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Everything posted by KniggazInDemStreetz

  1. I have you blocked because I don't want people to send me PM's about CH.0 arguments. I figured your post was directed towards me because I know your stance on pedophelia and I said something against it. No I don't write, how could I, I have glasses, niga. Let's dead it there, I mean, you can rebuke, but I think it's kind of creepy that you have my flick in your photobucket and that's a sign it's all gone a little too far.
  2. I'd rather have a pretty girl dressed to the 9's than a girl who comes in, "I'm here for the interview, I'm smart."
  3. I have you on block DAO, but I figured you said something towards me. I love the Fact that you saved my photo into your photobucket. Let me adress some key points. 1. I didn't know that fucking 15 year old girls is "grown man shit"... 2. You suck very badly at graffiti, and your a decade older than me. 3. I am from a place bigger than where you are from. I simply can't see why people would want to have sexual relation with a 14-15 year old girl. I disagree with it, that's all. And DAO, the older I get, I doubt I will become more attracted to 15 year olds, I have to give myself a little more credit.
  4. Seen an old video graf video with a Spek section, was super tight, among other places.
  5. Seems like most of you are down for it though so maybe I'm just conservative... ..
  6. Anyone who has said it's cool to do what AB said is pretty fucked up. I never met a dude over 18 who was dating someone under the age of 16 that was not a complete idiot and dousche.
  7. Re: Hockey Player gets his throat cut. Sweeny Todd was a play, a musical, haha.
  8. A big difference between a lot of Mexicans and Native Americans is also the Spanish language, ancestrial history in Mexico, culture, and pretty much everything besides skin tone.
  9. It looks like you'd be a tagbanger, but then you got a Frida calender, flowers, and a mexican skeleton cultured lookin ass.
  10. Haha thanks guys, but for the last time, they're not asian, and one's my girly, I don't claim to be a pimp but I was definitely getting my hetero on that night and a couple of really gay kids were adjacent to me, and they are raw, so grow up DAO, 1945 ass hoe.
  11. I don't understand homophobes, some dude's like dudes, It's kind of suspect to be a homophobe because that is pretty much an admittion that you're really uncomfortable and or you got touched as a child...by a dude.
  12. We overlook to much, there's a lot we don't see, mouth shut eyes open
  13. Lol, your giving me a boner? Hahah, With your pretty lookin azz?
  14. Los Hooligans - Agujetes de Color de Rosa Adam Green - Emily New Kids on the Block - Please Don't Go Girl
  15. A Lighter Shade of Brown - On a Sunday Afternoon http://youtube.com/watch?v=mh5_kwvQGd4 Kanye West, Twista, Jamie Fox - Slow Jams http://youtube.com/watch?v=_puP6zFSnvs Project Pat - Ballers http://youtube.com/watch?v=9pZTRuJ3C58
  16. And Mero, I made a bacon dog while I worked there, it was interesting. P.S. to quote my boy. "Ketchup on a hotdog = Beatdown"
  17. Demon Dogs had the best fries ever hands down, and I think Fluky's, Duck's, and Wolfy's I frequented as a young child had that poster, hot dogs are the shit, I used to make em at this tight spot on the northside, fuck 6 bucks an hour tho.
  18. Wow she's dumb looking, and you know ten dudes already messaged her this thread and shit.
  19. Re: Man beaten to death while trying to protect his son, in the same way his father was ki I got sad when I read the family's note...
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