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Everything posted by Hayabusa

  1. CaCash's OONTZ OONTZ made me chuckle after i figured out wtf it was all about kudos to you good sir
  2. ive worked at a food establishment doing dishes and cleaning among other things, so i know what you're going through, except the ppl at my job were dope. my suggestion to you is, look for a job while you are still employed. Once youve secured another better job, THEN quit.
  3. some people on this website are fucking morons
  4. have any of you guys bashing this movie actually seen it?
  5. suck my testicles till i cum in your mothers eye
  6. you guys sound as if you are surprised this movie was made? what the hell were you expecting?? personally, it doesnt upset me...i could really care less hollywood has been making movies about all sorts of things to do with other country's miseries forever. Its as though making one about an American misery as that much more worse....its not
  7. that or he wanted to milk me for more money since its pay by visit... doctors suck ass we need a magic formula to heal all over night
  8. word i get money back from physio visits too i dont think its something really bad cuz usually those things come with tingling and numbness and i aint getting any of it altho the last doc i went to said someting about the bones grinding together and causing pain, except he never outright told me what to do about it...asshole...
  9. nah dude its not from jerkin it, i use my other hand for that
  10. im just curious, i am going to a doctor for this, but i wanna hear ur guys take on this my wrist had been in some minor to severe discomfort since about december of last year. (the paint intensity has changed from minor, to severe, to minor, now to a bit more painful) I have no idea why, it just kinda started to hurt out of nowhere. Prior to it hurting, i have also been playing goalkeeper for indoor soccer, which is one possible source of injury as it started hurting right after our season ended. I got it Xrayed and there are no broken bones....Its been somewhat less painful from december on, cuz i rested quite a bit and shit...took a while for the hurting to out right stop etc... recently, end of March, i competed in a judo tournament where i think i strained it or worked it too hard, and the pain is back again. Keep in mind that previous to the tournament i was able to practice without discomfort... the pains located near the outside of the wrist (not towards the thumb, but on the side of the pinky)...It hurts when i do extreme motions that is the best way to describe it...like when i bend my hand forward or backwards beyond normal so like if i stretch it up or down...also doing like a flick movement in the wrist causes minor pain. i cannot put weight on it like for pushups cuz it hurts, but i can make a fist and put weight on my fist fine, its when i open my hand and rest my weight on it that my wrist kills..also pulling like with a reverse curl movement hurts (like doing a bicep curl but with the hand/palm facing down towards the ground)....honestly i got no clue wtf caused this...nothings broken....i do type and write a lot for school and nothing happpened in my MA class that resulted in real wrist pain....so iono wtf the deal is..what do u guys think? this is the movements that make it hurt that i was talkin about prevously ps. i will be seeing a physio this week, so heres a chance to see how accurate ur predictions are
  11. twinkle toes boogie hands Sonny Liston (Sonny short) Mogli Satan Dog Babalu
  12. what a stupid lawsuit next thing u know, people will argue that not being allowed to carry swords infringes on my freedom of expression fuck off, deal with it
  13. bring me back a european chick (hot) who would marry me for citizenship and we can talk
  14. Hayabusa


    i hate ginger kids
  15. dude seriously, just nail em in the nuts as hard as u can iono about the rest of u, but a strong kick to the nuts will put a person out for a while if you do it hard enough ive been nailed in the balls so hard my stomach was hurting and i couldnt even move, the LAST thing on my mind was fighting back. Fuck that. kick to the nuts man...if he keeps coming, kick em again, knee him to the head. WATCH THE VIDEO I POSTED NIGGA. seriously
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiEsktRiCXo&search=bas%20rutten watch this video, and you will be a great fighter in no time rember, some people will say a kick to the groin isnt fair. Il say, fuck them, everythings fair play in a street fight
  17. yeh you're right, F1 is pretty gay carry on
  18. a buddy of mine told me good things i made up for it by watching something manly......autoracinggggg i didnt think it would suck that bad
  19. meh im happy with my shit....if one comes along its all good :D im not bitter im just sayin
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