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Everything posted by chorus

  1. Re: Hairdresser karate kicks bandit, ties him up, feeds him Viagra and uses him as sex sla I didn't realise this was so old. Been not paying much attention to the proph.
  2. Re: Hairdresser karate kicks bandit, ties him up, feeds him Viagra and uses him as sex sla Haha woops. Alright, I'm off to google image russian tits. One sec.
  3. Russian People (3 Days ago) A MAN who tried to rob a hair salon ended up as the victim when the female shop owner overpowered him, tied him up naked and then used him as a sex slave for three days. Viktor Jasinski, 32, admitted to police that he had gone to the salon in Meshchovsk, Russia, with the intention of robbing it. But the tables were turned dramatically when he found himself overcome by owner Olga Zajac, 28, who happened to be a black belt in karate. She allegedly floored the would-be robber with a single kick. Then, in a scene reminiscent of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, police say Zajac dragged the semi-conscious Jasinski to a back room of the salon and tied him up with a hair dryer cable. She allegedly stripped him naked and, for the next three days, used him as a sex slave to 'teach him a lesson' - force feeding him Viagra to keep the lesson going. Start of sidebar. Skip to end of sidebar. .End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar. The would-be robber was eventually released, with Zajak saying he had learned his lesson. Jasinski went straight to the police and told them of his back-room ordeal, saying that he had been held hostage, handcuffed naked to a radiator, and fed nothing but Viagra. Both have now been arrested. When police arrived to question Zahjac, she said: 'What a bastard. Yes, we had sex a couple of times. But I bought him new jeans, gave him food and even gave him 1,000 roubles when he left."
  4. ink face you champion...make us all some jerky to go with this thread (n/h)
  5. son.. witchcraft... corny ? freaky troll? ....oh you don't think that's you? :lol: you also seem a little umad most of the time . in conclusion- best of luck creating a spell to stop failing. cats
  6. also Im afraid of cocaine....afraid it will run out.
  7. I actually have an anxiety disorder, if certain shit ain't right i'll be waking up in the middle of the night in panic attacks etc. Doesn't happen often though. (ironically I dont have an especially anxious disposition, I'm confident enough to trust myself and not care what people think and Ive been in many dangerous/ challeging situations and felt perfectly capable). I'm really not afraid of much. But my body is fucking afraid of blood tranfused diseases. That's more or less the only way to explain it. Like one of my homies was telling me he got Hep C (bad drug choices I think) and mentally I'm really fine, but i started getting nauceous and pale in the face and had to tell him I needed to bounce. Aids is fucking scary basically.
  8. gator needs his gat bitch :lol: amazing movie.
  9. i am now eating coffee ice cream. its fucking delicious
  10. I just painted a clean train (well...a few hours ago and am snitching on myself since I dont think anyone cares enough)..now I'm eating pakistani food and thinking about a nap. Im also thinking about coffee ice cream. And thinking about a girl I been seeing.
  11. he's not getting into anything. Med I'm not sure what your deal is, but I just checked some of your previous posts (to make sure you were infact that kid who started that thread about witchcraft). And 95% are total douchebaggery. That always pissed off attitude and the fact you've resorted to casting spells to try and get what you want out of life makes me think you're a massive fail. As a result I really can't take you very seriously brah. Hope you find a spell that cures what ever it is you've got.
  12. when I don't want to do something I MASTURBATE FURIOUSLY. it's awesome.
  13. haha I'm a bit eccentric, but I'm not fried from too much acid. Dude was obsessed with yoga and would say awkward stuff in the elevator, like hit on girls and then try talk about them to me within ear shot when they treated him like a creep for being over 30 working in a call center and hitting on 19 yr olds. Also he was mildly u mad because I was promoted a floor above him pretty quickly and would ride up to my floor with me saying shit like "I like to do the sneaky" (meaning he liked to sneak into his own floor via the stairs). Creepy...but still kind of cool that he hitch hiked around soley following the gateful dead.
  14. sorry for the cool story br0 but when I was about 22 I was riding home on the train and some drunk football fan came up and started hassling me, asking to see my ticket with his friend laughing behind him. Long story short after initially being polite I stood up and the dude actually slapped me(!) so.......I broke his nose. My main point here is slapping someone besides as some kind of joke is a bad idea. Any normal person who's not a pacifist is probably going to break your nose for it.
  15. well Ive actually never owned a pet (I know, aweful parents ) I pressumed since little cope2 knew exactly where to drop bombs he might have had some experience in the matter? Apparently not? Also cope2 , drop bombs.
  16. the people have spoken, the cat has a new name :) good going on the save btw. Also if he's already litter trained...are you sure you haven't accidently stolen someones cat ? hah
  17. name her IRON MIKE TYSON ....or ofcourse cope2 if no one has already said that.
  18. Although I heard good things about this book I'm not particularly interested in it. If someone intentionally got addicted to heroin and then tried to hold a job, that would be hilarious and I would read...if someone couldnt handle life, turned into a junky then eventually pulled it back together to live a normal life. Well that sounds shit and probably really hard but I don't want to read about it. I read junky by burroughs, that was enough.
  19. This is perfectly acceptable, just as long as your not one of those guys who tries some impress girls with some intellectual stuff shit all the time. In my younger days I used to talk to girls often enough about this....these days I mainly just shoot them a look like "it's time for us to slow fuck now" and put my arm around them. /stronggamenorape. :)
  20. :lol: write a book about it.
  21. to the guy at the airport. There is only one thing to do. Go to an airport lounge. get roaring drunk on overpriced drinks. Talk to strangers. This, depending on your class, leaves open numerous possibilities. 1) Airport sex with airport staff girls 2) Interesting conversation with strangers/ bizarro drunk businessmen 3) Freak out some old couple. 4) Put on your headphones and listen to MOP. You should already know this man, cmon son.
  22. Thanks for the fill in. Interesting... I'm not going to hate though. What is it now 3 more days? Go for yours.
  23. can you tell me what I dance with dragons is actually about and why you're counting the days please?
  24. To be honest with you, when I get drunk I'm usually out doing things with people rather than reading... Sometimes I'll come home drunk and keep drinking then go out and get all raptag and wake up covered in leaves etc and be like wtf?! that and every now and again I'll have a couple glasses of wine by myself with a book or movie. But that's really it. I agree though Hem is a masterful author who writes from a primarily masculine perspective. Some go as far as to say his work can be viewed as a study into the masculine condition, but that's all debatable. Either way his work is good and entertaining and what ever kind of stance you take academically or philosophically his writting certainly contributes something to what English Literature might teach a person about humanity. Its good you try and teach his work well. Because it's taught in schools etc a lot of people end up thinking Hemingway is dry. I was lucky enough to never learn it in high school and how someone could find it boring I have no idea.... well they probably had some shitty teacher that made it more about deadlines and bullshit rather than bullfighting and being a man...that's how...if you don't do that, that's great and props.
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