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Everything posted by BullshitTantrum

  1. its north carolina. you could classify the majority of the state as people who is 'afraid of anything different."
  2. spare the rod spoil the child. or in this case, spare the rod and the rod will get your child anyways.
  3. but if your using the word nigger to describe an ignorant person while knowing its ignorant to call someone that then aren't you a nigger? is it offensive to call black people mopes or yo's like in the wire?
  4. i always get a good laugh when someone says they use the word nigger to describe an ignorant person and that color has nothing to do with it...and the person isn't black. the fact of the matter is that if a black person was being dumb in front of you you wouldn't call them a nigger. you might think it but you wouldn't drop it. cause you know what would happen.... so isn't that pretty ignorant to begin with? i really don't give a fuck, as an asian guy in america i am not white enough for white people, black enough for black people, to black for white people.....oddly sometimes not black enough for white people, not asian enough for any FOB and the ricans either can hang or are to furious to talk to. now a days i can't stand people complaining about anything so i just keep my mouth shut and laugh at the offensive thoughts in my head. i wish i could have a half hour of uncensored air time with bob lonsberry though. i'd get that dude to use the word nigger.
  5. so a gay cop tried to call the cops on other cops. and even the cops were like NO SNITCHING
  6. the only ones that should be allowed to say it. DUH
  7. my pal had some girl make his cats sunn o))) robes. they look horrible no matter what since there hairless. black one will always be night time drug music though.
  8. even though those dudes got big every time i'd got to a waste show they'd always ask if i wanted to get in for free. i gotta remember that for next time. plus direct control still rips.
  9. dumb bitch worked in a restaurant as a waitress for 18 years. dumb bitch.
  10. if an old white lady is kicking off the race war i am reallly realllly fucked.
  11. i agree. seent the mags last year. john jacobs was lookin kinda swoll up. the philosophical debates are beyond me. i don't give a fuck what most people i meet have to say to me why would i care about a pseudo-celebrities opinion? and NOE multi tasking while cooking may seem like a bitch but its better to figure out how to cook than eat a burnt meal any day. start with what will take the longest and go on down the line. throw the noodles in a pot of boiling water, the chicken and shrimp... i'd prolly throw the chicken in the oven for 3/4ths the cooking time. then put the veggies in a pan with the shrimp. sauté that shit, then combined all three in a stir fry pot and add some sauce and what not. should take like 20 minutes with prep and what not. this is off the top of my head and i'm not in a kitchen so what do i know....i am of the orient....? it really depends on how ya want your shit done and how much your cooking. if its one meal at a time and you have the chicken and shrimp pre cooked then its like a 10 minute meal cooking time.
  12. act like you didn't like this shit 15 years ago when lil wayne was like 12. WOBBLE-DEE WOBBLE-DEE WOBBLE D-D-DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT
  14. seen't this a few weeks ago. though it was shot amazingly well and the detail to the scenery was cray but it dragged on a bit more than i'd like at the end. still pretty good.
  15. shoulda went with the sweet baby rays but that does look like some tasty marinade.
  16. ooffff. be easy a diet is just a diet, its not an immortal technique revloution. most heads can't figure out how to feed themselves and that is sad. this dudes son probably knows more about eating real foods than most college kids. and that is sad too. but vegan peach/raspberry popsicles?!?!?! nothing sad about that shit br0.
  17. what about all the specimens of field mice and other types of field dwelling rodents that get scooped up when they harvest all the soy, wheat and rice? why do people just eat white rice? his son probably has way better poops then you guys though. but i'd probably wanna introduce some types of meats into the kids life so when he inevitably eats meat he won't throw up and shit all over the place.
  18. fake cheese is disappointing. i can usually handle the fake meats in moderation but i hate fake cheese. now buffalo tempe with home made vegan blue cheese and chive dressing on the other hand...
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