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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Why would the governance throw shade at themselves indirectly, by self indictment of their own actions. Pretty sure the atmosphere will be more of the same, "You know how many millions of lives we saved?". Sociopaths not only have a tendency towards seeking positions of power, they also have a built in disdain for admitting they were wrong, even when presented with an opportunity to make a fall guy. Faucci may be publicly dismissed, but as far as congress getting to the bottom of this, I don't think that's ever going to happen. Look at all the bullshit that lead to deaths of some of our best and brightest young men in the past like "We're just doing this to find WMD", "Gulf of Tonkin" Hoaxes to start massive wars, nobody is punished, ever. People quietly move on to the next power grab and just keep it moving.
  2. There's really nothing in the released emails outside of general expectations most people already had. Their release changes nothing. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The atmosphere from the jump was the indecisiveness (don't rock the boat) during January, and February 2020. Magically in March that changed when Italy was reporting death on a massive scale, it switched to overreaction once the general public was scared shitless by media spinning it into "This may be the end of the world" status (lol) for ratings. The emails I see being quoted, and referenced by conspiratorial leaning alt media neither prove, or disprove any of their bolder conspiracy theories. They only reflect the aforementioned atmosphere of initial indecisiveness, followed by shooting ourselves in the foot style overreaction on a massive scale. Politicians knew from the jump, once the public was scared shitless by a media grab for ratings (fear is the best tool to get people to tune in), politicians had to at least lean towards taking some action, any action. Indecisiveness, or the appearance of not being sure was a death sentence to a political career. It didn't matter if the action being taken was curfews, mask mandates, destroying small businesses, etc. Overreacting framed these politicians (and Dr. Faucci) as men and women of action in the public's eye. "They're actually doing something to stop this". VS. any sign of "let's not overreact", which was immediately seized upon by an elected official's enemies, or appointed higher up as evidence weakness, and incompetence, and this was obvious from the jump. Picture Faucci saying anything that leaned towards common sense, or governance restraint during the panic. It would kill an elected officials opportunity to appear "courageous in the face of danger" lol. He'd be chastised and made an example out of almost immediately to the thunderous applause of the politically, and scientifically retarded masses. "Request permission to overreact", "Permission granted". Later, once hyperinflation destroys the economy, and brings more death/destruction will be the time to scapegoat him, and the political leadership. Not now, while the illusion of economic resilience is still fooling the economically illiterate masses during this delayed crash. Anyone jumping on him now is a little too far ahead of their time politically speaking. His emails in their entirety reflect exactly that atmosphere. Even the snippets used by conspiracy theory media that are being presented entirely out of context to "prove" he was a conspirator don't add up or sway me from this view even slightly. The only thing they do show is someone who, like everyone else that didn't have the benefit of hindsight, carefully maneuvering through uncertainty by making sure every statement they make airs on the side of caution. TLDR: Trampling basic individual rights > Appearance of inaction, uncertainty.
  3. Where all the stems and leftover shake go. Weed_roller-xst3ej9sp2371.mp4
  4. AJSClUS - Imgur (1).mp4 R.I.P. to the drone, at least it went out doing what it loves.
  5. I never really fucked with flu shots. Might get a Covid booster if they have one this fall/winter though.
  6. It's going to be mild. People have developed personal hygiene habits that I think will stick, some people like masking up and will continue to do so. You hear someone sneeze/cough and it doesn't sound like they covered their mouths, heads all swivel in their direction with stink eyes in full effect.
  7. Conformists, thinking conformity is the only measure of intelligence, always the first to dismiss actual free thinkers. Curb Your Perceived Intelligence.mp4
  8. I don't think women actively seek out older men. I think because of very basic reproductive instincts they aren't as attracted to youth, because men stay fertile indefinitely. So a younger man, marrying an older woman proves less chance of making more kids, whereas if the turns are tabled, a younger woman marrying an older man makes little to no difference. Thus, reproductive instincts that form the base of most attractions reflect this preference. Also, the older you are, the more advanced you are in your career. For men, this does nothing if the woman is more, or less successful. Like I can't how many times I wanted to say to women trying to flex their careers, or worse yet what type of car they drive how little that mattered, I'm just here for some pussy. The more you're focused on your career, the less you'll be focused on this dick, or taking care of your man in general. They don't get this because of evolutionary reliance in the past on men to provide them financial stability, thus they find attributes of financial success like ambition, drive, etc attractive. Older men tend to display more of these attributes, naturally making them more attractive on a core, animal instinct level.
  9. Hit me up, Moved here 2 weeks before the lockdowns and don't socialize enough, just take advantage of the terrain on the regular.
  10. Anyone got the cheeto feet shots, or the Dondi children of the damned again whole car we did on drawball?
  11. I am a commie, it’s just my community is limited to my family.
  12. Also like I said, had night sweats last night, and back to hiking & climbing today. Nobody here wears a mask anymore, even in Costco, Home Depot most people aren't, feels good not wearing that shit and seeing smiles. Took this one earlier today.
  13. I was doing so well on my own by masking up that I felt no sense of urgency. I basically thought it would be smarter to wait and see how many people were going to be negatively effected by the vaccines, and which ones were good or not. After a couple of months, I tried to add up the numbers of deaths from known cases of Covid, with the number of permanent disabilities (which was a number even harder to nail down, but higher than the number of deaths). Then compare those numbers with the numbers of people who died, or had negative reactions to the vaccine. The numbers weren't even comparable, vaccine is 1000% plus safer route. Plus I like doing things hitting local bars, restaurants, hitting skateparks, MMA/BJJ training where masking up isn't really an option. Even though I'm not the most social person by far, It's been tough for us to change cities 2 weeks before everyone realized we were fucked, and not be social at all. Tough to get things poppin in several spheres without actually connecting with other people.
  14. On a serious note, now that I'm vaxxed I'm finally making a dentist appointment after about a year and a half of no dental cleanings/xrays. Got a cracked molar causing problems. Held off for too long, same thing with getting a checkup, blood work/physical at the doctors.
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