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Everything posted by chorus

  1. cool brah, glad you had a good time (n/h). Poutine pics or it didn't happen. haha
  2. chorus

    fuck my life

    oh shit little buddy. you definately want to save that viability! (n/h). Make a thread about it. Hope it works out.
  3. i hate to be that guy, but just go paint on the street...or atleast tag the backseat of a bus on your way home.
  4. chorus

    rail bike

    by the way when I say ride that shit to glory I mean throw a rock at some line maintainence worker, make an easy escape on your ride when he chases you, get your friend to hide and film it. Post here for the lulz. :) also to that kid, you shouldnt try and hijack such a good thread. I thnk there's a place in paper chase for people like you (toys post here?). I you have to bite characters dont bite some guys wall. Start by copying out comics and similar things in detail. I recommend ones with great light and shadow. e.g. spawn. About putting it on a wall. There's no other way but practice and confidence. Start simple and practice making clean confident lines with cut backs. repeat until you improve. dont stress out over it. it takes some time.
  5. chorus

    rail bike

    you my friend are a fucking sick cunt (where I grew up that's a compliment). aquire papes finish the bike. ride that shit to glory.
  6. chorus

    fuck my life

    I haven't read all of this but I've read a few posts that have already given you good advice. Lawyer/ these charges are almost always dropped down. It looks bad for the arresting officers and the prosecutor to put some serious charge up without evidence that can be argued as 'beyond reasonable doubt' (not the inverted commas many courts definition of beyond reasonable doubt is loose at best. But it's still not liekly they would bring her before a jugde with that charge from what Ive read). This thread seems very trolley. You must be very silly or very bored. Eitherway consier making some life adjustments.
  7. paris is dope, lolercopter :/
  8. Yes they give out tents to homeless people, you'll see them around. I was staying in Paris at a place without a shower some years ago. They have public bathing houses for the homeless and we'd use those. They were clean and well kept. Atleast the ones I went to. Nothing nasty going down.
  9. just use your common sense, the truth is even if you go with other people your safety and relative freedom will always be in your own hands. whatever you do have an idea of where youre going to run and what youre going to do if something happens. and if you decide to spend some time there, it's worth checking if the line is actually out of service. A line that look dead to you could be used for termination or freights etc. Which may be a nasty/dangerous suprise for a young guy like you. even if these guys clown you, report back.
  10. crossing that border ought to be a piece of cake? Make sure your documents are in order, I havent crossed it personally though so ask around. Also aren't canada rather touchy about leting people in if they have criminal record? It's not something im too certain about. either way try poutine for me tell me if it's delicious. While in Montreal don't stand for any of the quebec crap haha. Have fun.
  11. sounds like you're pretty excited about it. That's great man. All the best.
  12. For sure man, I would have liked to get sick with it and do some step by step photo's but unfortunately I don't have the means at the moment. Anyway it's a pretty simple salad. SALAD Cut around half a large sweet potato into bite size chunks, boil it in lightly salted and oiled water (check it regularly, if you over do it it becomes very soft and a bit bland) Drain put in a serving dish. Add bite size cheese (I normally add brie, depending on what I'm serving it with and who I'm serving it to I sometimes use bulgarian feta or chedd@h). Add baby spinach leaves (you can also use rocket) Add cherry tomato's (I normally cut them in halves). DRESSING Around half a cup extra virgin olive oil (more or less to taste) Add around 1 table spoon honey (more or less to taste, this goes with all the ingredients really) Stir the two vigourously until honey is fully binded with olive oil Add juice from half a lemon (or you can also use a splash of balsamic), A handful of slivered almonds (get them in the baking section, they're normally more reasonably priced than whole roasted ones), A splash of red wine, salt and pepper. pour dressing in serving bowl and toss yo salad (n/h) et voila , you're done ----------------- I grew up in Australia, so would I usually serve this with kangaroo meat steak (which after a few attempts I learnt how to cook to perfection) topped with a dollop of whole grain mustard and a slice of pumkin loaf on the side or something. If you cook something like this for a woman then play 'just the tip' doggy style and she doesn't let you put it in her butt?...Well maybe you should think about inviting a different girl over for dinner next time. haha If you end up actually making that salad feel free to post a pic. Be cool to see someone elese take on it. Enjoy
  13. You should definately kill him. Graffiti is as much about killing people as it is about writing 'zole' on stuff. I like how you're scared to jump him to, that's also what graffiti is about.
  14. Two sandwiches (pepperoni, cheese, capsicum), a knife I used to cut the sandwiches in half and a ceramic plate. I'm pretty sure this is all I need to violate some undead niggas. /nozombierape
  15. you're all the son's I never had. :lol:
  16. chorus

    I got caught...

    also, im 27 and it sucks i have to say something like this which I ought to have out grown by now. but once all the dust has settled from this, both rob and beat down your so called friend please :/
  17. chorus

    I got caught...

    im not sure what the laws are in your country but in some you can refuse a recorded interview. They basically either have to charge you or let you go. It's a shame you sound young and pennyless. if you have means or connections, consult some legal advice and even take your lawyer with you. Sit there and look smug at the interrogating officer while your lawyer is all like "my client, has gracefully consented to appear in your station today despite youre complete lack of reasonable cause for summoning him". All you kids should be saving money and finding a good lawyer for when things go down. Most legal systems ive seen are shady, try not to go out like a sucker.
  18. It's cool, I'm here. I've been painting pretty much all of my young adult life and if I can help I will. Just don't ask me questions which you can get the answers from the sticky threads at the top of this forum or from google. Other things I've also done a lot of include but are not limited to - making fine art, travelling, pleasuring women. I also make a mean sweet potato salad. Get at me and I'll do what I can.
  19. mm also you sound like a kid, sorry if i'm mistaken. whatever you do, practice trying to finish your work at a high quality ok? tape off the edges connecting to the walls so you dont get paint where it's not meant to be. When you put whatever kind of protective coating down, take care to minimise any dust or other shit that might get stuck in it. Pay attention to detail. if you aim to finish things well rather than make a mess you'll feel more satisfied with whatever you do and you'll be more likely to get another job from this one. that high fidelity insult was so ridiculous im thinking about making it my signature :)
  20. your best bet is to google this and use your common sense, you can also ask your local hard ware and art stores and they will give you a variety of options. (use your own judgement what will work best for your job). it sounds like you havent commissioned much work before. after you've done it a bit you'll realise there are some things you should either simply say no to, or tell the commissioner its not practical. Often they don't know about painting, you do (or atleast youre meant to). You can also google 'how to commission art work' and you may learn something from this. I've had people ask me to do all kinds of weird stuff, from painting ceilings (like the sisteen chapple...give me a break) to doing large fonts on rough brick with charcoal. You just politely explain that , that won't work well and suggest something else. This sounds like one of those. But good luck.
  21. serious? Isnt that against your countries constitution or something? Can you send snaps of girls from around the way? It will probably be more appreciated. Depending on what kind of set up they have, for a five year stretch organise a couple girls to go at least give them hand jobs in the visiting room. haha n.h
  22. I was going to say. I don't know what your life circumstances are like. But depending it might be worth considering seeing if your dad (and wife/partner) wants to come live in Japan for a few months. You could organise subleting their place, then go to japan a few weeks early and find them somewhere relaxed but not too far from good medical facilities. Medical facilities are excellent there and before modern living caught up with them they were world famous for being some of the healthiest people on the planet. Plus if your dad is that kind of og, possible thread worthy behaviour may ensue. haha. Probably not realistic but worth a thought.
  23. I've only read this last page but this thread is a fucking joke. Senz, unless you write 'sens' I'd change my tag if you're from Melbourne. I've robbed some kid in europe once, almost by accident. The willingly lent me some paint and one of the kids asked for his can back halfway through what I was doing. I said "hey can I finish what I'm doing?" But before that, they were asking me about certain situations I'd been in before and by chance I had asked if they knew where I could get some good coccaine. I guess they may have the tone of our conversation a little intimidating because the kid just pressumed I was robbing him. His graffiti was so bad I just decided to finish what I was doing rather than give his paint back. I took a tourist shot at the end of all the kids and the one I 'robbed' is the only one not smilling in the photo. Good times.
  24. You're situation doesnt sound so bad. Did you sort out your girl yet? If not and she's having your kid she's probably on some level waiting for you to get it together, take charge and handle her. To do that, all you have to do is get straight, be calm, reasonable and firm with her. Holiding your friends down in jail really doesnt take much effort. To be a good friend all you have to do is drop whatever you can afford into their commisaries regularly and visit/ write them. It's a good oppurtunity to make some changes and make some new friends by the sounds of things. It's true its good to do what you can to hold a friends girl/ family together if they're doing a long stretch in prison. But that's more the case if prison is putting strain on an otherwise good relationship. If this girl has chosen to go do dope with some douchebag in a minute after her man has been sentenced, there's not much you can do about that really (well there is, but it's probably not worth it). For a five year bid, unless the woman is of exceptional calibre, this kind of thing is unfortunately almost sure to happen. So keep it in perspective. I don't really know much about alloys...but don't kill yourself over it haha. Hope things are looking up.
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