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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. This_man_s_blindness_doesn_t_stop_him_from_doing_stunning_woodwork._@theblindwoodsman-nxzikmfmfg571.mp4 Unlike your shop teacher he's still got all 10. It's 2021, and even blind are disrespectfully out-craftsmanship-flexin on my bum ass.
  2. If you HODL through two halvening bear markets you get diamond balls, from double the geologic economic pressures compressing your jewels into something you can etch windows with.
  3. 90's dial up internet, so slow you've finish before any good parts of the JPEG even loaded.
  4. Dad who was also a technician was into tech, had a homemade descrambler that worked to descramble that blurred out shit so had a good collection of PPV events recorded. Had a bookshelf full of movies and recorded shit, no actual porn, or any recorded soft core movies. A couple movies had tits and I knew where each tit scene was to fast fwd on the tape. There's this shit movie Airwolf about a high tech helicopter, it had a scene where they were showing off the Helicopter's surveillance capabilities and there were some naked yoga tits in there someplace. I think Porky's made the list of movies with tits in it, and a couple of other's I forget.
  5. How things were ^^ - VS - How things are going now \/\/
  6. Boogerbeard from the first post is getting propers from champions 6 months into 2021.
  7. I don't think a lot of those represent a coherent group of "far right" outside of an abstract perspective. Each instance of "extremism" laid out isn't a broader component of a coordinated effort, or a unique sets of values shared by all the individuals perpetrating, outside of just they all accept political violence. I've dove deep into many of those, trying to understand the individual objectives which can't be proven really one way or another as they only exist inside one's own head.There's not much similarity on the surface either, let alone a layer or two deep into what we do know about these activists. Only thing meaningful separating them, from the rest of us is their willingness in taking political action into their own hands. Even being willing to harm"innocent people" measured with majority of the very same metrics they judge themselves by is required to accept collateral damage. Forget "do unto others" and roll with, the "ends justify the means" of a political goal, or fundamentalist belief systems that accepts "some" initiation of violence. Collectivists groups splintering, and evolving into what we can agree is a never ending complexity are oversimplified when seen through ens of what's considered left, or right wing. That lens obscures more than it can possibly expose. Are you willing to commit political violence directly, or indirectly is the question we should be looking within ourselves to answer. Many of us take indirect action ourselves. Like pledging support to a system that enforces so called "victimless crimes". Things like being the in the wrong social grouping, or not holding the same individual values, even if the so called "enemy" isn't directly harming other's, is an excuse for their loss of their life, or personal, and proprietary autonomy. The measure of actual harm done by an "enemy", or rather a non-harmful individual before excusing the political action taken upon them is of no consequence. Things as arbitrary as how other's decide to consensually fuck, self medicate, believe just believe in, with their own minds which they should have rights over is effectively eliminated from the equation of judging is violence OK here. We forgive, even ignore morals, and proclaim the grim statistics of political violence is necessary for a greater goal. The supposed "indirect" action of clutching your pearls, pointing your finger, and screaming wrong think which is basically what left/right identity politics is about, is. It has consequences nonetheless, even if we agree upon it's so called "indirect" classification. These actions brings with them by all measures "direct", often violent consequences. Even when we excuse our own losses, like every the personal trauma caused by losing something as important as our own family members. Some of us end up behind bars, buried forever, and intentionally harmed with your consent. Families accept their own dead kids coming back from a foreign war to protect France's imperialistic claim over Vietnam. Death's justified with unsubstantiated accusations of weapons of mass destruction. Prohibition, drug wars, sanctions preventing food and medicine from reaching reaching dying children, all totally a price we unnecessarily pay to live in a so called "civilized society". Some people still embracing a system of beliefs that meant they themselves grew up without a mother, or a father, IMHO a sickness, or form of contagious mental illness. The lens we look through to judge others has to at the very lest, also reflect the same judgement upon ourselves. Does this individual want to end things like unnecessary violence. It's that simple. Accepting the fact there's no such thing as "necessary evil" and those words together are an oxymoron. The violence that exists outside of direct defense of personal safety, or property (AKA crimes with actual victims) consist's of most violence, and should be eliminated from acceptable social action lest we are the actual oxymorons here. TLDR Violence bad, m'kay. There's no good outcomes from grouping people together, saying these are the perpetrators of slightly more unnecessary violence. Anyone could clutch their pearls, and do the same to you. Especially if any part of you accepts non-aggression, or actually believe's in the non-initiation of violence. The context of the conversation itself becomes false, and counterproductive, at least from my perspective. It excuses the initiation of violence, by condemning it. AKA eating your own shit as some sort of brain enhancing alpha nutrient superfood.
  8. I_invented_unnecessary_products_and_today_I_made_the_Cob_Quicky.-apilmsewkh471.mp4
  9. Can't even jerk off to her anymore knowing she was down with that kind of metrovaginal bullshit.
  10. What's fucked up is Tudy turned into a bombshell BTW.
  11. You're correct, but with that said I'm out here watching 80's sitcom reruns, and on my third nut to Mrs. Garret.
  12. Feather earrings + Mullet = authenticity level that will get your asshole eaten.
  13. This_guy_surely_knows_how_to_tell_a_story-7m69vb2x0f471.mp4
  14. Damn, thread flop. Thought this would be a golden opportunity for comedy. Motherfuckers go looking for something they actually jerk off to, and get “distracted”. I know because this is the 14th time today I tried to post, and got distracted myself. Only reason I’m able to post now is I’m out of lotion, and wore out the palms on both my rubber gloves.
  15. My money is on AOC, AOC probably keeps a razor in her mouth just in case a Cop bitch wants to test her, she's also from The Bronx. She'd slice that Cali Cunt's face up before Kamala could kick the high heels off, and take out her earrings.
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