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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Go to Aramingo's Best for pizza or cheesesteaks. I can't really help you with all that other yuppie shit.
  2. If it's not autism it's anxiety disorder, ADHD, borderline personality disorder, Neurodivergent, etc. etc. These quack shrinks teamed up with big pharma are making a killing off these kids convincing them all that they're nuts. Meanwhile the ones with actual mental delusions about gender are being told that they're actually normal for the same exact reason. So that the shrinks and big pharma can make a killing off the surgery and hormone therapy etc. .
  3. Some of their shit is split into two interviews in one video. You gotta skip past that rapper or whoever to 38:25 for this one.
  4. Graff Champs got a lot of really goos ones. Definitely recomend going through and watching all of them.
  5. It's been so long that I don't even remember anything about her other than positive connotations when seeing the name. It's way too many of us dropping like flies way too early. This shit ain't normal. Take care of yourselves, people.
  6. The funniest part about all this is that Seeking posted something about him long before all the Harlem Shake discussion, and I recognized him and was like "is that Jamu? I smashed a 40 bottle over that dude's head once for ragging my shit". Seeking being Seeking chimes right back calling bullshit on my story, said all the writers there would've jumped in and fucked me up (mind you Jamu was an outatowner going to art school, he was literally nobody in the Philly graff world). I told him the only writers who jumped in did so to have my back when his backpacker boys tried to jump in. Seeking called me a liar. Then years later somebody posts a thread or something about this dude talking about the origins of his "harlem shake" line being about him being all wobbly after me busting a 40 bottle over his head. I remember tagging Seeking in that shit and clowning the shit out of him like "I fucking told you so, DICKHEAD!!!" 😆
  7. Probably legit. I always gotta pull over and get hopout tags and shit whenever driving cross country. Last time I went a different route than normal and drove through both those states. Definitely would've busted a U and circled back to take out an imposter if I saw one.
  8. I think he already had that shit out before dude got in the truck. I'm wondering what the real story is, because it doesn't look like a regular car jacking. Dude in the vest was already ready for action before that guy even got in the truck.
  9. I don't even remember his rap name, I just remember that he wrote Jamu. And when I got the drop on Jamu, he was wearing a fucking mumu. 🤣 .
  10. That's a Camron song that he spit a few wack ass bars over. And yeah, the guy Jamu who I bottled and beat up out front of his show for dicking my tags said somewhere that he came up with that song from his experience being dazed and wobbly and shit from me smashing a 40 over his head. But then he tried to spin the outcome of that fight a totally different way. Basically, I fucked him up and bounced. His boys even tried to jump in and other writers, some of whom I didn't even get along with at the time, jumped in to have my back. Other bottles were smashed over other dudes heads by people who didn't even like me for trying to jump in. 😆
  11. I know they pick up the case and still press charges for domestic violence even when the so called victim recants and admits she was lying. And these shorties down here be quick as fuck to call the cops and falsly accuse their dudes of that over arguments, even when it's actually the shorty who was throwing hands.
  12. That's exactly what it is. I actually hate that I have to carry the strap everywhere I go because it's perfectly legal for everyone else to have a strap at all times and therefore everyone does and so every time there's road rage or somebody thinks somebody looked at them weird niggas be pulling out and shooting. I don't even want to be with the strap at all times, but I have to because everyone else is.
  13. This one of his only other mediocre jawns that ain't terrible, but ain't exactly great either.. The nigga wack and always been wack. One or two mediocre songs here and there does not make a genius. Far from it. .
  14. So was Brittany Spears and NSYNC. MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice were massive in the early 90's. Autotune mumblerap is "massive" today. How is that even a point?
  15. The Golddigger song was funny, but mediocre. Other than that, what else?
  16. LOL I been saying he was corny since day one, and he been a nut and only getting nuttier ever since! "Genius" my fucking dick! He was never even a good rapper to begin with. He always been trash. 🤣
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