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Everything posted by KniggazInDemStreetz

  1. I always bought Chocolate decks because they had the funniest graphics.
  2. Cars was all driving on the sidewalk a few days ago.
  3. Wow Crackman these are fucking sick, anyone with info on where to get these online?!
  4. Re: Everybody that hates those fucked up new caps on the Painters Touch check this ou They suck.
  5. The Bourne movie was good action.
  6. Yeah I was talking about how bad it was, Jackie Chan was hardly stunting, there were some funny parts like when Lee ordered Fried Chicken, and a sweet potato pie, but I was very angry at this shit. The bloopers were like 30 seconds and sucked too.
  7. Grow up, you really don't need to be taking pictures of my graffiti just because you think you know who I am and doing tags next to it omg it's not even me, I didn't even do that, I don't care about attention this is the internet.
  8. Damn I didn't know SWS got down like that.
  9. Haha, he's seriously a pedo, for real, scary.
  10. Murder is such a dope name, cool names in the crew.
  11. Cabin fever to the fullest it's driving me crazy and I tried listening to nice music to put me in the mood of happy so I can get some good sleep but I can't, Harvey Birdman made me laugh for a second, then Frisky Dingo was O.K. but then god damn Japanese anime drama piece of shit cartoons ruin my life and now I'm listening to this song because it's so condescending it makes me feel relateable. Listen to the song though it's good. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=139959968
  12. I don't understand why these two dudes were fighting?
  13. There's no such thing Kanye is a piece of shit, no bias.
  14. Woah I read this shit and immediatly knew that ILB just doesn't give a fuck.
  15. Re: Share your Photobucket/Flickr/Something similar super mucho major conglomerate th Later later I will put later
  16. That last D30 billboard is at a really good spot, cool, I wish I saw that.
  17. So in other words you want to be trendy but you don't want to admit it, yeah, go with the Bianchi.
  18. He'll probably tell your girl that you called him though, so prepare for that.
  19. The Ecko's by far the sickest.
  20. We had a little time, we were real hungry, we went to Dairy Queen for something to eat.
  21. Must wear contacts, I like the kids face who is getting a hot dog stuffed in his mouth in contrast to the one stuffing it in. He looks like he has been expecting this all his life and now that the time has come it's very emotional and stuff.
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