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Everything posted by chorus

  1. you are a family man, dudes from villages in third world countries would respect that.
  2. Mort kunstler could be me when I grow up. Also one very small adjustment to his name and he could be a pornstar n/h. Anyway sorry, back to surfing.
  3. Twinkles there are definately ecko people in Europe. Dcay, euro's are a law onto themselves. There's really no explaining the traksuits, crazy euro mullets, complicated hip hop handshakes and the pretty girls with hairy armpits. :lol: it's none the less a nice place to travel. Actually I'm going to a country under pretty intese government... Last time I was in that region a lot of crazy stuff happened. See how it goes this time I guess.
  4. I've been lucky enough to have an oppurtunity to travel for a few months. I'm starting out in a part of eastern Europe with a lot of Internet censorship and there's chance I might become too busy for 12 oz for a while anyway. Either that or I'll try and post some photos. Either way all the best! Sincerly, Fredrick Nurkenhover Esq.
  5. Actually although I don't especially regret anything I have thought before it would be cool to go back re do a few things at 16 with the knowledge of a 26 yr old.
  6. Also I've said it before. Have some real money stored and handy incase of an emergency. Tell people where you're going and keep a line out about your where abouts with several people. Sitting in a holding cell on in hospital in some new place without money or people to wonder where the fuck you are isn't a nice way to go out.
  7. This is the start of your trip? Great. Keep posting. On a side note I thought you were Obama you look like Charlie Murphy :lol:
  8. ^ :lol: I've finished up for the night actually. Enjoy your kangol hat go cart gif and your black surfers website.
  9. seriously you skinny little bitch go listen to the descendants and cry on a beach or something.
  10. haha I am infact not 'joshing' I'm presuming COS is an acronym?
  11. Have you done some solo shows yet by the way?
  12. yeah I don't really sketch in proportion either. Just maybe some feedback on what to go for when you do major works. Ofcourse do whatever you want. Like I said just my personal feedback. really best of luck with your commision endevours :)
  13. :lol: I agreed with two things two people wrote? Get out of here you spaz.
  14. Bull- in Australia? I didn't go around too much. I hitch hiked between sydney and melbourne mostly. The keeping relatively clean look. Is good advice also. It'll make the trip more enjoyable anyway.
  15. ^ This (shai's) is all good advice. Basically plan as if you're going camping but be as lightweight as possible. The sleeping bag tip I think is crucial. If you're going to sleep outside when you do this particular trip (travelling in winter) splash some cash and buy a good minus zero sleeping bag. I don't really agree with the knife thing to be honest. I do carry a small (I think 3 1/2 inch?) pocket knife, but it's more for open beer/wine bottles and cutting fruit .I've never come remotely close to having to use it for self defence. I've met a few people who carry pepper spray. Aside from the girly factor if we're being serious I think it's a better option. With the electronics, the few things I carried were in padded bags. My camera's in a padded case and so is my mp3 player. If your back pack isn't water proof wrap them in a plastic bags also. Pretty common sense.
  16. It's almost the new dance n graff.
  17. This whole black surfing google search you've done is like taking acid for the first time.
  18. That Hell Surfers bookcover is incredible. For a second I thought their black shiny when wet skin (n/h) looked too much like that of a seal in the the water and they were all just instantly devoured by sharks. Also Is that a wetsuit or did this guy come to the beach with an afro and a leather jacket? If so the funk is mind boggling n/h
  19. Cool brah. I probably won't get a chance for a while. But maybe when I return to Aus. Never know. In the meantime looks fun. Bit of a tangent but do any black people surf? It just occured to me I have never seen one surfing...ever.
  20. also that flesh tone chick on your last post. No text, attention to proportions. Looks much better!
  21. Frank doing it right. Have you done many finished drawings / paintings? I'd like to see them. almighty. I think you should just lose the graff tags and write your text in normal writing. I love graffiti, but to be honest your handstyle doesnt look very good and is taking away from those fast acrylic paintings ( I know they're just sketches but still). It normally looks better when you pay attention to preportions rather than try to distort them. That windin yoursail painting is a good example of one of your better sketches. Ruler of the world would look better if you had just written the text in normal writting and instead of those choppy yellow strokes just put a yellow wash throughout the entire background or something. Just some small feedback. Keep posting!
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