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Everything posted by morton

  1. False, TPBM catches themselves using swear words in inappropriate settings.
  2. false, but if I knew how I would post pictures of some titties at least. TPBM is proficient in higher level math and uses it in the course of their work
  3. Re: CHEESE STEAK ARGUMENT THREAD: ITS OFFICIAL Anyone see the Colbert report where he goes around eating the most expensive dishes? I get pissed because to buy a cheese steak in my city with a side of cheese fries and a beer costs about $15.
  4. Re: CHEESE STEAK ARGUMENT THREAD: ITS OFFICIAL I am going to philly fevre in Seattle to get a sandwich today. In general I try to avoid foods like this outside of their natural habitat but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  5. false. tpbm knows what a total station is
  6. The rule I have always used for the amount of tv I let my kid watch is that if I am going to let him watch it then I have to watch it with him. Cuts down on amount of tv watched which is a good thing in my opinion and filters out the shit a little as well.
  7. Re: TRANSFORMERS 2 I never watched the first one but this has got me thinking about it.
  8. Re: cop infiltrates "tagger crew" It's a news video that shows what for lack of a better word could be called tpfw's getting busted for bringing a member of local law enforcement into the mix. video worked for me a few minutes ago
  9. Re: cop infiltrates "tagger crew" Most teenagers do not look too smart. 140K is really a super small number when it comes to doing damage as accessed by law enforcement, court etc. I recall kids in my city being charged with millions.
  10. c.s lewis creeps me out because of the christian vibes. Although I did enjoy reading his shit as a child.
  11. False, not in years. TPBM cuts in line whenever possible.
  12. The thing I wonder about sometimes is why are Americans so complacent. I think that part of it is that even the poorest people in this country believe that they to may someday be rich so it makes sense to them to protect the interests of the rich. I think that an isolated world view is also part of the picture. The media is another factor of course but sometimes I have a hard time wrapping my head around the point of view of the populace. And while there is certainly a place for mass movement, civil disobedience, legal action and direct action I think that Lenin put it well when he said "Political power grows out the barrel of a gun" .
  13. I was just thinking about digging up some Slick Rick from the library. I have not listened to new music since by kid was born in 01, lately I have been listening to old JGB tapes and Sly and the family stone.
  14. False, although giving it up would not be the worst idea in the world. TPBM knows someone with borderline personality disorder.
  15. Be super careful, the dry socket thing is no joke. My friend had his wisdom teeth pulled by a med student and they fucked it up leaving bits of bone in there and what not, ended up requiring corrective surgery after 6 months of problems.
  16. Stopped by my dads house with my kid and smoked a camel strait while examining a broken strut on one of my junk cars. If there had been a can of beer or some grilled meat involved it would have embodied what fathers day is all about in my assumption.
  17. Never had it. That's fucked up about the call. TPBM can cook eggs to restaurant quality standards, poached.
  18. True, in Mexico when I was a kid. TPBM is a father
  19. Oh, and as a father I do not think there are many fathers who give a shit about fathers day. Although a good excuse to grill meat and drink beer is never that bad of a thing.
  20. I want to call my grandfather but am having a hard time finding his phone number.
  21. True, sometimes it can be pretty funny. I am not a regular viewer though. TPBM has gotten drunk on the job within the past year.
  22. Back in community college a long time ago, when free email was a thing and I thought that my school account would last forever.
  23. So some kids father dies and dr. swindle is going to come into the thread where he is asking for advice with what to do in a difficult situation and respond by making racist and insulting comments about the nation of Mexico? I know its the internet but I find this to be distasteful.
  24. False. I can cook quite well. TPBM does not like the outdoors.
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