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Everything posted by chorus

  1. Re: Name my new dog I will co sign this if you say it like pauly shore. bureeeeetoooooooooo. You've had quite a few suggestions now. Blankets for the legitimate win?
  2. There are yanks in Berlin, they don't really mind. Yes, as far as western europe goes berlin is definately up there in my books. If you like to paint (as in artworks) or whatever it's a good spot. The streets are fun and the apartments in the east I saw there had a spacious studio warehouse vibe with a matress on the ground but still a nice/functional kitchen. You could easily organise a good home studio in a good environment (i.e. the city itself) I think.
  3. Re: Name my new dog also you loose that apparent picking up women with the cute dog thing. (I think that's a bit lame personally and have never owned a dog). Also the kkk might lynch your puppy, and frankly speaking it is pretty damn cute. (n/h) Go with Blankets, Tkid or Coccaine. (you can shorten it to coco and no one will ever know your dog's named after your fav narcotic).
  4. Re: Name my new dog earlier I was going to say you could call her 'nigger' but obviously you'd have to be ready when you took her to the park.
  5. Interesting, the cost to get to china for example is reasonable?
  6. Re: Name my new dog Tkid, or coccaine
  7. Yeah don't bring me into your little dose of hateraide. It wasnt that long ago that 50 eu was roughly 100 usd. That bud just didnt look much value for money so I asked a question. I actually rarely smoke and couldn't care less who has the best hash....nigga
  8. congrats, where did you move to? Being close to both europe and asia is a prime factor in where I move to next. Basically I like the world to revolve around me :)
  9. Why are people bumping these old stupid threads? If you're going to bump something, why dont you find some of those threads El Mamero made where he got really drunk with his dad and brothers. Or that thread Poop Man Bob made where his friends randomly smashed up a t.v. to create some entertainment at a party. These threads your bumping are played,
  10. Everyones heard that. Saw some random old dudes walking around with young cambodian boys. Definately disgusting. edit. it's actually hard to tell if it's a weird looking expat with his kid, some pedo bear I should throw my beer bottle at or both. Otherwise I think confronting pedo bear on some angry australian shit is actually not out of the question for me. regardless, the vibe in general is not nice. ive actually not been to thailand (it looked to touristy for my tastes but sounds like a good place to live). if you do drugs though, you definately want to learn the law and penalties there, although, as with most places in the world, those penalities rarely apply to people with money doing personal things....but if you do get in trouble it's obviously quite serious. I dont know about indo.
  11. move to varna in bulgaria, if you start a business, learn how to handle to mafia south east asia is all pretty simple and nice. Thailand and indo for the win, cambodia and vietnam are a little depressing/ annoying. Move to Buenos Aires etc etc, 0r fuck it, move to Urumqi or move to Ulaanbaatur or move to Favela
  12. thats true, I linked up with this kid in portugal. He's a distant associate in Australia I don't really have much respect for, but we were in Lisbon at the same time so we met up. He was silly enough to buy some hash on the street and it was aweful. But from what I saw if you have some local friends in the know you'll get something which is better quality. I even just saw a spanish truck driver very politely ask a young morrocan looking br0 if he could get him some hash and the guy came back with some stuff that smelt ok. If you prefer bud then obviously do that though.
  13. Australia is similar, hash was not very popular. In france spain and portugal its mainly hash (esp in spain and port). But it's been a little while since I've been there.
  14. that was directed at cunty btw
  15. It depends on what youre looking for and also what kind of person you are bud. Spain is a nice place, the only downside is finding work in spain. Teaching english is a staple for many expats, so maybe you could figure things out. If you'e a person who gets satisfaction from being soemwhere very different and challenging you can try south am or central / eastern block. To be honest I don't think these are very difficult places in general (compared to other places), but they are bit different from canada for example. About going abroad with some sense of adventure or whatever you'd like to call it (a taste for something different n/h) I've been to/ lived in some pretty aweful countries now frankly speaking, and you're kind of like 'sure this is a unique experience but why the fuck am I putting mysellf in this unsavoury and sometimes potentially dangerous place when i could be in valencia drinking wine and coke and lounging on the beach?' So have a think about it. The best thing to do is start by looking at the countries that appeal through travel guides like http://www.lonelyplanet.com and just on google etc. See what sounds awesome and ask around. Also you're in college right? Look into exchange or soemwhere which might benefit your career whaever that may be. Working abroad is often impressive to potential employers. As is speaking a second language.
  16. Is this in the UK or on the continent? The countries which were somewhat geographically close to Morroco I found hash to be more common. (So france, spain and portugal are mainly what I mean). I haven't been there for a little while though, maybe things have changed. I'll report back in a couple months.
  17. this nigga is coming off dope, i dont know anything about oxys but i imagine the bad shit you hear also has to do with coming off dope.
  18. why dont you smoke hash instead of bud? seems common practice in europe.
  19. You been going to a chiro? getting old bud. Personally I wouldn't build one, but I wouldn't hate on somone building one. This has already been discussed. It'd be cool for travel and maybe exploring, not painting a clean train. If you don't like overland travelling (which if you'v ever left philly or where ever youre from you'd agree is not very related to star trek) than you probably wouldn't be too interested in the bike. If you do the bike is interesing. End of story.
  20. p.s. even if you have to appear in court for graffiti charges or whatever. wear a slayer shirt regardless.
  21. to all the young oontzers thinking about geting molested by your friends mom's 1) pics or it didn't happen 2) wear a slayer shirt to court, you may get your friends mom off some serious charges ( defense - "your honor, my learned coleague has made great efforts of rhettoric to paint a bleak picture of what happened when **** went over to ****** to play xbox that eve. Unfortunatley he has quite deliberately excluded one outstanding fact. The boy was wearing that slayer shirt you see before you today your honor and memebers of the jury. Clearly, accordng to the universal law of men, it just doesn't count. Defense rests" )
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