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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Not sure if these fit in here, but I don't ever see these ever making a comeback. Might end up becoming a cool mod for a modern whip. g1HubZl - Imgur.mp4
  2. Mercer


    I have serious doubts based on the username. Also, if you can post on 12oz you can probably just get an Uber (without making a stranger responsible).
  3. Damn I miss you @SukiSukiNow. Post moar. Haven't seen it yet but my wife just started watching it, said it was good.
  4. Backstory to the Bi stuff is Superman is flying above Metropolis one day, when he saw Wonder-woman sunbathing on top of a roof, spread eagle none the less like she was about to fuck or something. He thinks to himself, “with my super speed, I could fly down, and smash before she knows what happened and fly away”. So he does it, a quick “Brrrrrrt” and done. Took less than a second and he was miles away before Wonder Woman sat up and said WTF was that. Then The Invisible Man said IDK but my asshole is sore AF now.
  5. Fancy firewood rack with solar lights, also filled it up with it's first cord of wood.
  6. Agree they're fucked, financially at least. CCP invested way too much in real estate and it's crumbling. Ghost cities being demolished, failed real estate companies like Evergrand (there are more) are just being absorbed by the state recently, dampening the ripples of fear their failure is causing in global stock markets. I was more worried that they wouldn't be bailed out, and allowed to tank. That would be a huge show of strength for China. Letting failed businesses fail shows confidence, unlike here where we take money from tax payers and hand it over to bail out corporate oligarchs, so they can fuck us again with zero regrets. Looks like the CCP is doing the same thing we did in 2008 with extra steps. So no immunity from a global crash, we're all going down and China comes with us. That said, I see Chinese AI as a huge threat, mostly because globalists here are already in bed with the CCP (and have been quietly since Kissinger/Nixon). Any AI success they have with monitoring, and controlling their citizens will almost certainly be rebranded, and adopted here. Pretty clear the CCP already monitors, and targets American citizens already. Say something, or do something the CCP notices and doesn't like and a major domestic based corporation trying to do business in China just might retaliate on their behalf. You might get deplatformed, you might get fired, or blackballed in your industry. It's a fairly safe bet even the little guys here are all under surveillance from West Taiwan which is why social media is much more dangerous than the public understands..
  7. Alternate back and forth which ball hit's the chin dimple. It's cheating if you use the ponytail to move her head.
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