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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. @KILZ FILLZI claimed rewards, and have also ended my stake (using Exodus Wallet) and even that fee was negligible. At the time it was around .19 ADA in fee's so I'd imagine you could claim rewards, and send to exchange monthly for less than a dollar. I'd just do it once and track the fee's to see if they even matter enough to care. Hard to give a hard number because fee's and rewards change. Technically speaking the less you do it, the less it will cost you over the long term.
  2. I think that was a photoshop, just making fun of police marketing themselves. Sort of like N.Y.P.D. printing courtesy, professionalism, and respect on the side of their vehicles but acting more like an occupying army.
  3. Genocide is human nature, our instincts are still the same ones we had as animals. Genocide always has been, and is currently happening as we speak. Definitely not a trait that corrolates more with white people, I mean outside of Israel that shit is a thing of the past for Europeans and their descendants. White guilt is weird, no other people look back at history and feel ashamed of some shit they never took part in. Trying to redefine the word to make it seem like something less isn't going to help. Even the natives themselves partook. Just got done reading about the Moriori Genocide, dark shit. A tribe took a vow of non-violence and proceeded to be wiped out.
  4. Hopefully they're getting primed and painted, wood putty can only go so far. lol
  5. Saw_this_and_feel_like_more_people_need_to_as_well-62cfba021k171.mp4
  6. No_to_anti-constructionism-7e6mdu8wpk171.mp4
  7. Fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm scheduled for round 2 on Saturday. If I die, give al my crypto, and Makita™ power tool collection to anyone but the government.
  8. I find it odd when you can predict a person's opinion on every given subject in 2021 based on their political leanings. If you think the vaccine works, then logically thinking it shouldn't make much difference if someone else get's it, right? Same thing with if you don't think getting vaccinated isn't effective. Why would what someone else decided mean shit to you? I had a feeling talking openly about this would evoke some negative emotions and 12oz didn't disappoint. Let's take a look at, Texas and Florida. The two states that were lambasted in the media for not violating individual rights enough with strict measures, avoiding strong lock down policies, business shutdowns, mask mandates etc. Their policies had zero correlation to rates of infection or death compared to strict lockdown states. Explain that. Somehow the left leaning folks ignored the science on that one. "Something must be off, no confirmation bias, default to other team wrong" Now take getting the Vaccine, you can predict with almost 100% accuracy a person's political leanings based on their take on getting the vaccine. Reliable stats showing it's more dangerous to get COVID, than it is to take the vaccine are ignored, or mistrusted by a large segment of the population. Literally took 5 seconds from the vaccine being released before my timeline was flooded with exaggerations of the less than a fraction of a percent of people that had negative reactions. No surprises here. You may not be an expert on every topic, but one things for sure. You will never go wrong thinking for yourself, and following the non-aggression principal. Let people lock themselves down if they want to, wear masks, take extra precautions if they're at risk, or just irrationally terrified. Likewise, not challenging a businesses' right to refuse business with people who can't follow their rules, governing their own stores isn't a bad look either. If you don't want to, or are too fat and unhealthy to wear a mask when you're in their store, just shop someplace else, hit up Amazon. It's really that fucking simple Karen. Life isn't a one size fits all set of rules to enforce on everyone else, diversity in thought, and opinion is OK, and in many situations a very good thing because nothing is worse than us all being wrong at the same time on something that could have negative consequences. Imagine if everyone, like 100% of people were just carbon copy conformist, with everyone following a single set of rules. I'd fucking hate that world and would probably vow to destroy it, even if I wrote the rules myself. Fuck absolute conformity. My take on this is, if you lean in one direction exclusively on every single issue, you are in-fact easily controlled by others. The chances of either one of these mainstream viewpoints being100% correct on everything are zero for anyone who's ever picked up a history book, Think back to how retarded the mainstream take on topics were as recently as 50 to 100 years ago. Then think is this time any different? Nope, were all still mostly retarded and people in the future will look back at us and laugh. That's not to say you shouldn't follow any rules to live by 100%, it's the enforcement of your values on other's I disagree with. Thinking for yourself, and not being 100% indoctrinated is becoming less, and less acceptable in today's environment. If people that lean an opposite direction as you politically say wipe front to back, guess who's going to be wiping back to front. It's that simple, all you have to do is think do I want to wipe feces into my own pussy or not, but no. Instead giving that some objective thought wasn't worth the effort, or you were scared of offending fellow members of your cult and now your pussy stank. If everyone is leaning one way, or another on a subject directly correlates to their political leanings, that's a clear sign to make an effort to think about that subject for yourself and form your own opinion. This entire pandemic I never once suggested someone else should be doing anything outside of what they thought was best for them. Closest I've come is asking customers to get out of my personal space, just because I've always hated that shit when I'm trying to focus on work, and used "social distancing" as an excuse. What everyone should be focused on isn't what their beloved cult is doing. Because that's what it is, a fucking cult with more in common with religion, than a political agenda/goal. We should all be focused like fucking lasers on our own business. Not just because other people don't want your nose in their's. Mainly because if your mind isn't on your own business, your business isn't being minded. At least not by anyone with your own best interests in mind.
  9. Samsungs and most androids don't store user data like contacts on the sim card. normally there's a micro SD card someplace inside the phone, or the data is stored directly on the phone's internal memory.
  10. Agreed. These days with youtube, I'm pretty much game for almost any project and feel like trial and error fuckups are way cheaper than paying someone else to do it. Just saved 20k alone on a backyard project which is nearing completion this weekend hopefully. Only one massive fuckup, from a retarded dump truck driver but their boss agreed to make it right. Dude ran over my newly installed drain trying to dump stone in my yard, after I told him to dump it in either the driveway. Now I have to dig that shit back up and reinstall a new one, which is fucking up my deadlines with equipment rentals.
  11. Those trim cuts are spank materiel. I'd definitely struggle especially if you're using shims. Have my first compound miter saw now. Haven't done anything tricky (yet) with it, more or less just using it as a chop saw. Once I'm done with my yard project I'll be doing some interior work, much more carpentry required.
  12. Correct, if there's zero demand for a currency to purchase goods, and services, then it's not an actual currency. Zero being the key word in that statement. There is in fact, an international economy in which Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be used to purchase goods and services. This has been since May 22nd 2010 (Bitcoin Pizza Day) a sort of crypto nerd holiday used to celebrate Bitcoins transition into an actual currency. Right now, you can buy goods and services direct, even from large mainstream corporations like Overstock, AT&T, etc. and the list keeps growing. 12ozProphet itself accepted cryptocurrency exclusively for a single collectible good back in 2016/2017. You can also buy, or sell goods and services directly from other individuals on Craig's List under the "for sale" section by checking the "cryptocurrency OK" check box. Fact is, in modern first world countries with "somewhat stable" inflation like the U.S., there are very few use cases for alternate currencies outside of the countries' national currency. Even widely acknowledged currency like gold & silver coins are most often bought and sold as goods, almost exclusively for their countries national currency, as opposed to exchanged for goods and services making them more of a financial asset (in most cases). This "financial asset" status accounts for most of cryptocurrencies transactions, but not all of them. The line between "financial asset", and "currency" becomes a gray area. If Bitcoin isn't a "currency", then how would you define it, and how would you explain it's use to purchase actual goods and service? You can't use stocks, bonds, dividends, and other financial assets to purchase goods directly. Fun fact, cryptocurrency is the #2 currency traded for actual goods and services in most 1st world countries including the United States. It's #3 in most 2nd & 3rd world countries where the U.S. Dollar is still the preferred alternate currency due to it's current advantage in liquidity. Basically, the U.S. dollar is still the "World Reserve Currency" meaning the most widely accepted currency worldwide. Bitcoin is slowly catching up to this status due to it's immutability, and resistance to seizure and sanctions. The first thing to understand about Economics, is there are different contradictory schools of economic thought. Most people into cryptocurrency including myself subscribe to the Austrian School. Although I'm unfamiliar with the lesson you're referencing, doubling the money supply to increase the number of transactions taking place isn't a theory subscribed to by any popular school, and isn't a good example of macro economic understanding. It's more of a justification for inflation in a microeconomic setting, where the currency is "indivisible" meaning it doesn't break down into smaller units, for smaller purchases. Bitcoin for example breaks down to a single "satoshi" basically 100 millionth of a bitcoin, in the current exchange rate that means a 1$ is worth 2,642 Satoshi's. Plenty of divisibility left. Most popular cryptocurrencies are also equally divisible into fractions of pennies. Inflation: A man named Maynard Keynes came up with Keynesianism, which is today's most widely adopted school of thought in the mainstream. It's core theory supports the government inflating the money supply at will. Thus, governments left the gold standard and adopted a currency type called "fiat" which is currency by official decree. In my opinion, those in charge of, and in support of governments power get a crack blast worth of confirmation bias by adopting Keynesianism, which expanded their power to decide who's rich, and who's poor. This explains why the number of USD in circulation have increased by 40% since the start of the pandemic. Most of this went to prop up stock, and other financial asset prices in a "Socialism for the rich" program. I mean, how are you going to continue to hold office if your campaign donors, and people funding those big super pacts are losing money? This is very accurate, borrowing money before inflation kicks in does make paying back debt easier. The only caveat to this is your wages/income numbers have to increase in proportion, or your other investments (like cryptocurrency), and real world assets increase to compensate. One can profit by buying a house on credit for half a million, letting inflation kick in, and selling the house for a million later, paying off the debt, then keeping the other half million for themselves. This is sort of helpful for homeowners looking to move out in the future, but if you want to move into another house, they will also increase in price defeating the purpose. You're not really getting ahead with the mortgage debt.unless rent somehow stays the same when you sold, or you move back into your parents basement and don't need the half a million you "profited" to purchase new housing. Inflation is most helpful for the wealthy holding investments assets that will increase in price in relation to currency. In reality, most people have zero, or very few investments (outside of a house they owe money on, rather than own) compared to their cash savings,. Every time a dollar is counterfeited out of thin air, this fucks anyone who saves up using dollars. Making matters even worse, most Americans work for a set wage/salary, or have a fixed income for retirement that doesn't automatically adjust for inflation. Making inflation (mostly) harmful in the big picture the further down the ladder of wealth that you look. According to the Austrian school (my preferred school of economic thought), the key to increased wealth, and prosperity is economic productivity. If more housing is being produced, if more goods and services are being produced, there's more actual wealth to go around. Money it's self is just a good that facilitates transactions. Money can be increased in supply for as little effort that it takes to print, or make up new electronic deposits from thin air going from the federal reserve into bank deposits. Inflating the money supply doesn't make the goods and services we buy with money any less scarce. It just means Banks can loan money at less interest which is what creates these boom, and bust cycles Austrians refer to as the business cycle. A period of poor investment since buying anything at low interest is a guaranteed win, followed by a bust, where reality catches up to this illusion, and causes an economic recession. One thing to keep in mind is it's much easier, and likely to devalue any minimum wage increase via inflation, than it is to get enough legislative consensus to increase the minimum wage. One would have to both limit inflation, and increase the minimum wage to have the desired effect most seek. Having a minimum wage itself is harmful, even for the unskilled workers relying on it in the big picture, for an entirely different set of reasons unrelated to cryptocurrency, and quite frankly takes way more typing than I'm willing to do after all of this. I have to get back to increasing my own economic prosperity for now.
  13. Yea, wasn’t an easy decision. My own anecdotal experiences with people close to me being permanently disabled, coupled with the fact I’m more complacency theorist, as opposed to conspiracy when compared to the rest of the ancap/lib community is why I leaned towards vaxxing. I just think the vast majority of virologists (somewhere close to the 99th percentile) aren’t engaged in a global plot. Could they all be wrong, yes, that’s totally feasible looking back through history I’d say that might be more likely. Looking at it from a new world order, conspiratorial perspective maybe the elite do want to wipe out a large segment of our population. Clearly we’re somewhat overpopulated according to some philosophies I suppose. That said, I seriously doubt they’d wipe out the most conformist segment of the population, in favor of keeping around the most defiant. It just doesn’t make any sense from either a conspiracy, or even a complacency theory perspective. So once again, I come back to me waiting out the first few rounds in the early phases of the vaxx rollout, seeing the risk is lower to be vaxxed, compared to risking catching the rona, then just getting the vax after I know enough people close to me that we’re fine afterwards. I might not trust the media, but I can trust shared experiences from people that got sick, or got vaxxed. I’m actually looking forward to a couple of concerts, shows etc. and getting back to socializing worry free this summer.
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