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Everything posted by chorus

  1. I seldom drunk dial. I did a few times last year , while I was in a pretty loose state of mind. It was just to abuse an ex girlfriend and an old female friend of mine. Neither of whom I talk to now. I think calling both these bitches and telling them off has been a positive thing.
  2. I was think while walking to the post office (after I replied to this thread) people on an internet forum can see that you are there for the taking. I wonder how obvious it must be to people you meet in real life? In hindsight I think this guy was right to steal from you. Maybe he should of done it to your face, but you really do seem to be asking for it. I think he probably reacted accordingly. Maybe instead of fighting him you should just buy him some beers.
  3. you said that twice. idiot < at the dro comment
  4. I didn't read this before, but it's pretty clear that's what anyone with a shred of common sense can see about you dawg. If you want some real advice. Seriously go and bash your friend then stop being friends with him. You need to change these habbits of basically being a chump. Go and do it right now if you know where he is or you can find out. Even if he wins, it's better to do it. As you are too aware of most people will avoid fighting if they can. So even if he wins he'll probably find someone else to steal off, and so will other people who know the both of you. Plus you both sound like kids and either way I doubt either of you could very seriously hurt each other, maybe a broken nose or something. After that, quit this dealing thing. Stop doing stupid shit like this and get over more. Get a nice girlfriend, paint stuff, make friends who aren't faggots. the end. Also listen to Nina Simone.
  5. You really need to get some self respect. Also maybe stop kidding yourself with this drug dealing shit and find another way to make money. You're clearly young, and not very good at taking care of yourself. Basically what I"m saying is stop being a faggot.
  6. chorus

    leaving 12oz

    I havent really read this thread. But if you make a "I'm leaving thread" doesn't that imply youre going to keep coming back to check it? The fuck is that shit?
  7. ride a bike :lol: If you can go travelling. It's a lot of fun.
  8. You'd have to be pretty dam stupid to not make a break for it. What interests me is how exactly did they withdraw this money (there is a daily limit on most accounts).
  9. it sound a bit shit. But honestly a lot of people procrastinate because of some kind of feeling of inadequacy. They are scared the finished product isnt' going to be up to scratch. If thats the case with you. You need to be aware of that and get over it. There is no such thing as excellence. It is only a matter of having good habbits. Stop procrastinating long enough and you'll forget you ever did it. It's like quiting smoking.
  10. if she can communicate clearly and proactive, is really honest and is accepting and supportive of you, you're off to a good start. Most of the girls I meet are none of these things. But they are pretty and nice enough to talk to. So we just have sex and then I throw a smoke bomb and bounce. :)
  11. I think if you travel and see poverty first hand, you become interested in helping and appreciate what you have. I never really thought about it before that. I dont really know what it is to be bohemian or whatever. Frankly if I met someone who actually called themselves a bohemian I'd probally call them a faggot. I'm just saying people are silly to think they are all that different from anyone in country that isnt developed because its just not true. Maybe people seperate themselves mentally because its easier than looking at problems. Alot of people are just poorly educated and ignorant.
  12. I'm pretty serious about my world politics and actually do a small bit of work for some non profits (nothing glamourous). Why dont you seriously suggest cooking with/for your friend and puting the money towards a charity you like. The smallest percentage of funds going towards real use by a major charity is 80 percent. Having said that I know so many people who've volunteered in africa and have rocked up to be met with excessive living conditions for volunteers. You just need to check out who you donate to. And more importantly, be aware of the rest of the world. Sorry but fuck you people saying fuck starving children. It's only pot luck that's not you fools.
  13. Also I thought this thread was going to be about young men having sex with women a generation or two older than them, or vice versa. I really love having sex with women who are in their early to mid thirties. That is all.
  14. ha ^ I'm not looking forward to rearing any girls in this day and age. I hope I have boys, so all the stupid shit they learn to do from the media (like cheat on their girlfriends, swear, and punch other kids in the playground) is somehow justified by society.
  15. word, by the way, Raplesbians FTW!
  16. i think we already established that ^ atleast youve got the right idea. my friend will only refer to himself as "white australian" because he thinks calling himself "australian" and people whose parents are from china (but were born here) "chinese" or "chinese australian" is some dumb shit. Im not really into being super p.c. or anything, but I think that's dope.
  17. fuck yes my niggas, have fun, kill it over there. Also are you going to Oslo because I said Norwegian girls are pretty? If so, proppers! :lol:
  18. Re: QUIZNO'S (sandwiches that are sexually suggestive) quizno's as a food is a lot better than subway. no faggotry. (no homo)
  19. When I think of a sex tourist I think of people who travel to eastern europe under the false pretence that the women there are easy to take advantage of and submissive to men culturally. A lot of the guys I met were just looking to meet women. One guy just matter of factly pointed out he was a forty year old man who wanted to have sex with 20 year old women and this was an impossibility in the U.K. so he was off to the Ukraine. Watching him make up some shit about being interested in the culture to another man his age just made him look so small in my eyes. But I digress. I dont think I met anyone in these hostels who was specifically looking to marry someone, but that forty year old , for instance, Im sure would of if he found a young girl he got along reasonably well with (he didnt seem to be having much luck, so it looked as if he had travelled all that way for nothing, I'm trying not to be too subjective, but it just seemed like a like sucker move on his part, to be frank with you. I know he'd been talking to a lot of women on the internet) People stay in hostels for more than just economic factors, I had enough money to stay in a hotel if I wanted, but especially in more obscure countries its good to meet other travellers along with locals sometimes. Plus as we all know, hostels can be a great place to meet women (unfortunately not to sleep with them, fucking in a sleeping bag on a dimly lit balcony, while fun, isnt exactly romantic). In regards to norwegian brides, I was only saying I've met a lot of smart and beautiful women from that country. Its quite a well to do country over all so I doubt youd find many women there who will marry you just to come to America. In case you already didnt realise, i think the whole idea of mail order brides is a shitty way to take advantage of the desperate and like I already said, exposes what you think of your own worth as a man. I've seen those southern shelled fish boils you doover there, you should try attracting a nice girl with one of those rather than some stupid mail order shit dawg.
  20. Re: QUIZNO'S (sandwiches that are sexually suggestive) dude let the gays have a fucking toasted sandwhich, who cares, as long as they can't get married or donate blood we hetero's are sweet.
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