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Everything posted by chorus

  1. chorus


    I'm having a monday longneck on the solo...yes I am a lord.
  2. Also cheers for the three guys who gave some feed back about their med's. Like I said a lot of people talk about the side effects but very few people (including my therapists) have told me what anti depressants did for them. I guess the more I know about what it's actually like to be on them and how they've helped (if they did) the better it is for me. Thanks again.
  3. :lol: Let's go back to the orginal quote? I've just explained what I meant and you want to harp on about how I don't get scared shop lifting? How about you stop trying to play psycho therapist? Here is exactly why I'm not anxious shop lifting. Play close attention. My anxiety, like a lot of other peoples, has certain triggers. The main one is that I get anxiety in social situations. It's called social anxiety or social phobia. Like I already said, I manage this to a certain extent with things like exercise and breath but it still makes life difficult. When I was younger I used to find this really frustrating so shop lifting and things like that was cathardic in that they were a good way to get out my negativity. OK? Everyone gets scared of something new and risky like stealing, most normal people get over it when they have practiced it a bit and are comfortable with it. That's what I did with shop lifting. For me, and a lot of other people, the same isn't true for dealing with group situations, including sharehouses, the workplace and pretty much all the other things I'm active in (art, relationships..whatever) Frankly I think it's stupid of you to try tell people what they need based on a sentence they might of said.
  4. you have no idea how good that sounds. Have you noticed any side effects? This is a funny question, but have you noticed your sexual drive go down significantly? It might be a bit childish, but to be honest being on medication that is stoping you from having a fulfilling relationship (and getting a woodman) sounds awefully depressing.
  5. also, i was wondering if anyone can tell me any of the positive experiences theyve had with anti depressants? I've heard a lot about the side effects. I'd like to know if they do help in other ways and what people have noticed ?
  6. I wish that was the case. I've actually had a lot of therapy at this point with some benefit but over all very little long term results. My anxiety has a few triggers, the most problematic is that I can get very anxious in group social situations. My last therapist was recommending med's. I wasn't in the best lifestyle or circumstances and I knew I had to pull myself out of that before I made any decisions (I knew trying to sort out the correct med's at the time and with no family or friends for support would of just fucked me up more) Like I said, I'm just trying to manage my anxiety naturally at the moment..and it has improved a bit, I do ok, but I still have to deal with it all the time though. I think over the next couple of years I'm going to have to try medication. But who knows, it seems the whole point of meds is to help people find a point where they can build a good environment for themselves and good mental outlook to go with it. If I can do that without aropax all the better.
  7. :) didn't anyone else this funny? Suprisingly shop lifting stopped causing me anxiety very early in the piece. In a funny way I used to find it quite cathardic.
  8. i've actually just started taking st johns wort to see if it makes any difference (in addition to the other stuff ive been doing to manage my problem with out clinical med's) My doctor seemed to think it isnt much harm and isn't much help. I figured i'd try for myself and see. Like anti depressants I read it takes about a month to build up in your system and have any real effect. So I'll try and let you know in a bit if I'm noticing anything.
  9. When I was looking at med's they didn't even mention xanax. They were more about things like aropax and lovlan (however you spell it). Maybe it depends on what country you're in I guess. But I get the impression they did some research and found it becomes addictive and diffucult to come off...Whatever.
  10. More casually speaking. the simple truth is half these niggas telling you not to give a fuck what people think are right. If you can do that, then great. Above all just try to be cool with yourself. Being a bit nervous really isnt the worst thing in the world. So don't let it mess with you too much. No ones better than you because they don't have those problems. So you know, go get that girl, fuck that other fool trying to compete with you for her attention. Put your hand up in class and tell people what you think even if youre a bit jittery while you're doing it. Chances are you are alot smarter than that other guy who's talking a lot anyway. You may suprise yourself.
  11. Honestly this has been a pretty serious problem for me for a lot of my life. I have felt exactly what youre describing a lot of my past years and its pretty obvious a lot of people have to deal with this shit so don't feel like it's something super unusual. Here are some small tips. 1) Environment- Who ever told you to find work where you meet a lot of people is on the right track. Try finding a decent call center or something along those lines. Somewhere where people are quite social and also possibly where people are constantly coming and going so if you feel embarresed with someone, chances are they will be gone next week and you can practice with someone new. I also found traveling to be great for this. All in all though this won't cure your anxiety, but it will help treat it. 2) Therapy- The most commonly prescribed form of therapy for anxiety is called cognitive behavioural therapy. This is where you basically stop and look at the thoughts you are thinking in these situations, reflect on if they make sense and then replace them with more accurate statements about yourself. Again, I have not found this to be the answer to my problems but it is a positive step. I think a lot of people beat themselves up without even knowing it. 3) Psychiatrists etc- Also when choosing a therapist understand that you have to take your anxiety in your own hands. Therapists are like any other profesional. You will find some good ones and some not so good ones, and ultimately they can only suggest things, so do what's best for you. It's a bit funny but I honestly believe if you think about it the same way you think about choosing and dealing with a lawyer after you've been arrested, you'll be on the right track. 4) Anxiety management- What you may not yet realise is that you are most likely hyperventilating when you are in social situations. This cuts off oxygen to the brain and can play a big role in why you can't think straight around people. No joke, try yoga and breath awareness meditation. (n/h) Both these things will help you slow your breathing down, relax more and think more clearly. It's no secret that regular exercise helps as well. By regular exercise I mean aim for two or three hours a week specifically set aside for it. Some kind of class or team sport is good or if you like something more solitary. I ride my bike on a weekly basis and do yoga. I've been meaning to take up mma as well. (I'm quite busy though). Currently, after wasting a lot of time with therapists (it might work better for you though); having some pretty bad problems with alcohol/drug abuse, aggression and of course alot of petty crime, this is where I'm at. I'm still quite anxious but I'm doing my best to really manage it and it makes a real difference to the point where things look a bit more promising. I haven't jumped on meds yet, mainly since I don't like the sounds of the side effects but in the next couple of years I may have to. See how we go I guess.
  12. I only looked at the first page of this thread. Someone needs to do a wall of all those characters, but with the penis one head bunting a girl in her vag. Real talk.
  13. p.s. google, just so you know, you're still a total faggot.
  14. ^ That is fun. You know they say your record can fuck up your travels and your job. But it seems I know quite a few people who get grabbed on a yearly basis, and still work for prestigious companies. And don't have serious limits on their passports. If you're talented they'll hire you. Simple.
  15. half of these rappers are broke anyway. They should just be stepping to each other in parks like they were still teenagers. Half of them basically act like they are.
  16. you know what needs to happen more in hip hop again? people being called out to battle. I know in a corporate world this just doesnt happen. But fuck a dis track, if someone from wu got on radio or whatever and said "hey, wu tang are calling out your shit, come battle any of us if you think youve got it" this guy would get shook. End of story.
  17. There alot of different aspects to protest. Honestly comming from a very complacent country I can see the benefits of violent protest. They do it in Berlin once a year just because they want to let the authorities know they aren't going to take too much shit. At first I thought this was stupid but having lived there for a while I could see the positive sides to this (police never bothered me or my friends over some stupid shit unlike here where I've been searched several times over nothing and been threatened with bogus fines) in the answer to that question are you (and me since I live in Australia I guess) really that pussy ? The answer is yes. The people who live in the allied nations are some complacent motherfuckers, being as soft and cushy as our lives are, it makes as detached. That's the simple truth.
  18. hahaha ^ yes, this little nigga is realising he's gay basically.
  19. I think what they meant was if you're just doing it to impress other people by the time youre an adult, then there's something wrong. I think that's true. I'm not saying you can't be an adult and care about being up but I think what he meant was, if you're painting for the approval of a bunch of kids (and some like minded adults) then you should probably reconsider. It's hard to say why people do what they do. But I think for most people some personal satisfaction in seeing what they've done comes into it. Atleast that's what I like about it.
  20. ^ It's been like 3 months and I am still not allowed to negaprop you when you say faggoty stuff. What gives?! Scot, the chances are you'll got through a few tags before you find one you like. Try and look for someone that's less obvious. Obviously there will be somone who writes Bombr or whatever since "bombing" is such a common word in graffiti.
  21. Hey, remember when you called that science woman a trust fund bomber? You're only realising the reality of doing something illegal as an adult for fun? Seriously faggot, the other black men should kick you out of the club :lol: edit- p.s. it's good you're ashamed. Keep that up. I hope you get fucked in court fees or whatever it is you're whimpering in your bed sheets about. ;)
  22. The Dr Sex and Hour interview in clout is top notch. I've had quite a bit of downtime so it'll be good to fuck all this adult life shit off for another few years and do some no money having, belt line supported drifting again sometime soon :)
  23. while a lot of people in europe speak perfect english most do not. So no, they dont speak english better than me, even with my lazy typo's. Being a grammar nazi is to weed out graff and dancerz. If I'm tired Im going to stop hyponating things and probably misspel some shit ok? Get over it.
  24. only is europe could they get away with being so hip hop and gay. thats the kind of shit thats only funny since you dont speak english. like how the new doctor who would be good if it was in morrocan with subtitles.
  25. those cops were incredibly unproffesional. There were two of them there restraining him and they felt the need to taze him? Then they didnt even give any real chase when he ran. Fucking idiots.
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