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Everything posted by chorus

  1. Also you are clearly very umad cos I'm speaking the truth. I feel bad for you son. I'm pretty much bullying a double minority right now :lol:
  2. I was thinking more an advice thread to help you deal with being a black gay virgin who tries to front like he;s some kind of thug but would surely cry in the holding cell if he ever got grabbed for anything, You should be on operah son. Like I said before. Fall back and deal with it :lol:
  3. Arguing with you is just pointless because it's exactly like arguing with a little 21 yr old virgin who lies about his life on the internet. Why are you still trying to pretend for son? You're obviously referring to a $50 shirt your begged your mom to buy :lol: You remind me of this but less funny (and awesome) and more sad (and generally shit). I'm actually starting to feel bad for you son. Confessing your gayness on the internet on your birthday and pretending to be some kind of graffiti writer :lol:. You should be on somekind of life revamp reality show. I'm even thinking about starting an advice thread to help you turn things around. It's not too late. You can shake it off...bitch :lol: /nomclovindiss
  4. "several members of my family perished in Hitler's concentration camps; but what were their deaths compared with the memories of a lost peroid in my life, a period that would never return? This reconciliation with Hitler reveals the profound moral perversity of a worl that rests essentiually on the non-existence of return, for in this world everything is pardoned in advance and therefore everything is cynically permitted - Milan Kundera. Excellent writer.
  5. Pen cruze is amazing beautiful....just saying. "No body cares...about a dead hooker" -The silver jews
  6. :lol: I'm not even a little youmad. All sarcasm aside if you're about my age (somewhat between 20 and 40) and you feel the need to say the majority of people here were ever just sharpie bombers, then say you're something, you go for yours kid. I'm just here to laugh and partake in the general ish talking. All the best.
  7. He's a 40 yr old that talks like a 20 yr old? He's probably quite good then. Honestly I don't care too much either way.
  8. Son, I turned down some 40 plus retro trooping pussy. You got bought a coke, realised you're a faggot and confessed it on the internet while still at a bar, on your birthday. Then you still try to come on here and front. You've lost at life so far little man. Just fall back And deal with it :lol:
  9. You sound like a 20 yr old toy who thinks he's something. Just saying :lol:
  10. Here's another one, show up spontaneously to the house of your significant other (or just show up when you'r not meant to be around if you live together), sing the first verse of nina simones 'To love somebody", then proceed to smash from behind while wearing these. she'll never leave homie.
  11. It's not smut, but he sounds like he must have the right idea. I don't know his sister in law, so really drive by lance whoever deserves it.
  12. this guy pretty much summed up exactly what I came into this thread to point out. My theory is you're a gay son. Wait till youre 25, you'll be like earsnot except still bad at graffiti :lol:
  13. also buy yourself a lance ( or you could even just use a broom ) and drive by bike joust your sis in law etc
  14. Suprise your friends with an inflatable mini pool, some strong drinks (I'd opt for cuba libre's) and a bag of mushrooms
  15. I'm off to work by the way, fun times. Highlights include Mercer and Theo's girls. Some kid calling me an artfag (which has never happened before, even on the internet when people don't know who I am :lol:). The term ZJ and Symbols, because I haven't been here for a while and she's just a highlight. Close this or continue to post. Enjoy.
  16. That's a good suggestion, but I'm not very interested in saving this thread. After looking at the 'how much pussy did you get this year' thread I'm pretty sure most of the guys just don't have sex very often. All the travel photo's will not change this.
  17. Like I said, I like that you're trying to be a entreprenuer. But what are you, sixteen? (edit, I realised since you are probably not at all on my level I'd better explain, what I'm saying is real life is not (always) the porno you've been hiding from your dad. If she was sexy I'd have slept with her. And this would just be a story about how I got laid...which apparently for you is something new and thread worthy, but for most grown men is just a part of daily routine).
  18. Since Lugr and Harvey were asking about them. In the market These monks were as happy as they look. n/h 'The Killing Caves' The Khmer Rouge would throw bodies down here. 'The bamboo train' It's a piece of wood set on some wheels on some old tracks powered by a shitty lawn mower engine. Riding it's a bit like taking a roller coaster through some otherwise inaccessible villages. Some frenchies and I decided to jump on with some locals. These are all from Cambodia, worth a visit if you're in the region.
  19. she drugged you bro is the new cool story bro. I was two or three days into a hang over, I didn't get drunk at all, only sleepy. She just mis understood why I was rolling over, but despite that I will def sue on one count of getting shy about giving me a handy.
  20. When I first read this, I was kind of like "isn't that guy kind of like a wigga but not a wigga?"...then I was reading something else and I saw that photo about a girl buying you a coke. :lol: get the fuck out of here son. Don't even try to ask me questions about women ever again.
  21. Lugr and Harvey, it was just a short stint around Cambodia and Vietnam. I'm pretty busy at the moment. I've actually got a solo exhibition coming up in a couple weeks and some group shows to sort out. (Explains why I'm messing around on here right?) But I have a 3 or 4 photo's I uploaded for family so I'll either just add them here or make a new thread asap.
  22. This is actually true. The thing is I wasn't thinking of her as a "chick". I was thinking of her as a middle aged contact for a project I was working on. I'd actually brought some girl I was trying to scoop around for dinner at her studio a few days before (unrelated to the polish girl or the other two I mentioned). And she talked about her recently ex husband a lot. I figured homegirl was just going through some rough times. I'm not trying to hate but from what i remember, I dont expect your life would be interesting enough to have people in it that even if they are attracted to you on some level, there are boundaries son. Though the longer I live the more I see those boundaries broken :lol:
  23. Symbols, for you I'd think twice about it. Mo, I don't doubt I could have, if I had wanted to. After she told me she loved and was constantly texting me etc I knew I had dodged a bullet.
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