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Everything posted by chorus

  1. im clearly a little pissed off at the moment, but i dont know why all these people pressume they would lord it in Australia if they are from somewhere else. If anything Australians get over more than others when they go overseas because they love to get off this island. People here are quite conservative and more cautious than they need to be. It's not an especially easy country to get over re mad australia bitches and mad australia dollars. For item a, go to spain, for item b go to sweden or abu dabi or some shit. If you go to abu dabi forget about women though. You better starting thinking oil is the new pussy.
  2. yeah I have one friend like that, he's been with his girl for five years and the truth is he's just a conservative ass dude who never stays out past midnight. He doesn't know what spooning is (no joke, he thought it was to "sweet talk" a girl into bed). And he and his girlfriend think everyone we know are basically man whores if they have had more then one relationship in the last two years. He's good for who he is. But I know not to bother discussing, women, drugs or to ever give him a brotherly hug (no homo) because he just can't handle it. We talk about politics, push bikes, hiking and vandalism...and that's fine. You need to take that approach with those friends of yours. They are boring. That doesn't make them bad people. Or you could straight punch one of their girlfriends. I think watching fat people fall over is crazy funny at the moment. I was going to comment in that Aussie niggas thread about how I'd like to chin check norega just to watch his flab ass wobble everwhere on the concrete...but it didn't seem appropriate.
  3. I honestly wish you would do this. I've spent the whole day discussing the situation in somalia, then got home to watch a graphic documentary about dafur. I'm so sick of stupid people it's just not funny. And you are a stupid person, and you are not funny. Several people have already told you that your countries state is not your current presidents fault. You are like a spoilt child who never cleans his room and then when his mom stops cleaning it for him throws a tantrum. Why don't you educate yourself and do something worthwhile in regard to these problems, like volunteer somewhere instead of simplifying your countries problems and then complaining about them like a baby? Stop being such a fucking idiot, now.
  4. May the force be with you, Luke Wifebager.
  5. ^ Im going to negaprop this when I can be bothered. I think we should make a U.N. with legitimate power like it was originally intended. With Imposed annual contributions from every country and imposed representation of every country on the planet. kind of like, fuck you we're having egalitarianism and peace and we're all totally going to stomp you out if you make a fuss about it.
  6. Ive travelled eastern europe extensively now. I'm not trying to hate on you too badly, but having experienced this first hand, I can honestly say 99 percent of the sex tourists I met in hostels etc really disgusted me. It just prays on the poor and the oppressed. And it says very detremental things about how you see your own worth as a man. but yes women is eastern europe are absolutely beautiful and their culture makes for cool girls as well. Kind, tough, straight up and elegant. In a lot of countries they are also just bored of their men. Poland for instance. Brown skin will get you all kinds of attention. But like a lot of countries in that region they are very religious and if you are just looking to fuck you might come off with some serious blue balls. If you've got some game I suggest finding a Norweigian bride, they are well educated, adventurous and very beautiful.
  7. maybe I'm hungover, but there is something about stealing a urine test which is quite funny. If you decide to self test, I highly recommend you shop lift.
  8. chorus


    so how was the riot? I'd like to see some pics from this year.
  9. In my experience the Australian yak situation is dire. If you could bring a product of decent quality at new york prices with a little on top for shipping you'd have a good market. Brown people need to get on that.
  10. do you think they look similar? I didnt really think about it. Pic?
  11. chorus


    you have no idea how much I miss the Kruetzberg riots in Berlin. We dont do anything for May Day in Australia. My Australian brethren are going to hate me for saying this, but this place sucks.
  12. but train in ass pics is the old black...and as we all know, black is timeless.
  13. Sorry but the other guy is right. You realise you are using the same justification Pauline Hanson made with her Asian fish and chip shop assistant? The national English speaking, cultural identity you are talking about is a construct. Maybe you should learn some Vietnamese, it would make more sense geographically. There are a lot of issues at play here, including the way Australia caters for the intergration of immigrants (its not doing a very good job for a melting pot) and the way white Australia approaches people of different skin colour. Like I said a bit of racism seems to be the norm here publicly. As a result second or third generation Asian Australians basically get treated as second class people growing up here having to deal with the difference in culture of their peers and their parents. If I was from one of those demographics, I'd fuck you all off and hang out with my own people as well. Are you especially inconvenienced by these people not "communicating" with you? When was the last time you went out and tried to make the South East Asian community (different from your birthday party) feel welcome?
  14. It really doesnt matter what I say. You're still the one spending all this time on the internet argueing about some dumb shit. It's pretty clear you're a loser. :lol:
  15. im a little drunk. and if this kind of randomness rarely suprised me. i'd be a bit suprised by all those joker faces
  16. i realise there is a tradition of zinging here, but I meant it as a part of my comment. Calling someone a flamer is cheesy so it required a zing for sarcasm. Besides I'll do as I like. Thank you for your concern.
  17. also, post pics of her ass with a model train in it.
  18. good work dawg. Did you just get out jail like a week ago or something? That's a pretty turn around time.
  19. disclaimer, if you are trying to feed your kids and their really wasn't any other viable options than fine. But you know what I'm saying.
  20. because, working in the military, engaging in warfare, no matter what part of it you are doing, and HAVING to follow orders is for faggots.
  21. p.s. does anyone find it weird no one makes fun of the fact that their gang sounds like it is named after boob holders?
  22. id like to learn chinese. there's also that surf gang 'the bra boys'. They made a doco, and I think Russel wants/is in with them.
  23. really though, there are other ways to get training than joining the army. look into grants, scholarships and bursaries and apply apply apply. something will pop up. apply to jobs that might broaden you skill base. if you are against the things the army does it makes no sense to go down that road to get things there are other ways of getting. If you are sick of your shitty job and the rutt you are in, you need to figure out what you want, man up and try and get it. Not just sign your life away into some other people hands.
  24. we need more bolivians, our yak situation in this country is dire.
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