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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Vail, CO Porcini Mushroom Risotto by Mrs. Mercer
  2. All your math basically adds up to the same thing I'm saying, working class citizens would have to pay roughly double the taxes, and the majority of us would receive less care in the process. In short, the government can't magically increase the overall scarcity of a resource, it can only decides who's accessing it, and how much. I mean think about it. You can't increase the output capacity of the same health care services for "free". If you want to render these services for the people currently under, or uninsured that service rendering capacity has to come form somewhere else right? If you haven't noticed, there aren't a whole lot of unemployed Surgeons, Anesthesiologists, RN's, or medical technicians out there. You can't simply hire more, the costs for these services have to increase exponentially in comparison to output, as opposed to linearly. You can't simply hire 20% more qualified individuals at the same rate offered now. Compensation for these practitioners has to increase to encourage individuals to invest in the education, and other regulatory requirements needed to qualify for this type of work. If you want the 20% or so of uninsured people to consume the same amount of healthcare services the majority of the insured are currently consuming, you've basically got two choices. Either reduce the services currently rendered to the vast majority of the working class, that are currently insured adequately, or you have to increase healthcare funding exponentially. It's usually a combination of both. The level of care given to most people drops, things like wait times increase, while the vast majority of of the burden to is placed on the working class who ultimately pay much more, for far less. The wealthy, well they'll take care of themselves, the workers though, they'll have no choice on how much care they decide to pay for, or can receive. Making things worse is the fact that poor people (and most rich people for that matter) don't pay their "fair share" in this country. Who do you think will be picking the vast majority of the tab up for this on their pay days? What it boils down to is the obvious, it makes more sense to make yourself responsible for your own family, than funding anyone elses health care expenses. Once you throw in the Average Americans individual tax penalty for allowing a military industrial complex to bloat into the global police force, the additional burden of socialized medicine will undoubtably make the majority of working people into slaves. The threat of violence, kidnapping for daring to decide how to consume the majority of your own labor, and earnings as individuals looming over our heads. Peaceful people don't deserve this level of coercion. Quite frankly I'd rather be in line for welfare, than working all day only to get robbed more than half of my own earnings.
  3. Wonder if the extreme hammock thread pics are archived
  4. Apples and Oranges. They obviously don't have the unproductive weight of global empire maintenance, and policies that aren't pushing young adults towards military service, and prison. Saying the standards of living for Swede's is high because of heavy taxation, is like saying the rich family down the street has a bigger house because the dad sniffs coke on weekends. Like yes, it's a fact he sniffs coke, and yes it's a fact his family lives in a better house, but there's no causation. They have money because the dad also owns a profitable business. There's no way it makes sense for any working person to essentially double their taxes from roughly 30% to 60%, in exchange for "free" health insurance. The numbers don't add up. Good health insurance for a married couple with no kids is about $750 a month here with zero help from the Government. I know this figure because I research the costs, vs the level of care and pay for my fam's out of pocket. Anyway at $750 a month, if only one person in the family works, and is earning more than $2500 a month (full time at $15.63 an hour) they'd be loosing money in this deal to give up 30% more income. So basically anyone earning over minimum wage, where only one spouse works would be fucked, costing those who earn the more progressively higher losses all the way up. I'd much rather keep that extra 30% and just pay for my own insurance, and I'm responsible enough to not need a nanny state to force me into it. Even if I would rather keep the $750 a month that's on me, maybe that money would be better spent going towards a downpayment fund for a house if I'm young, and relatively healthy. Either way the point was that government socialized medicine program is a rip off for the working class. Much like social security, if that money forcibly seized from you could have been put towards any average performing retirement fund you'd be getting back way more at retirement than those social security poverty payments. For a little bit of self reliance, and responsibility you can get way more, for much less.
  5. Bitch how about you type command F while caps lock still on.
  6. Guess it depends on how much spring is left in your spring roll. For some, it's better with more dips in the peanut sauce.
  7. Always thought dude should be scheming on how to get into that skinny thicc booty on her. Instead, dudes on some 1st grade science experiment shit. Fail.
  8. Honest_Abe_-_Nothing_but_high_pitched_dolphin_noises_from_me_for_about_5_minutes_straight-1412491491591794691.mp4
  9. Personally, I'm satisfied with the majority of my earnings going towards helping other people rather than just spending it on myself. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just the other people I'm talking about helping are my family.
  10. You "don't pay for" any health insurance, but if you make $25 an hour, you get to keep $10.70 an hour, sounds super legit.
  11. Luke_Rudkowski_-_It_s_good_to_see_New_York_City_gets_it_charm_back-1411814721230192641.mp4
  12. I'd imagine if there were a database with that type of valuable information, access to it would be very limited. Something like that wouldn't last long unless it's just one admin in a large firm wise enough to know who's who, and one very rich person working together and that's it. I mean think of these people actually running the SEC and their families, and you're a broker handling the oddly "above average performing" accounts held by these type of VIP's relatives. Not exactly information you'd jeopardize having access to.
  13. xnE4OdecMLyJdmCGWeFUYZ3ASgfn9mj6jbafeiDbEh0.mp4
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