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Everything posted by DRUNKEN-ASSHOLE-ONER

  1. Gotta cut down on that red meat, homie. 😆 Or you didn't know that was a thing? That's always been a thing.
  2. Unless she's down for a quick throat fuck? 😝
  3. First thing that popped into my head besides her being cute was all the fun things I could do with her. Then the second thing that popped into my head was "how the fuck does she wipe her ass???" I'm gonna have to reluctantly pass. 😆
  4. Like I said, flicking food ain’t really my thing. But here’s a chicken cheesesteak from a little corner pizza shop called Aramingo’s Best that I sent to my wife to make her jealous when I was in Philly last month for my homie’s funeral.
  5. Guess I forgot that was a thing now. Was actually kinda wondering if that was him with a different name. I can't believe how many people actually signed up to this shit with real emails that they still use to this day 20 years later. 😆
  6. You from Memphis? Where's Tre-Six?
  7. That did not go the way I expected it to. 😆
  8. Robot? I thought it said machine?
  9. LOL it would just be graff pics and clips of the kids skating. The fuck else am I gonna flick, food? Nah, that ain't me. 😆
  10. We go back for a week or two every summer. He definitely likes Philly better than here.
  11. That's actually my old hat that he found in a closet or some shit and made his own. He has mad hats but only rocks that one for some reason. .
  12. When skaters first started cutting off the bottoms of their pants, some dudes fucked up and cut them too short. And it ended up in classic skate videos. So now the younger kids see these videos and assume that was intentional and that that's the look, and so they're deliberately doing it wrong. The wildest part of it all to me is seeing them skate in 1992/93 era pants with like 60mm wheels. That's just wrong. 😆
  13. How much you wanna bet this retard is in his 30's?
  14. I can't figure out WTF was the point of those spikes sticking out the side of a machine in the first place? And how did they detatch them from the macine? It looks like there's thread, did they twist each one inside of his wounds to unscrew them from the machine? That article left me with even more questions than answers. 😆
  15. Not in Philly. That'd be weird as fuck to eat a hoagie without mayo.
  16. If that were the case, dudes would still be squeezing into their little sister's skinny jeans like a bunch of homos at a gay pride parade.
  17. Nothing silly about man sized pants. It's that skinny jeans era that was silly as fuck. 😆
  18. LMAO the little girl throwing the balloon at him at the end! 🤣
  19. This reminds me of when skate videos all used to have a slam section. Plan-B Questionable’s was brutal.
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