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Everything posted by morton

  1. False, Which is somewhat noteworthy given my dinner last night which consisted of chili dogs, chili fries both topped with jalepenos and onion with macaroni salad on the side. TPBM enjoys a white trash dinner every once in a while.
  2. True, Bloody Caesar's and beer. TPBM is working on copping a buzz right now.
  3. I was really hoping for a state trooper training photo thread.
  4. My cousin got cancer when she was 14. She died from it a year later. I do not think it was her fault. Further I do not think that the immune system has much to do with it, mainly genetics perhaps.
  5. I can not handle anything on youtube until later in the day. I went to high school with a kid who got down with alf type stuff and did some things that got him in trouble with the law. I do not think his decisions were wise. With elf and alf I can relate to some of the elf stuff. But the man can always buy another trackhoe so some of the tactics seem counterproductive to me. I say struggle to help humans by working toward a better society. ALF fools seem to dislike the human species and I can relate to that but at the same time most of my best friends happen to be human.
  6. Have- Made a mistake that cost 58k to fix. Worked for 26 hours straight. Been to the Soviet Union and a couple years later Russia. Distributed large amounts of illicit substances. Kicked heroin cold turkey. Have not- Met anyone famous Come up with anything all that interesting for this thread.
  7. True, especially piri piri, sambal, schiracha, and green hot sauce from mexico. TPBM knows where the potato is from.
  8. I popped in here cause I figured swampfight would post up some new england flavor combinations. I only spent a couple weeks out there but you guys have the right idea for selling fresh seafood from little shack type joints. For some reason you do not see that as much out here on the west coast.
  9. The trader joes one is pretty good. Rinse the jar with a little red wine and throw in the mix with some seafood, garlic, capers, and maybe a little spinach and you got something to put on the table.
  10. ST and DRI are good. I could never really take GWAR seriously although there was this one arty chick in high school that I always wanted to make sexy times with and came up with the plan of telling her we would go to a poetry reading when in actuality a GWAR concert would be on the entertainment plan.
  11. the grateful dead, tones on tail, dead kenedys, dead milkmen, the clash, jesus lizard, tree people, built to spill, bob marley, the harder they come soundtrack and musicians on it, beasty boys, born against, buthole surfers, pixies, duke elington, the skatalites, mudhoney, guided by voices, basebin twins, etc..
  12. So I am still waiting for the Judge to issue a ruling. I wonder how long it takes this guy to figure out his order at a restaurant. I have a interview on monday and do not even know what to tell them as far as what time I am going to be able to show up because I do not know if I will have my kid on weeknights or not. This waiting is for the fucking birds, I sit around all day and check my email like every half hour to see if there has been a ruling yet. One attorney that my attorney was bullshiting with in the hall said dude can take up to two months to make a decision. fuck
  13. False, 586 a week to be unemployed and go to school seems fair to me. TPBM is well traveled.
  14. I rode that roller coaster while peaking on lsd one time.
  15. drink lot of water and lay off whatever it is that is keeping you up.
  16. Woke up in the middle of the night. Now it is simply a matter of waiting a little then I can play it off like I am just waking up early to be productive.
  17. False, I keep a healthy supply of aa aaa batteries on stock. TPBM has had a crisis moment due to dead batteries before.
  18. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you Well shit, I figgured you guy's had to be making a little scratch off this, a friend of mine has a make up website and she does pretty well at it. I upgraded to the vip thing just to set a good example. Like public radio and the like.
  19. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you Is the 12 oz a profitable enterprise?
  20. I would like to mention that I have nothing nice to say about the clean scapes company.
  21. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you bumb this in your ride fool
  22. Doubt it but with this three strikes thing ya never know. False. TPBM is going to kick some ass today. As in be productive.
  23. Show some respect when you are in a court of law. Maybe now he can spend a little more time with his cousin.
  24. False, TPBM has been threatened on the internet.
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