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Everything posted by LosingMyMind

  1. I would be highly skeptical of anything this man has to say on scientific practices. He is the founder of the Institute for Christian Economics and is a Christian Reconstructionist. "Christian Reconstructionism is a religious and theological movement within Protestant Christianity that calls for Christians to put their faith into action in all areas of life."
  2. Thank fuck I don't remember the decade the way vulcan does...transformers, michael phelps, war 4??
  3. I was thinking do it at the start of the thread if it was some girl you were friends with, but if it's just some random bird that your sister works with and for a few grand, fuck it. I wouldn't bother.
  4. Dunno where you heard that but UK single sales are hitting record highs these days what with downloads. There's no way in hell that whatever travesty simon cowell shits out this time will be beaten. I'd love to see it though.
  5. I'm sure most cunts would be sound. I just need to do a bit more traveling.
  6. Casek would probably make a good mod.
  7. Yeh, this is my exact experience with wheat beers. For a while I bought one when I was getting other beers and thought they were alright. Then got a couple one time and the second completely ruined it. Never touched them again.
  8. I think this is the only beer that I ever started to drink but couldn't bring myself to finish. This is the only place you will see it I like the fact that it still exists though. If I could get rid of one beer off the top of my head it would be carling. Utter shite.
  9. These were taken from a moving train. I was really pleased they came out.
  10. I've given out quite a few props for food over the last couple of pages. Good stuff peoplez. edit - haha dope post croc. Mate did the same thing the other night with the awful item of clothing.
  11. You're obsessed with burberry man haha. I haven't seen cunts wearing that in ages, all the youts these days wear cotton trackies and all black nike. You'd be more likely to see some hipster wearing it ironically, or maybe some out of touch grimsby town football casual...
  12. My mate was in Paris recently. He got robbed twice, saw a Polish guy almost die on the third rail in a subway tunnel, had to fight a fat african security woman to get out of a station and slept just outside of one of the main commuter yards. It sounded wild.
  13. Ah well. We'll see what happens then. Shackleton's playing the day after but I can't go because of work, bit of a cunt.
  14. Torrent for Dubstep Allstars Vols 1 - 6 If anyone has a link for volume 7 fire it up. Going to see Ramadanman on friday, should be good.
  15. I had something like this for a while a few years ago. I was lying on my back in bed trying to get to sleep and was sort of drifting off but still awake. I then started to feel as if I was separating from my body and sinking down through my bed. It was terrifying so I jumped up and sat on the edge. I kept having to move my arms about or blink hard to stop the feeling coming back the whole night. This carried on for about a month, sometimes during the day as well until it gradually wore off. It was brought on by drugs though, I had been up all night the night before the original experience taking pills and smoking weed (which I don't touch anymore). That was when I made this account actually, hence the name.
  16. There's a difference between conservative and Conservative, although I don't think whoever said that really used the right word. The tories of old would be far less likely to pass all this rubbish that new labour have pushed through. Cameron is basically Tony Blair mark 2 though so we can probably look forward to more of the same. /no tory
  17. At least it not too demanding, seeing as we never actually get to play in any competitions. - Mr L Palmer
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