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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Dude even tried to claim it was perfectly normal for him to sleep in the same bed as these little kids like there was nothing wrong with it. He wasn't just a blatand pedophile, he was a delusional one who was so spoiled he literally thought he could gaslight people into buying his 'I'm just essentric" bullshit. Imagine anybody at all trying to make that excuse today. Naaaaahhhhhhh..... I been saying for years now that he's lucky he died just in time to miss out on all the "me too" shit, because all his fans would've immediately burned his records and completely written him off and "canceled" him while he rotted in prison with Cosby and R Kelly and them. 💯 But instead, here yous are bending over backwards and grasping at straws trying to defend the dude. SMFH. 🤦‍♂️ .
  2. It wasn't a fucking "media lie", dude. He had multiple accusers over multiple years, and literally the only reason he was able to beat those cases was because he was rich as fuck and because it was long before the pedo-mania. There would be zero reason for the media to go after him like that, especially in the early 90's when he was a fucking golden goose for headlines. If that shit were today R Kelly would be pissing on him in the prison showers. C'mon. dude. SMFH.
  3. It's weird cause back in the day we always knew which drugs to stay the fuck away from. These new kids who do fuck with drugs are jumping straight into the hard shit and ODing on that fent. It's weird, the fact that they're so oversheltered and naive probably has something to do with their lack of knowledge about which shit to stay the fuck away from. Probably dying virgins too, SMFH.
  4. I remember my dad busted in on me railing this chick one time, I'm yelling at him "Yo GTFO!" with this chick's legs in the air, he's like "oh shit, my bad!" and closes the door. Then a couple seconds later opens it again and gives me the thumb's up with a big ole grin on his face and closes the door again. He told me years later that that was his proudest moment, because he knew he didn't have to worry about me being gay. 😆 Yeah, these younger kids are being raised being told that they're "children" all through their teens and seem like they're scared of the pussy. Shit's weird. I was proud as fuck when 2Sik got his cherry popped. 😆
  5. LMFAO! He tarnished his own shit. I'm sure he did do some actual good, most people aren't black and white all good or all evil, but it's always been known at least since the early 90's that MJ was a gay pedophile. The dude was a total fucking nutball. I mean he even had surgery to make himself look like a white woman for fuck's sake. It's truley amazing to me how people are so consumed by the mass hysteria of pedo mania that they're quick to throw anybody under the bus over one accusation or comment about a teenage girl, but here yall are bending over backwards to live in denial about MJ who was a blatantly obvious ACTUAL pedophile. I mean it's to the point where celebrities can't have 20 year old GF's without being labeled pedo creeps, my teenage sons can't even have girls that are two or more years younger than them without being labeled pedophiles and everyone at school wanting to beat their ass, this pedo mania is literally the modern day version of the Salem witch hunts. Yet here yous are bending over backwards trying to deny the obvious common knowledge about MJ. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
  6. Here in the states, also late 90's or early 2000's, I was in between jobs and answered a misleading ad in the paper that got me a job riding in that van. Worst job ever. The speakers were legit, we had the paperwork to prove it for when we got pulled over by cops (which we definitely did), but our boss literally told us to stick to his sale's pitch of pretending that "we just made a delivery and there was more speakers on the van than what we were delivering, and therefore would you like to buy these speakers that we're stealing from our company?" Obviously we got the cops called on us multiple times in the week that I was there, and ironically the only sale I made that whole week was when my crackhead partner stopped at a gas station to take a shit and I just broke script and leveled with the dude working there and told him they were legit, showed him the paperwork, and let him hook them up to see that they not only worked but were good ass speakers. My crackhead partner came back during this transaction and was like "don't tell dude you broke script". Boss man gave me a little extra after "congratulating our new salesman" being as it was Friday, and I never showed back up on Monday. That was literally the worst job I ever had. Salesmen are fucking scum. 😆
  7. No, Papi is just slang ricans call people out of respect. It's like saying "sir" or "Bossman" or "olehead".
  8. We been going back to Philly on vacation for a couple weeks every summer for like 7 years, and every single time I take my kids on the "drug zombie" tour down Kensington ave for this exact reason. And I tell them this is where you're gonna end up fucking with them drugs. I actually took my oldest on foot straight into needle park to see that shit up close and personal one night last summer. I was looking for my oldhead/his uncle Mark who's out there, but I also made it a point to bring him along and see that shit straight up. See them shooting up into their rotting limbs, smell the stench, hear the fucked up junkie's voices right there in front of him instead of out the window of a moving car. So far he don't even smoke weed and somehow made the national honor's society in school.
  9. Don't do that @DETO, unless she gets bit by that bug on her own. I tried to disuade my kids from this path and encourage them to focus more on soccer and skateboarding and shit, but my genes were too strong and took over on their own. 😆 .
  10. Cam's a real one. 😆
  11. MJ was literally going to court for that shit in the early 90's. He beat that case after paying off the parents, then other accusations popped up years later. He was even doing interviews where he openly admitted to inviting these kids over to sleep in his bed with him and tried to spin it as normal shit. And this was long before the whole pedo panic hysteria that's going on today, nobody was even thinking like that back then to be falsly accusing people of being pedophiles. It was so weird that people didn't even wanna believe it. But it was blatantly obvious to anyone who wasn't a fucking retard that he was into little boys. .
  12. 100% MJ was a chomo. A real pedophile, not some grown man who was into teenagers. A lot of these other people being accused these days is questionable at best. Just like the satanic panic of the 80's where the conspiracy nuts saw devil worshippers everywhere, the modern day mass hysteria is the pedo panic and people are seeing pedophiles everywhere. But it's 1000% MJ's weird ass was into little boys. Leave it to the conspiracy junkies to flip the script and say MJ was being framed. Conspiracy kooks are fucking retards. These are the same weirdos calling Anthony Keidis (or howeverever his name is spelled) a pedo for banging a 19 year old grown ass woman.
  13. That's not a gremlin, that's the spirit of Jedi master Yoda! 😆
  14. Was that you who was asking about Guccicondom? I think he just followed me on Insta.
  15. My youngest got indoctinated into the order of the "S" by my homie Ideo (RIP)'s sister when we were visiting his family in Philly a couple years back. He writes "Noshit" and uses that for his "S". Ain't nobody ready for flicks of that so don't even ask. 😆 .
  16. There actually is no River in San Antonio, what they call the SA river is really a creek. 😆 Only tourists hang out there, and Bill Miller's is trash. .
  17. Current does not = from. Is it a writer? Who's this weirdo who says ketchup is frowned upon? 😆 .
  18. I think it actually looks better that way.
  19. Fishtown is one tiny gentrified section of Philly. That entire region of the US calls them hoagies, because that's what they are. Why yall call them grinders, you like shoving them up eachother's asses or what? 😆
  20. There's literally nowhere that has better tacos than San Antonio. The BBQ is good as fuck too. .
  21. I fucking hate onions with a passion. Just one little stray ruins the entire meal. And it always ends up being in the last bite for some reason, leaving you with nothing but that foul ass disgusting aftertaste in your mouth for the rest of the night. Just say "no onions". If you're at Pat's or Geno's they'll translate it to "witout" when they shout the order to the cook. But my best advise is don't even go there, there's so may better spots for cheesesteaks in Philly. .
  22. "Ight" or "aight" is just slang for "alright". You'd hate the way we say water. 😆
  23. Like I said, it's Pat's and Geno's lingo. Nobody says that shit anywhere else.
  24. Whoever said that shit is frowned upon ain't from Philly. He ain't even from the region.
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