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work yr soul

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Everything posted by work yr soul

  1. i like that 'women with no perfume' smell as well though. theres a lot to be said for that. pheromones and whatnot.
  2. i have some old stuff from the 1930s knocking around that smells pretty funky. to illustrate this here are some terrible photos that i just took... Buffalo nickels. wonk saggin! they had haters in 1932 too... hard to describe how this old mandolin smells. think worn leather suitcases with rusty buckles in some forgotten corner of your grandparents old house, and you're halfway there.
  3. trainyards / trains / track grease rain on hot concrete burning leaves in the fall cold, dewy summer mornings basketballs the sea pine trees my dumb inbred cat the sweet, swampy smell of Somerset in England, driving south on the M5, after passing between the gap in the Mendip hills and starting the descent to near sea level. napalm in the morning
  4. just heard this on gilles peterson's show (along with a new Skream jungle track?!? :scrambled: ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j8xIoFYT7k sick intro
  5. those are the free previews from the OTR website. EPIC FAIL. :lol:
  6. i was 16 years old and (i guess) sitting through The Phantom Menace waiting for Jar Jar Binks to shut the fuck up, like everyone else.
  7. Re: So there's this dog, with a bag on it's head.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnamP4-M9ko
  9. if you want to take minimal gear, google 'thru hiking' and 'ultra light backpacking'. *bearing in mind that those folks often plan to stock up on food in small towns and whatnot during a hike.* just found this: http://www.naturalhub.com/gather_hunt_food.htm and a british site that might be of no use to you, but fuck it: http://www.wildmanwildfood.com/
  10. deviantart :lol: http://beinart.org/index.php http://www.colourlovers.com/ http://www.theartofskinner.com/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/zorp/pool/
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