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Everything posted by chorus

  1. yes, to be honest I did look at your itinery and think to myself what you might be doing. :) Best of luck. Anyway you're sure to have a great time. The first three places are a lot of fun, and so is Paris (but you already knew that). Take lots of photos (I'll be there in November but travel photos of Europe never get old for me) Bon voyage!
  2. i stayed in the butterfly villa hostel Bucharest in 2007, the girls who ran the place at that time were gorgeous and loved me. Good fun. Theres a dope Syrian resteraunt around the corner. I also agree that Bucharest is not the highlight of travel in Romania. Smaller places like Sibiu and Brasov I found more enjoyable (though I think they were trying to make Brasov a tourist spot ? Im not sure how things are since they joined the E. U. ) Unless you need to make a travel connection out of Buch, or youre going to paint the metro then I'd recommend reading up on smaller places and seeing if one takes your fancy instead. If you do that, consider hitch hiking somewhere a short distance as a day trip (since you're pressed for time). Hitch hiking in romania is different from other places in europe and a lot of fun. Istanbul, really everything is good there. The sites Blue mosque, aiya sofia (sp?) are all worthy. Its a great city to just walk around get lost and chat to people more than anything. I do recommend getting a hamam massage, there's some spots that just cater to western toursits, try to avoid this and find the "real deal". Even though its kind of like getting scrubbed down by a sumo wrestler (n/h) they leave you to have a nap and get changed at the end and I felt suprisingly very relaxed. The grand bizzare there is also nice. In istanbull I met several people who'd had money extorted from them in one way or another (mostly due to their own poor judgement) and more alarmingly, met one girl who had been drugged in the place she was staying before she came to my hostel. I had absolutely no trouble and a great time. I'm sure you'll do the same. I also would skip Vienna for somewhwere more interesting/nice (perhaps lljubliana in Slovenia? ) but that's just a personal choice.
  3. suggest he gets addicted to heroine, try and hold a steady job, then write a book about it (see previous i dance with dragons discussion)
  4. To be honest. I've found that cliche of packing everything you think you need, then throwing out half to be perfectly true. Packing lighter frees you up to do more interesting things. I've never taken a blanket or pillow travelling. Ear plugs though...are a must.
  5. ^ hah actually, no offence. But I realised later from your post you might not have all that much common sense. When I said form appropriate contacts, I basically meant this kid Really though Brazil looks great. Enjoy yourself.
  6. I'm not really sure this is the place to decide that. I haven't been to Brazil yet but it's pretty common knowledge they have a vibrant graffiti culture. Painting in general in less developed countries, I'd advise doing two things. 1) Form appropriate contacts (I'll leave it up to your common sense to understand what appropriate means) 2) Keep a reserve of money incase you find yourself in trouble. Enjoy brazil! Smile and say obrigado, I'm sure you'll make fast friends.
  7. Good looking out dude, I'm not a brit though. Kafka was a strange guy.... Lawyer people. I've read the trial. It was very good.
  8. Havent read it, 100 yrs of Solitude was great though. I'm only a couple pages in but I like it already. Good choice of author.
  9. I know, everyone says it's good. Maybe after I finish what I'm reading now. Of Love and Other Demons - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  10. Also who ever is reading crime and punishment, I read it because an estonian who couldnt speak much english (but obviously spoke russian) was trying to describe why he liked Dosteyovski. His exact words were "Dosteyovski...I like ... he is a .. truely ....GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" and he made a tiger claw action with his hand. It actually took me a year to read and I got fed up with all the russian names etc and read two or three other books in between. But when I finished it I was very happy I read it. The guys a fucking masterful writer. I started the idiot and didnt like it anywhere near as much as Crime and Punishment. Shit's awesome, enjoy.
  11. I think it's fucking great that there is actual book beef going on in here. I wouldn't call 1984 a tin foil book to be honest. I think the point of it simply was to take the way the world is run to the extreme and by doing that raise a lot of questions and issues. The questions it raises about the purpose of war for example or about the increasing role of surveilance in our lives (as well as a lot of other stuff) are things that pretty much everyone should at least be aware of even if you choose not to worry about it too much and just get on with your life. No ones talking some huge illuminati , fake moon landing bullshit by doing that, least of all Orwell. But to continue to Book Beef, WHO EVER CALLED CAMUS AN EXISTENTIALIST IS AN IDIOT! Haha come at me br0. :)
  12. i am now eating coffee ice cream. its fucking delicious
  13. I just painted a clean train (well...a few hours ago and am snitching on myself since I dont think anyone cares enough)..now I'm eating pakistani food and thinking about a nap. Im also thinking about coffee ice cream. And thinking about a girl I been seeing.
  14. Although I heard good things about this book I'm not particularly interested in it. If someone intentionally got addicted to heroin and then tried to hold a job, that would be hilarious and I would read...if someone couldnt handle life, turned into a junky then eventually pulled it back together to live a normal life. Well that sounds shit and probably really hard but I don't want to read about it. I read junky by burroughs, that was enough.
  15. This is perfectly acceptable, just as long as your not one of those guys who tries some impress girls with some intellectual stuff shit all the time. In my younger days I used to talk to girls often enough about this....these days I mainly just shoot them a look like "it's time for us to slow fuck now" and put my arm around them. /stronggamenorape. :)
  16. :lol: write a book about it.
  17. Thanks for the fill in. Interesting... I'm not going to hate though. What is it now 3 more days? Go for yours.
  18. can you tell me what I dance with dragons is actually about and why you're counting the days please?
  19. To be honest with you, when I get drunk I'm usually out doing things with people rather than reading... Sometimes I'll come home drunk and keep drinking then go out and get all raptag and wake up covered in leaves etc and be like wtf?! that and every now and again I'll have a couple glasses of wine by myself with a book or movie. But that's really it. I agree though Hem is a masterful author who writes from a primarily masculine perspective. Some go as far as to say his work can be viewed as a study into the masculine condition, but that's all debatable. Either way his work is good and entertaining and what ever kind of stance you take academically or philosophically his writting certainly contributes something to what English Literature might teach a person about humanity. Its good you try and teach his work well. Because it's taught in schools etc a lot of people end up thinking Hemingway is dry. I was lucky enough to never learn it in high school and how someone could find it boring I have no idea.... well they probably had some shitty teacher that made it more about deadlines and bullshit rather than bullfighting and being a man...that's how...if you don't do that, that's great and props.
  20. Great author and interesting guy. The first short in that and 'fifty grand' (the boxing story) are really very good.
  21. I had no idea about Calgary so I didn't type anything...but just the sound of it was a bit 'meh'. So I suggest you get drunk and listen to M.O.P :)
  22. Palestine I think is probably a must see (and possibly volunteer?) in my life time. Jordan sounds great to. I've been told its less oil rich than other countries in the region and makes for a chilled vibe. That's just hear/say though.
  23. I haven't been but i'd like to. Syria, Lebanon etc all the down egypt. All look amazing.
  24. You've clearly missed something. All those kebabs and sharia law are fucking you up a bit bud. Did you visit anywhere else in the middle east after istanbul ?
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