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Everything posted by chorus

  1. ^ really well written. Though obviously a bit confrontational.
  2. nice ^ congrats brah. Just finished doing some quick pen drawings.
  3. ^ wish I was doing that. I'm sorting out paperwork for travel to some very little travelled to countries :/ Not much fun.
  4. A few years back I was hitch hiking in Australia. I got a lift with this old typically Aussie guy who was driving with a beer in one hand. (n/h) At first I was a bit suspcious of him. Then during conversation he said "yeah I divorced my second wife shortly after our honeymoon (he was on his fourth wife at the time). Actually during the honeymoon I had to get brain sugery....waterskiing drunk!". After that I realised the rest of the trip was going to be sheer awesomeness.
  5. but did he learn krav maga? Because if so that dude is taking all your lunch money. heh
  6. I thought that might be the case. I roll with dueces as well. So did you have to do miliatary service once you've immigrated? And if so did you have to learn Krav Maga?
  7. ^ haha I know you said he was a kid...but if it happened because he was drunk it's at least still kind of entertaining/ ok.
  8. Yonis- Yeah I guess if I worked hard at it I could probably write well in French with the use of dictionaries and asking advice from fluent speakers etc. Cheers. I got to say, your withdrawals have seemed awefully mild. Were you using the term 'addiction' loosely?
  9. Lugr- move back to Indo, get hit by a tsunami. Gas- Yeah I've lived in a country which speaks one of those hybrid dialects/languages before. Not easy. I'm hoping French will be easier than all of that (Korean and Japanese etc not being Latin). But they have a lot of verb groups, and like I said I'd need to speak at a level good enough to do advanced university courses (and I'd want to do very well in them). So that could be a pain. Grd- I think having to speak it all the time makes a big difference. I wanted to relearn in about 6 months, but I might be aiming a bit higher than is realistic.
  10. Even though I'm heterosexual and deplore your ongoing homosexual undertones (both here and in the diss thread), I do think your persistent attitude in general ... and inability to breed may make you rich in the future. Pink money having nigga :lol:
  11. Yeah, anyway. Do one of you Frenchies (or otherwise) want to give me some advice on how long it will take to learn French fluently? I learnt for about 6 years up to the age of 12 but have lost it since. I'd like to learn to a level where I can write a 2000 plus word essay which will properly articulate my genius. hah
  12. when you respond I think you're very appropriate...in a good way not a faggy way.
  13. ^ liven up girl. I've arrived. I was meant to paint for at least 3 hours tonight. Instead I messed with the internet. No good :/ Currently reading up on Iran
  14. eh with a lot of that stuff either you get it or you don't I guess. Personally I like some of the clean trains on that blog (the big dirty 2 or 3 colour ones. They look like they've filled with roll paint?).
  15. Yeah, he's a good journalist, and I actually think he's a good illustrator as well. I'd like to flip through the book he did about Bosnia since I have been there. (well after the 90's).
  16. Also I remember you mentioning someone making Palestinian stamps in the travel thread. I suppose if you have an interest in that region it's likely you've seen this already.
  17. yes I've actually become reasonably well versed in the politics of that region, especially recently, so I knew he could basicaly travel down but not up. Thanks though darling. I haven't been to egypt yet but it's definately on the list. Everyone who I've talked to have said good things about indo. The food of theirs I've tried is delicious.
  18. Bed's are comfortable and generally a place where awesome things happen (i.e. sex and sleep).
  19. You both are obsessed with cock in asses... Homo's n/h
  20. I haven't been to the Arab states but they sound awesome. Like Israel so much history. I guess for you it's different (frankly speaking it does sound personal for you). I haven't been to Milan but I've been to Italy. I tend to like lively and historic (though sometimes dirty ) places. So I went to Napoli and Rome and loved them both. I'm sure you're flying but I was actually researching a trip to Israel a couple years back and discoveredd you can actually catch a boat to Europe. Kind of interesting. Either way enjoy.
  21. Honestly I have to agree with our little junky friend. I've met very few Israeli's that I liked. I like straight forward people also but I've found a lot of them to be straight up conceited and generally shit. I think that's also maybe because I've never been to Israel. Most of the Israelites I've met have been traveling, so I guess many of the standout douchebags had just finished their military service. So does that mean you can't travel up into the arab states? Kind of a bummer. Been to Egypt yet?
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