exactly.
  8. They're starting to become self aware... kelsey_-_They_re_starting_to_wake_up-1396137435738693632.mp4 Grow & prepare your own food...
  9. This is the thread we all need. Pics or it didn't happen?
  10. Alien_birth_at_some_fashion_show-bfjbnkgyo6271.mp4
  11. True, but this is 12oz. Said it before. There are for sure a percentage of people dying, also an even larger number of people being permanently disabled from this Virus. No matter where you source these numbers from, and how you crunch the numbers, being vaccinated has proven to be 99.99% safer for people than risking infection, and this is a fact from any sane perspective. Even if the chances of death and permanent disability from are "acceptable" or whatever in some people's eyes, not a risk I'm willing to take.
  12. I had a really hot Russian doctor flexing some really nice legs that give me my shot, so there was some definite changes in size before, during, and after when she vaccinated me.
  13. Not anymore, I'm now 100% invincible to all forms of Mexican beer (minus hangover's from Dos Equis Amber, my personal favorite).
  14. We been known the origins of this Virus on 12oz from page one. The fact that the CCP is making zero effort to help trace the origin to patient zero, AKA identify the source of the outbreak is enough confirmation for me. The entire closed curtain approach, the mysterious arrests in Wuhan, people close to the source of answers just "disappearing". I'm personally on some 90%/10% thinking it was an accidental lab release. Granted I don't think is was some conspiracy to fuck up the global economy. That said, I really dislike the tone of the conversation on both sides of this topic. People just love feeling smart, talking down to other's and maybe, just maybe that could be the main cause of our lack of consensus. I remember learning quickly not to say anything outside of the official narrative (from both sides) on this, less someone jump down my throat, so I just do me and look out for mines. Escaped NYC in epic fashion, set up shop in a less rodent like social environment, kept hustling in 2 to 5 different commercial buildings a day the entire time, and never got that shit once. As far as the Faucci flop goes. People have a very good reason to be like we told you so, and are referencing an undeniable backpedal by the mainstream. Every single one of the automatically conforming crowd would become almost physically upset for even suggesting the official CCP story about a bowl of tainted "bat soup" might be off. Now Faucci admits what really happened can be considered a "possibility" lol, where was this open mindedness when the topic was relevant back in late 2019, early 2020?
  15. Got the 2nd shot yesterday, sore arm and thats it for both of us. Set aside today for rest but I guess it's back to work.
  16. Lines I fuck with: Shiesty: I go get free shit out the store cause I'm fucking the clerk Big 30: I had a Glock before I lost my virginity these niggas envy me Big 30: A customized chopper thought I scratched him with a nerf
  17. @KILZ FILLZI only hold ETH (85%) & BTC (15%) now. Dumped ADA when it was stalling out at $1.20 right after it got listed on Coinbase.
  18. IDK, it's got standard 1017 beats somewhat updated for 2021, even a few good guest producers in the mix. That song "Neighbors" is a banger, the beat and keyboard get's me hyped. Assuming I'm down mostly because I'm a huge Gucci fan and the similarities in style, also somehow like a lot of new shit still these youngsters are coming out with compared to most people in my age group at least.
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