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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. The Golddigger song was funny, but mediocre. Other than that, what else?
  2. LOL I been saying he was corny since day one, and he been a nut and only getting nuttier ever since! "Genius" my fucking dick! He was never even a good rapper to begin with. He always been trash. 🤣
  3. You can shoot someone for breaking into your car down here. A guy shot and killed a kid for tagging on the wall of his business down the street from me and the cops just chalked it up to he was defending his property.
  4. A buddy of mine was at his parent's house in a sketchy neighborhood. Apparently the tweaker neighbor was getting into it with his sister, might've been putting hands on her don't really remember, and the dad went out there and laid dude out. So dude goes and snorts some shit or whatever and comes back and kicks in the door and is fucking the dad up in his living room, my homie grabs a baseball bat and fucks the tweaker up. Someone called the cops during all this, cops show up and lock my boy up for assault with a deadly weapon for using a bat. Straight up told him that had he shot the guy, he'd be good. But since he used something other than a gun, he was fucked. And so he sat in jail for like a year till the case got thrown out when the tweaker didn't show up for court. And that's the only reason it got dropped. Nobody had a clue he was even booked because nobody was in contact with his family, and they couldn't afford to bail him out, so he just sat in there that whole time. True story.
  5. I mean these were like high school or college age kids rocking country music. Wouldn't doubt they had oversized pickup trucks with trump flags in the parking lot.
  6. I've heard others say Idaho is the spot. What's so great about Idaho? Or are you just mentioning them for being baron and desolate on some hermit shit like Wyoming and Montana?
  7. Kinda looks like the last thing the first dude who got cracked then ghosted said was "nigger".
  8. Nope, missed me by a mile. I'm actually not that into tattooed chicks anymore. Shit's played out. It's so oversaturated these days that it's actually sexy as fuck when a chick has totally bare skin. .
  9. Yeah, that's this fool Burn and his homies. Burn's arond my age and still getting it. OG from the 90's. One of the few cats who actually sticks around in this city. Most writers come and go down here, kill shit for like a year then either dissapear or hide out on the freights or legal walls. Burn's a straight up bomber. Usually if you see a TWSK, it's him.
  10. He was one of the greats. One of the best dudes too.
  11. Also shout out to Del for that tag in the background. He's still doing his thing. See him up in the streets here and there, but I think he's mostly a freight guy these days. Writes it like "Dhel" lately, but same dude. If yall ever see him on the freights, that's his tag on the boarded up window behind them. .
  12. Liveola = Live CIK, a legit writer from one of the most legit graff crews in San Antonio. I never met him, but he's boys with my friends Diget and Mega. The story I heard about him is that he ate a murder wrap because he refused to snitch. He was already locked up when I moved here in 06,, but I heard he recently got out. Probably on parole or some shit, haven't seen him pop up on the walls. .
  13. That's my good homie, for real. Woke up today to news that he's gone. Total coincidence that I posted those flicks last night.
  14. Some tourist shots on my phone from when I passed through one day this past summer.
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