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Everything posted by BullshitTantrum

  1. ah well i stand corrected. makes a bit more sense now. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/01/russia-should-anything-happen-to-iran-this-will-be-a-direct-threat-to-our-national-security.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg7r6M9-iag its not exactly directly china saying they'll blow the shit out of the us and the world, more like israel being backed by the us and iran backed by russia and china.
  2. i'm a little late to this thread so i hope i'm not repeating anything but i though the US was putting troops in Aus so they could have a better tactical position in the world after russia and china said they'd declare world war 3 if iran or syria were attacked. i also thought india broke UN sanctions by buying oil from Iran which was one of the bigger issues between the united states, russia and china.
  3. i can't believe you shot a bat. good thing uyou didn't get rabies.
  4. are you arguing with yourself? if you chose to do so in everyday life, try not to in public. it makes you look crazy. or like you have a bluetooth.
  5. and that little girl is fucked cause she lives in the 19th ward and drinks kodak water.
  6. my city is to far behind the times. the city school district has so many other problems, but sadly racism is the one issue that will make most of the problems stay problems. you don't need to be a specific race to learn or to be taught or to be rich or poor. the family structure is a huge issue in the city schools. teachers can't be accountable for everything. making your kids care about learning and not being a complete self absorbed piece of shit seems to far beyond most parents comprehension.
  7. i must have warrants out for the years of looking at trains. our main yard is right next to a free wall with no fence. come find out. if your not retarded and you know how to not blow up your own spots maybe you wouldn't have such a problem.
  8. we have one bull for 4 city yards and 2 more counties out side the city. our workers will let you walk into the yard and if you ask they'll take you on a tour of our main yard. i've seen kids that have nothing to do with painting walk up to lines with power on and talk to the engineers in the locomotives and they just talk to them. i've also seen moms and dads bring they're children into the yard and walk around in front of the workers with no consequence. but you must be king train bomber and master of all graffiti knowledge. you must do throw ups for cope 2 your so cool. you obviously don't know what your talking about or you wouldn't be trying this hard. at first i thought it was funny but now its kind of sad. i know its cool and hip to stand on an internet soap box and tell everyone how much you hate cops so you can feel like you actually have friends but its still not a good look to be this big of a bitch.
  9. a whole lot of sherlock joe gumshoes in this thread......for a bunch of people that hate cops. and thats fucking funny. i will repeat this until you get it. now go flex hard in another essay faggot. and whatever was said about csx giving the most fucks is just idiotic. is your csx yard hard to paint? common sense and accountability of course. definitely police your spots too.
  10. Re: My girlfriend is being a fucking cunt stop being a bruins fan.
  11. you guys hate cops but put someones personal life on blast on the internet because your reaaaalllly mad. this is pretttttyyy funny.
  12. mr. incognito made a bunch of people reaaaaallllly butt hurt. incognito style.
  13. thats just down right ignant who the fuck would i get my dutchies from? oh i forgot about the persians. go on. but really though american jails are focused on keeping as many people locked up so rich people can stay rich. rehabilitation isn't even apart of our culture for inmates until they're out of prison and get in a half way house/work program if they even do that.
  14. i said it and i'll say it again. all the food is poison. actually its probably the white man trying to keep a lock on corn and corn fed products to keep americans docile and fat as fuck.
  15. i couldn't find the aus rotten one but the jesus and the gospel fuckers ick crucifix always had me laughing. some other favorite's as a kid death church was always a pretty mesmerizing record cover.
  16. just from licking some strange white? you cray! really though this kid freaks out after 5 days of no face book? weeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllll sonny, back in my day 5 days in a quiet room with no one botherin ya was called a vacation!
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