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Everything posted by chorus

  1. go to the bsm thread couple pages back
  2. HAH! I just didn't want the poor guy crossing the pond on some original pin hole snoz man shit and arriving to find a sea of bdp sinus spook. That's all.
  3. old mates just trying to stir up some contraversy. I'm like the Mike Tyson of stinky beat up old vag at the moment.
  4. everywhere you go in that land atleast onein three people has a krs one schnoz blaster. Prepare yourself.
  5. Lugr's quote is more or less on the mark. If you're a relatively young student it depends on how you want to spend your week. When I went I budgeted for 30 Euro a day (roughly lets say 65 usd) and struggled with this. This is largely because my hostel was something like 18 euro per night (I heard you could work there for free accomodation, so I was thinking about sweet talking my way into that) If you want to go to clubs or some bars (BCN is great for that stuff) then $1000 USD is right. If you're happy to cut corners, then you probably can and drastically reduce your costs. There are probably some good places to camp out of Barcelona and you can probably organise a shower etc with someone (preferably a seniorita). If you're the kind of guy to try this, do use your common sense and find somewhere where you're well out of reach from unwanted company. One of my good friends was sleeping in that park Gaudi designed (bear hugging his backpack as you do) and got woken up with a sucker punch then had that pack ripped off. (Nothing serious, but losing all your shit doesn't sound like fun). You can also try websites like couchsurfing, which I've done and enjoyed. In general drinking in the street is pretty common in Spain. You can often buy a cheap bottle of wine or spirits and walk around getting faded then buy one or two drinks in different places just to chat to people etc. Also I used to often buy one drink in a bar then discreetly refill it with my own bottle. BNC is probably not the best place for that kind of drinking because of it's size and because there are so many good party spots. But I'm sure you'd manage. If none of that sounds right and you're just looking for cheap places to go. In western Europe, Berlin and Lisbon would be my recommendations. Eastern Europe is much cheaper. But it's a very different place from the west. If you want just ask and I'll think up some recommendations.
  6. Chilling in some small little resteraunt and chilling is where it's at. I miss Europe to. Actually it's not really travel, but I was thinking to move to France, re learn the language (I studied it for 6 years from the age of 5). Then do my Masters degree there. Basically benefit from their great social education system. I understand private language schools do not allow a person a student visa (or benefits) but some university run ones do? Any tips on this? Grd props given.
  7. I called him out in another thread for a little dry snitching. He didn't reply. Now he clearly has some sand in his vagina...and possibly also in his double barrel spookbox (snotbox). Forsit, I said she was probably "alright". I guess what I should said is you wouldnt smash unless you were in a drought and pretty desperate (which I wasn't). Manute, she was organising some work for me. So she had my number for that reason. She's actually a pretty sweet old girl. She recently sent me a detailed list of schools in France because I mentioned a while back I was thinking about studying there. (Yes I already know, if I see her again I'll smash her old ugly vagina for the proph and write bsm in her bathroom or something. Don't worry).
  8. Steinbeck and Brave New World are both excellent. I just finished the Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, Other books I read recently and liked are 100 yrs of Solitude by Maquez (Spelling?) and Men Without Women by Hemingway. Photo's later.
  9. thanks ...bitch? Just kidding, I was curious enough to google it. Litchenberg.
  10. Yeah she's pretty. This is a bit of a tangent, but I recently mentioned a thread you made a long time ago. Involving you dumping a girl, then the girl bringing her girlfriend to your house to throw a tae kwan do kick at you. I think you were pretty stoned at the time, but this did happen right?
  11. Who said this? The second one sounds like Orwel.
  12. Are you really so upset I said "I'll talk to you how I like" in that other thread? Ease up there guy. Curing a hangover for me normally involves, waking up eating something and drinking a lot of water. Then sleeping again. The second sleep does the magic.
  13. yeah so many great great places to be seen though (we're all going to skip a few). Croatia from the little I've seen is great. If you end up out that way I really liked Bosnia. But you really can't go wrong with that entire coastline.
  14. hah alrightguys I understand where you're all coming from. Next time a not particularly attractive forty yr old woman wants to sleep with me. I'll smash and when she doesn't stop calling me refer her to this thread. Her: "What are you doing right now?" Fred: "Look about the other night, I think there's been a misunderstanding...I was just keeping it bsm. I hope you haven't gotten the wrong idea"
  15. I think Berlin and Istanbul are must see's in that region.
  16. For me the south of france is definately the place in the country. If you haven't already explored it properly I'd take some time to explore Marseille. People are quick to say it's dangerous and dirty etc, but if you look beyond that it's actually an amazing city (great parties, cool people, great graffiti and contemporary art probably more exciting than Paris in my opinion). Compared to Paris, it does seem a bit gritty but probably not the way people make it out. I spent around a week there being careful but often wandering by myself at night etc and had no problem whatsoever. Within a week I did make friends with 3 different groups of locals all of whom had had their houses burgaled , so maybe not the best town to rent an apartment in :)
  17. Its got something to do with the alch in Australia, beer and wine over there used to leave me really hung over in th morning. (The sunday before I left the country, I did the most epic morning after vom. Something I've done maybe two or three times in my life). About 30 hrs later, I'm close to the russian border doing straight shots of vodka all night long and every things perfectly fine the day after.
  18. The thing with Sabrina is she had a kids show before she hit puberty... That does not deter me at all. I'd smash sabrina no question...the olsen twins on the other hand? Full house just ruined that shit for me.
  19. I'm actually back to work now. My exhibition dates got shifted around which is why I had a couple days to relax. But now i'm back to not sleeping, drinking alot of coffee and listening to the doors first album and Nina simone :) Also, people are so goofy here now entertainment on the oontz seems to invariably involve silly e beef, midgets and cottages. That stuff is somewhat entertaining but not as entertaining as it was to watch Mamemero get drunk with his dad, or read weapon x's story about that girl he dumped who got her female tae kwan do knowing friend to try and kick him. (So awesome!). I'd like to make some classic oontz's like that and am probably the guy to do it. But I have a few things happening right now and would rather not put my life on blast at the moment. I had a couple of things I thought I could share though, so maybe toward the end of next week when I've got my commitments handled.
  20. ^ dickhead you're on here talking about witchcraft. But really though, I'm too busy (and I really couldn't be bothered) spoiling your thread by continuing this. Goodluck.
  21. I met some hipster and when I asked what he did his masters in he said witchcraft. I played a long for a little while and then just came out with 'yo, you been living in williamsburg?'. His cousin was all like "whoa those are some pretty good powers of deduction man". And what I thought to myself was "yeah, I have deduced you are both faggots". Then a went to get a beer. (N.B No diss to brooklyn residents/ yes diss to people you've only just met trying to say they did a degree in witchcraft when they actually did some hurt media program where it doesnt look like they learned much except how to pretend they are a big deal).
  22. Re: And she loves to show Mero off, of course/smile every time his name shows up in the So Just read it, hilarious.
  23. What age are you now? 29 ? :)
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