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Everything posted by BullshitTantrum

  1. is that the soy talking? just kidding. wheres the cat pictures thread?
  2. i became lactose intolerant too but i cut dairy out of my diet and couldn't poop at all. so i took lactate pills and that was way worse. now i eat some to regulate the digestion. better than having to take a fiber substitute drink. an dr. science, ya gotta do your home work. find out where your food is actually coming from. thats the point of being conscientious. go local, way easier to trust and usually real fresh.
  3. its about white trash girls that know and wanna be high class. they try sooooo fucking hard. then all you have to do is not be impressed. then talks of abortion.
  4. never been to chicago but i assume this place is good
  5. right in time for NY state's 10% welfare increase! OH BOY
  6. the original point i was trying to make is that if your not a conscientious eater then any diet will fail. have you heard of such things as "free range" "organic farm" meat? ITS FUCKING DELICIOUS. i just got excited thinking about how great the meats i get to cook and grill actually are. last week i had some organic bison meat mixed with free range lean ground beef (both local) and then to top it off i put applewood smoked bacon in that shit and devoured it. and i felt fucking great. i kind of felt like the bread in that deal was unnecessary. like i could have easily just made hot dogs wrapped in bacon and used the burgers as the buns itself. and meat sauce as the only topping. fuuuuuck. ipod90, its about to get nice out and the farmers markets should be going hard. check that shit out for your produce..... well you can pretty much get anything at those. and reasonably cheap. i try to get to my local farmers market a bit later to pick up good deals on certain foods but if you want really really fresh shit ya gotta go early. and i heard the drummer of fall out boy played in vegan reich for a bit. so bump this. then you'll look like this...if you over do the soy
  7. dr. bro you should chill. most people that try a "vegan diet" for a small period of time tend to go to there super market and buy the vegan soy frozen packaged shit. thats no way to sustain a healthy diet. so how would you avoid that? like what cali said, learn to cook. if this dude is really serious about being healthy and wants to get the most out of a vegan diet then he needs to learn what hes putting into his body, what that food does for his system and learning to cook accordingly. it has way less to do with any sort of machismo, its just being aware. once again fuck soy. learn to live off real foods....and taking a vitamin supplement or 2 really really doesn't hurt. especially when switching diets. except when you become a real manly mans man and you try the swanson. pussy!
  8. your going to do way more harm to your body unless you start eating right for the 2 weeks. whole foods, whole grain breads and what not. fuck soy. if you take all the protein out of your diet and your not replacing it (nuts, trail mix are easy to get protein), your gonna feel shitty. i usually eat like shit but when i do eat good foods it makes me feel way better and my poops are nice. i stay away from the prepackaged premade meals. its way more filling to make pasta with veggies than eating a whole box of soy burgers and developing breasts. also try taking an amino acid supplement or like an omega b or d. stay away from the multi vitamins though. shit will make you feel better for sure. even if your not going vegan. unlike today where i ate this: except it was chicken fingers instead of a hamburg and a hot. and french fries instead of home fries.
  9. fuck get all the copper and brass out of the spot and call up any referred scrap yard. then call them ahead and let them know what your bringing in and how much the shit will be a pound. if you go enough they'll hook it up. scrap yards know the hustle. find abandoned cars and take the carborators out of em. go along the rail road tracks. tons of scrap falls off of trains. and people generally dump anything around tracks. but yea watch what ya get and if its anything suspect fuck it up and stick it in the middle of your pile before you scrap it. my friend was sayin this girl was buyin a ton of baby clothes on sale at marshalls or wherever and sellin em on ebay cause a lot of people in the midwest just order shit off ebay.
  10. get spun an go to roosters. then go to a better strip club for a 5 buck steak. get weird.
  11. Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law pee on his keyboard. cause if theres someone i your family you don't like, its perfectly ok to fuck them over. damn that picture a page back with the story where hes jus mashin it. fucking funny.
  12. no no no thats for kids who have been in this shit for 15 minutes. i'm well jaded and bitter. can't you tell by my holographic punk card? xp points. but what do you know? your an admitted ska fan. /jokes
  13. i didn't say i couldn't get drugs, i been had been had drugs. i mean i'm not from that part of the country, and my time there was a fast, fucked up blur. i said pasty weak nurgs with no clue how to even crack a dutch. honestly thats kinda how i feel about most folks from the left side of the country. regardless, i had to go to 4 spots to find a fresh honey dutch and when i asked for it they looked at me like i asked them a complex math riddle. seen a bunch of nice walls from the df dudes though. but no matter what you do if you drink great divide when your out there check for flies at the bottom of the bottle. before you crack it.
  15. this thread better not turn into a band camp spam thread. legitimately post bands you like so i can have something to make fun of.
  16. who cares, if they looked they probably wouldn't have put it back and from the flicks the house isn't that tore up so why not. he's gettin paid to be there.
  17. people don't know how to roll a dutch in boulder, but they may walk around with a bong in a hemp purse. generally weak, pasty push overs. you can make a killing in that town.
  18. inside the stereo speakers, computers, inside the shoes and clothes pockets, boxes of food even if there sealed, any room with a drop ceiling......
  19. look behind the drawers in the dressers and anywhere else drawers are. look at the electrical outlets and vents. are the paint on the screws marked up? if so they prolly hid some shit in there. find any loose carpet? prolly some hidden shit under there. i'd put on gloves and be lookin all over that place for the lost loot. the cops already left a list of all the stuff they wanna admit to taking. go find the rest of it.
  20. hey big girl i know your hungry i see ya breathing heavy
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