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Everything posted by Dark_Knight

  1. Revolution number 9. number 9.....number 9...
  2. HOT SAUCE IN MY BAG UHHHH Dwest freestyle
  3. Bill Clinton>Jesus Christ
  4. Now this is fucking gross. I'll pass on using my hand to get the shit off my ass. No thanks
  5. *Robbing douche bags for paint
  6. You jealous i have solid strokes that leave my butt cheeks as clean as a whistle?(nh) If you are an experienced ass wiper, than you should be able to handle the grease in one swipe.
  7. When i wipe my ass, i start at the end of my gooch to the top of my ass crack. The second wipe (if needed) is done in the opposite motion to ensure there in no build up of doodoo butter in the crack.
  8. fixed gears are the shit. They are perfect to catch speed and go long distances. Don't hate them because you hate some people that ride them. DON'T LET THE HIPSTERS WIN!
  9. This is the chick i can get to join. Approved or no?
  10. i can get one or two by tomorrow. Gotta go to bed now. Work in 4 hours.
  11. You know whats the funniest part of this? That was the best sexual experience you have ever had.:lol:
  12. half the kids on that site know more about teh internetz than anyone who in the govt./fbi. There's no way they will stop them
  13. mmMmmmmDMsmm.....cnat sotp teh 4orcahn....mmmmmmmmmm
  14. Nigga you gay. Edit: Alcohol may have been a key factor for the situation. That and you gay
  15. tron kind of sucked, but that looks amazing!
  16. Yeah nigga, yeah nigga...i got gold teeth nigga...
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