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Everything posted by morton

  1. I voted a number of times and then it reset the number to 44 when it was 439 or something like that at my last vote.
  2. Re: MrChupacabra seems like the size ratio might make it a pretty fair bet.
  3. yikes. At first I thought it would be a video similar to all the giffs of folks driving big trucks or rv's into the roof at the gas station.
  4. swampfight and stan deathmatch. In reality I worry about some of the younger folks on here when I look back on by own life and remember friends overdosing, getting in crashes drunk and overdosing on purpose to end things. Some in the anxiety thread come to mind.
  5. The word you meant to use is bored. Depends on the album, I believe that Bob Marley was one of the most if not the most influential musicians of all time. There are some albums and songs that I do not particularly like and I think that reggae and ska music can be quite repetitive. I am going with false. One Love The person below me knows the history of ska music.
  6. My favorite live show was the Grateful Dead. I have never been able to pick a favorite band, I stopped trying a long time ago.
  7. The crossword was a bad idea, I forgot how much I suck at those things. Trial went well today, crazy baby mama is not doing so well on the stand. Last day for a while, trial resumes in a few weeks.
  8. False, I do not smoke the devil weed. When I smoke cigarettes I step outside. TPBM can do mental arithmetic quickly when applied to weights and amounts of money in relationship to narcotics or other illicit drugs.
  9. Gots my suit on two cups of coffee in my gut and a crossword to do in the hall during recess. Chere I go.
  10. When I was in high school I was walking down the tough suburban streets where I grew up with this two punk looking girls. This Asian dude rolled by in a convertible Mercedes and waved a cheeta spotted pair of speedo type underwhere and said in a heavy ass accent how much for brow job? Shit was the punchline for a while.
  11. If I were a member with higher standing I would try to sick the destruction league on this fool when this all cools off.
  12. If you are a expert witness you get paid. This guy is a shrink hired by her family to attack the report put out by the county social worker appointed by the court to make a best interest recommendation for the child. Mom did not like the recommendations so she hired this queer to attack them. Dude is such a scumbag, I can understand that crazy baby mamma may not be in control of her actions because of mental health issues but for this guy to go in as a hired gun with no responsibility to look out for the child involved really gets my goat.
  13. Do not be surprised if you either loose this kid as a friend for a while or for life. Which is okay, maybe not the best thing in the world but okay.
  14. When I was 20 or so I took a trip to Morocco with a friend. We met a couple of Moroccan dudes who thought it would be fun to take us to a brothel and get us laid by some hookers. It's a thing over there to be the one who hooks someone up with their first prostitute. They explained that they were taking us to a fancy hotel bar with a rooftop deck and wine and all sorts of fancy shit. When we get there it is a bar in the basement of the hotel with all these young hookers by young I mean like 15 years old young. Some were looking pretty good but I could not stop thinking about the aids and I had a gorgeous Hungarian chick that we were traveling with back at the hotel so I called bullshit on the whole affair and bounced.
  15. That the speed limit was just a "suggestion"
  16. false, no problem here. TPBM knows at least one corny recovery saying like "Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt"
  17. My testimony is over. Now the respondent will be on the stand, be interesting to see how they play it. So far it looks like the soft touch to me, go on talking about how she is a great mom and ignore the allegations I have put forth maybe call me a drunk or something. Feels good to be done with being on the stand, the flow of my argument got interrupted by these other witnesses called by the respondent and it caused for my testimony to get put on pause and then continued. I hope the Judge takes notice that of her 11 witnesses one was getting paid 450 dollars per hour and none of the others have known her for more than a couple years.
  18. Wearing a suit once again. Out the door to court folks.
  19. Sorry to double post. Shit like this is no fun for anyone. You need to talk to the other people in this kids life, like his parents and get this resolved. I had a friend that went bonkers in high school and it sounds pretty similar. She did a shit load of drugs that are often associated with the head scene, lsd, weed, molly, dmt, nitrus etc... She had to be sent away for a minute. 10 years later she is doing okay, married etc. Some other kids that did not get help are now dead.
  20. Are we talking about a teenager here? Find the number for the county crisis line and call them. You do not need to be all anonymous calling from pay phones like a spy or something. If you feel that he is a threat to himself or others do not hesitate to call for help. Do not think of it like snitching or anything like that, sometimes people need help and are not able to reach out for it on their own, that is when it becomes the responsibility of those that around them to step up. Good Luck
  21. I eat more when I do not drink. The most important thing about being a long distance runner in the drinking game is to eat before drinking, while drinking and after drinking. Not a scientist.
  22. Thanks, the one thing that I do know is that when this is over I will have some predictability in my life and my relationship with my son which is priceless.
  23. True. TPBM knows of some other crafty ways to find info about people online with out paying a private company. Furthermore the person below me will share with group these methods.
  24. False. TPBM is on the west coast.
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