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Everything posted by morton

  1. My girlfriend does not like the idea of getting a raptor jesus tattoo.
  2. And the other side of any question of drugs is "did criminalization work?" I gots a funny feeling that I am too fucked up on legal american beer to be posting my thoughts on the world wide web.
  3. someone post a recipe for a good beefana sp made with ingredients found in the states. Nothing like getting good and lifted on Moroccan hash and having some nice cheap wine and a good sandwich. And check on the women, the men there are so short that the average American stoner on a backpacking trip can get laid like crazy.
  4. Rule #1 do not skimp on boots if you need to wear them 5 days a week 52 weeks a year.
  5. Extra-tuffs for the winter. Cork bottomed for logging if you need it. Watch out for steel toe in general, a smashed foot is bad enough with a steel toe sometimes the foot will get cut off at the toes or the steel will crush also with the toe inside.
  6. Fucking Georgia's. 15+ years in heavy industry talking. Timberlands? this aint no wu tang song kids.
  7. Yea, I was surprised at the quality of the show because I heard they had a rep for sucking live.
  8. Saw them play a few years back. I will say that the songs sounded just like they did on the album which was more than I expected.
  9. Magnum o piss, Dude, if you dropped 8 grand on fireworks I want to see a picture of the fuckin stockpile.
  10. True, ice cold. I was a highwayman, on a coach road I did ride sword and pistol by my side. Many a young maid lost her marbles to my trade, many a young man lost his life blood on my blade. TPBM had to hold back crying a little when Johny Cash died.
  11. Christians are hypocrites. I think that is why they get off so much on the "Jesus died for your sins" show, along the lines of you can do whatever you want as long as you make peace with god he will take the heat. Although many great scientists have had a spiritual side I think that it is a stretch to say they go hand in hand. Science is a world of facts, spirituality is a world of spirits.
  12. So trial is set for next week and I just got the witness list and proposed trial schedule from opposing counsel. They want to drag this thing out for over a week and have all kinds of off the wall witnesses who have never met me or my kid. This pisses me off so much, A day of trial costs over two thousand dollars just for me, double that and you have the total cost. So fucking stressful.
  13. wild trout painted with mustard and wrapped in bacon and then barbqued
  14. When I was a kid I tried to memorized the names of all these different dinosaurs. That paid off big time.
  15. I hate it when I have a little too much to drink and turn into a teenager again, last night I went to a buddies house had some cocktails and decided it would be a great idea to light off a bunch of fireworks and rack some steaks.
  16. I would go see DOA if it were 1990 again. The problem with shows like this is that they are too fucking big, one band might be cool to see on there own but when put in a festival setting it just waters everything down. That is why I don't go to bumpershoot anymore.
  17. I like the tap fill also, reminds me of vox
  18. Might not be a bad place to scalp some tickets. Back in the day I used to do pretty well at that but have forgotten about the hustle.
  19. False, I do however need to renew my passport this week. TPBM agrees with the sentiment that malt liquor tastes much better on the street.
  20. Skipped to this page, I say it will be Chuck Norris and if there is a death jokes thread it will just be recycled jokes that already exist.
  21. Correction, the Session Lager stubbie bottle caps have paper rock, scissors, not riddles. 5:24 no food all day and no solid dinner plans = a fine time to start drinking.
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