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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. ETH just had what they're calling a "Triple Halvening" after the recent London hardfork meaning the same price rising pressure caused by bitcoin's halvening cycles has been tripled. At it's current price we're destroying $10,000 worth of ETH per minute. If you see ETH going up extra harbody over the next year don't be surprised.
  2. Based capitalist. I def got that black flag on mine, but I'd never intentionally rip off, or go back on my promise of payment for someone I've agreed to a rental contract with.
  3. I should have worded it "the only format everyone can see properly on every device on every device, every time are MP4". I think it's because MP4 uses non-proprietary encoding, so it doesn't matter if the device/browser you're using has a proprietary license. Either way, the only ones I see working of his every time are MP4, occasionally I'll see a download link that works for .mov files but recently these download links haven't been working. I'm assuming you meant working on computer, not on laptop means that on your desktop it works. Out of curiosity which browser/os are you using on the device that it works?
  4. This is exactly what I did, multiple times, really pays off. ADA has been my shitcoin of choice lately. Sold all mine at $1.20 for BTC/ETH but the hype train surrounding it still burning up the tracks.
  5. Believe it or not, I got banned from r/libertarian meme for that lightfoot meme bottom of last page. Guess making fun of politicians on an anti big-gov meme sub is offensive to somebody pretending they're not a liberal.
  6. @NightmareOnElmStreetThat's what I dug about it. Pretty dry out west so my shits never going to get even 1/4 as green as that. Someone really took care of those plants for years. Just like seeing stuff like that photo, holding it down for the fam. Probably normal shit off of 12oz, but on here knowing where most of us came from, and the all the usual bad news about people who used to write, it's good actually seeing some of us actually making it. /prohomo™wnership oner
  7. Stoked on this @NightmareOnElmStreet That place looks fucking nice man.
  8. It doesn't matter what device you have, .mov files won't embed because 12oz doesn't convert, or reformat the videos into MP4. Best way to do that is drop the video in here first (like in the photobucket days) and it converts it to MP4.
  9. I searched extensive medical records online, violating HIPPA to support that fruit/vagina theory. After crunching the data, I just ended up with a powdered sugar theory. Sounds scientific, making me a credible source, plus I get to pretend I know how vaginas work, even though I was C section and only seen them in photos, and audio recordings of them.
  10. Who's putting powdered milk on their menu for a taste of these legendary tiddies?
  11. The dry dust in old pussy might be confectioners sugar, would explains why it's so much sweeter. IDK I'm not an OBGYN
  12. Chimney sweeps are maad cheap, just have 2 more come by for a sweep and quote/advice for correction. You could also youtube search this shit, chimney sweeps are entertaining youtubers. Also pretty cool watching them demo a liner with a rod in a drill that has silver truck nuts on the end.
  13. Admittedly, just a guess here, but I think brick and mortar alone aren't enough to contain smoke, co2 and the occasional creosote fire. Not a big deal above the roofline I guess, problem is you can't clean it properly and it will build up creosote there and become a huge fire hazzard when in use. Also, if it's true there's sections of liner still in tact above a missing section of liner, the liner above might be prone to collapsing, and damaging the bottom sections, requiring a full reline. Wouldn't use, and would cover my ass by disclosing this if sold. Other shit isn't a big deal to tuck away quietly and not disclose, but safety shit like that will get you jammed up. You know that chimney sweep that didn't get the up-sale commish will snitch. Again, just a guess. I don't know shit about masonry, or chimney service & install.
  14. As long as this shit doesn't ruin the few women's sports I actually care about I'm not mad. I think the collective cognitive dissonance on one side, and the butthurt on the other is hilarious. I'd probably feel different if I had a daughter, but I don't. so fucking LOL!!!! How the fuck did they/them not win? Nigga cut her balls on a free maxi pad in the women's locker room, finally menstruated, and couldn't focus on stage.
  15. Her eyes remind me of a prey animal, out to the sides more to see predators coming from almost any direction. Def not saying she's related to the Norht American mule deer, but I bet she's never been surprised by a mountain lion while hiking is all I'm saying.
  16. Sounds like a go, had like 2 those during my hunt last summer and they fell through. Twice as hard when your wife is emotionally attached to the house you're under contract for, and is already picking stuff out for it, but you have to pass because the roof has hail damage, and the current owner is too much of a cunt to file an insurance claim properly to get it replaced for free, and doesn't want to lower the price after the inspection. A little too specific lol. 1st world problems I guess, should be happy to have to even worry about them all things considered. Very much worth it in the end. /prohomo™wnership Anything your inspector finds like foundation/roof/sewer problems etc. would need to be disclosed to the next buyer legally. Major psychological hurdle for the seller when negotiating if you're cold blooded enough to destroy the wife's dreams, and force her to rebuild trying to save a 10 to 20k.
  17. Also, from reading the thread, don't fuck yourself up jumping in. Classic 1st time home buyer move making the lease deadline no matter what. If you've got to find a month to month for a minute, way better than settling for a house you're not stoked about, and letting something better get away from you. If this inspection raises any concerns, especially with the foundation, dealing with those concerns later is much worse than continuing to rent a month or two more. Trust me on this one. Also, a lot of people think this is a bad time to buy thinking back to 2008, but this definitely isn't 2008. Jacked up prices aren't currently, or going to stay focused in real estate. These price increases were intended to pump financial assets, but because of a supply drop (drop in goods and services being produced), and a demand increase (Fed printing/distributing 40% of all usd in existence since the pandemic's start) inflation is going to spiral. Making the fixed number you owe on that mortgage easier, and easier to pay off once inflation starts hitting wages. Real estate isn't going to get any more affordable in the near future, everything else will just go up in price instead. TLDR This is still a good time to get in IMO.
  18. We paid extra, found a small crack. Extra cost of sewer scope $129.00, bargaining chip for negotiations, priceless. Plus I also have a video now, showing of the entire length of my sewer line. Saves me the trouble of shoving a camera up my ass after a fresh crack hair removal waxx job. I just watch that video and it's close enough for me to satisfy my curiosity, count peanuts/corn etc. Best $129.00 I've spent
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