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work yr soul

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Everything posted by work yr soul

  1. out to Nuts! oi oi Bristol England massive, please bring yr thread back from the dead! photo by http://www.fotolog.com/mister_t (a genuine souljah)
  2. goblin horfe x2 all stolen
  3. http://writershops.com/in/FRA;Paris
  4. Moze 156 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqKOCQFOrB4
  5. Paul Reid Minotaur II, 2005 Oil on canvas 38 x 28 inches Endymion, 2000 Oil on Canvas 42 x 54 inches - Endymion was the son of Zeus. Selina, the goddess of Titan, thought he was so beautiful that she asked Zeus to put him to sleep forever so he would never leave her. He did. She visited him every night and they had 50 children together. (I think you can see what the painting is getting at) Hermes and Argus, 2002 Oil on canvas 30.25 x 50.25 inches Theseus and the Minotaur, 2006 Oil on canvas 48 x 54 inches Pentheus, 2002 Oil on canvas 42 x 48 inches - In Greek mythology, Pentheus was a king of Thebes, son of the strongest of the Spartes, Echion, and Agave, daughter of Cadmus, the founder of Thebes, and the goddess Harmonia. Cadmus abdicated in favour of Pentheus because of old age. Pentheus banned the worship of Dionysus, the son of his aunt Semele, and did not allow the women of Cadmeia to join in his rites. Dionysus caused Pentheus' mother and his aunts, Ino and Agave, to rush to Mount Cithaeron in a bacchic frenzy. Because of this, Pentheus imprisoned them, but their chains fell off and the jail doors opened for them. Dionysus then lured Pentheus out to spy on the bacchic rites. The daughters of Cadmus saw him in a tree and thought him to be a wild animal. Pentheus was pulled down and torn limb from limb by them (sparagmos), causing them to be exiled from Thebes. The name 'Pentheus', as Dionysus points out, means "'Man of Sorrows'; even his name destines him for tragedy. (Wikipedia) http://www.108fineart.com/artists/paul_reid/paul_reid.htm
  6. honet http://hnteuropa.free.fr
  7. jeremy fish uh, http://www.sillypinkbunnies.com if you didn't catch it
  8. john james audubon http://www.rare-prints.com/
  9. boogie http://www.artcoup.com/movie.html
  10. patches by william schaff http://flickr.com/photos/samsa1973
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