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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Can't really comment on Brandy other than it being a girl's name who had a crush on me at primary school who hated her best friend as they sought to compete for my attention. And I thought I waxed prophetic above about that which is to come, yet it anything further comes to mind beyond that which is detailed above I will add it in for you.
  2. Found an old email from EBPH as I sent him on telling him to get back on here and this was the attachment that was on the email, which made me laugh when I opened it as I had no idea what it was
  3. I hear you there as there were many shows where I only found the merch stand when the show was over and all they had left was extra medium size shirts which are way too small but I bought them anyway so they look like muscle shirts if I hit the gym.
  4. You really want to work for a company or live in a world whereby you can't call people out for acting retarded? Obviously it isn't disparaging to those born with intellectual disabilities, but the mere notion that one cannot use a word that one should seek to never be labeled with as they effectively have no excuse for such behaviours. A bit off topic, but I hope this place never succumbs to the ridiculousness that is censorship of speech in today's "cancer culture" social media landscape. The funniest part about this is that another forum I joined I used the username "half retard" after I watched Tropic Thunder and sought to vary it up from my usual name I use here, so given I "own" the word "retard" as a result, I will use it whenever it is relevantly applicable, and obviously would never use it in a professional workplace setting, as how can God ever allow colleagues of mine to condone the thought patterns that would see them deriving offence at being called a retard. When I was growing up we called those who were learning disabled "slow", so how many more years until these purple haired screamers on Twitter outlaw this word given that it means the same thing as they believe retard does? Anyway RIP @SpyD thanks for kicking my ass in Street Fighter 4 way back and hope you are still around to enjoy Street Fighter 6 next month. Also, I remember COD Modern Warfare 2 lobbies on XBL with Ski Mask Boris and his crew back in the day, shit was hilarious.
  5. Three words. Lamp On Head Those who know, know.
  6. You know whats up. My adventures pre 2009 would possibly be found in my post history here as it was in 2009 when I first hit up Europe and got a small travel Nikon travel camera. Stupidly though I didn't take as many photos as I should have during my travels up to 2015 when I bought my Olympus EM1 which made me go on photo trips and things. I was late into being aware of the power of sadomasochistic Art phones and their cameras until around the same time, although my digital self was well preserved until a few furious meltdowns where I became furious at the world and my digital self who was still living my best life, given he was travelling whilst I was stuck surrounded by drugged out junkies, that saw me deleting a whole heap of things including my entire Lightroom library of 73000 images and videos prior to cancelling the subscription as I thought why should these people who have chosen to become strangers to me in reality be allowed to live in a cloud whilst I was left alone with having to foot the subscription bill each month? Hard drives are definitely the way to go, and I still think I should give up paying my 2TB iCloud storage each month and send the message to those I have paid for priviledge of allowing them to live in the cloud to be stuck living in the physical hard drive that is my brain. Apologies for the thread hijack but it is all in memory of jugzer as I know that no matter how long I live for, that DAO chain video will be able to be viewed for me to induce laughter as I remember the fun times and characters of this forum.
  7. Kanye is a self described rapper so he is now the equivalent of mother fucking Bad Boy Bubby, with the fact that the whores that are the Kardashians being the family he married into being the most famous people in the pop culture sphere of influence being a telling indictment on the current state and trajectory of humanity. As like Bubby finds out in the movie, it is easy to lay down and take dick from rapists, I mean rappers. It isn't a skill that should facilitate a reality show that is venerated and makes one a billionaire. My main issue with Kim and that clan is she fucked around around with another man after having kids with one. If you fuck up who you chose to breed with, then please just give up on relationships and having sex altogether as you are incapable of not only failing to value yourself enough to choose who you will be with forever, you also are failing to make humanity evolve as you can't even keep a relationship let alone find yourself qualified to essentially elevate yourself to the state of God in creating human life. As a product of a broken home, with my Father choosing to be a Dad to kids which are not his whilst he pretends his own don't exist and on My Mum's side I found myself be evicted by a step father from the home my brother and I lived in before he even existed in my Mother's life, just accept that once you have a kid with someone you are done with relationships forevermore unless you wish to inflict emotional turmoil on your kid. I know that I am not alone in feeling sorry for Kanye with how his whore of a wife humiliated him in public and left the kids to never be able to see there Mother as anything but the whore which is what made her famous to begin with as they innocently suffer from the parents failure to be selective in their breeding choices.
  8. The last Wu I dealt with was sending a couple hundred dollars to the Mrs so she could pay rent via Western Union. I am with AB on this as rappers are the equivalent of Bad Boy Bubby in they classify themselves as guilty of (w)rapping cats with gladwrap as they are all pussy homos afraid of women, ahahaha. Just remember this scene and image next time you say the word, speak of or speak to a fucking self described "rapper" as the only difference between a rapper and a raper isn't just an additional letter as they are both guilty of rape, just one uses ear holes as opposed to the other available options. And remember in the Book of Matthew, Jesus said to build one's house on the Rock if they wish to be saved, as even God knows that rap music is garbage produced by those who are usually incapable of mastering an actual musical instrument that isn't a computer. And unless you want to argue with God, then feel free to argue this point given it wasn't just me saying this, as the saviour of humanity who humans stupidly killed a couple millenium ago had the wisdom to warn of the plague that has seen popular music devolve into a formulaic shit pile with retards making noises like "skrrrt skrrt" and shit you would understand that those who are intellectually disabled would even cringe at.
  9. This. They say you are what you eat so I might as well become a (micro)chip(ed) half Great White shark half cyborg apex predator that sits atop the food chain given red meat is off my menu due to the advice of the wife who made me understand that I am a Bull and ai was cannibalising myself according to Hindus who view cows as their God, a fact I understand with how my experiences in the subcontinent went with how people treated me and acted in my presence. Unlike Australia, which is 95% populated by insecure old cunts suffering tall poppy syndrome and junkies looking to cut down those who are superior to them in regards to how they live their lives as I experience with the looks of the people I usually encounter here. But that is another story entirely. The solois because I don't need anyone else to talk to or make me happy as I can expose those who cling to attachment on the internet for the wide world to see hahaha.
  10. Mauler5150


    "I get up, and nothing gets me down" It is a little delayed but consider this my Edward Van Halen tribute thread to the King of Rock Guitar who also happens to be the King who had the memorial hospital I was born in dedicated to in another "Time is not a straight line" situation as there is no other "King" of any domain that has or will ever exist in my lifetime that doesn't have the initials EVH. And who knew his most famous song from the 5150 album which everyone on Earth has heard in "Jump" begins with a line that everyone on this forum no doubt has some basic understanding of. And in a pure comedic twist, I have lived through becoming my namesake my moniker on here designated me as, in being the Australian equivalent of being classified as "5150" thanks to my psycho sister making me psychotic and my Dad calling the police for turning up at his house at about 10pm one night to delay going back to my crackhead infested apartment I shared my brother (and his worthless cunt of a girlfriend who never paid a single cent of rent or contributed a single dollar to any bills in the 10 months she squatted - fuck you Angela you pathetic piece of shit for making my dire financial predicament so bad I ruined my perfect credit history due to putting up with your ugly fucking mouldy head) had allowed to be overrun with junkie scum. So yeah I got carted off by the police to the asylum which provided me a week or two away from the crackheads of Maddington back in 2018, where I was able to see what true madness was. Anyway, Rest in Loudness Edward and thanks for the Fair Warning as life is just a Sunday afternoon in the park from here on out...
  11. If the fact that technology allows us to capture videos like those in this thread isn't evidence that we are all able to immortalise ourselves to where we can live beyond death in the cloud and backed up on the safety of the internet and Youtube, then nothing is. So with this said, I encourage people to film themselves at their best and worst moments in life, so you and those you wish to share with may laugh or smile at what I would hope is one's pursuit of living their best life possible. It is the only positive of always being contactable, having zero privacy and having every step and keystroke you ever make, tracked, logged and archived so Silly Con Valley nerds can add to their billions by selling You and Your data in the most underhanded business venture of all time.
  12. Inspired by the Iron Maiden talk in another thread, I did a search and couldn't find anything on the first couple of pages so I thought I would ask you to post the shirts you picked up at concerts you attended. As I left my yuppy phase of designer shirts and those nice fabrics behind I pretty much have been living in band shirts these past few years as they usually last a long time. Anyway, here are the ones I have with me at the moment. Flew to the other side of Oz to see Symphony X play one of their first two shows and got VIP tickets to meet the band and got this shirt in the package. Their Underworld album, which they played in it's entirety at the show I saw, is based around the Divine Comedy of Dante's Inferno, and it is good to know that I have acquired the shirt that verifies that I am a VIP of the 9 Circles of Hell, as I reside here in Purgatory after I decided to throw away my corporate life and take off to Spain to give away the love I want to be given. But what else would one expect for one whose middle name is Luke who was born on May 4th? The Bad Religion shirt I scored when I saw them and NOFX in 2009. I had VIP meet and greet tickets for the Dream Theater Systematic Chaos show. Was at the front lined up with Mr Petrucci's wah pedal the entire show after I jumped the velvet rope and sprinted to the front of the theater to get the spot I wanted like a true progressive metal nerd hahaha. It was like 40'C that Australia Day and was damned hot, and I wouldn't be surprised if I posted about it on here before as I vaguely remember speaking to @Some1 about it? The G3 show was epic, my 3 favourite guitar players in one show and it was long going for about 5 & a half hours. I ended up getting the flu the day of the show, and only got to bed after my Dad and I went back to my uncle's place and played guitars and chatted til 3am after the show. Got up at 7am and had a shit day at work is what I remember, as the cunt Area Manager wouldn't let me take an annual leave day, a Manager who later falsely accused me of trying to steal things from her purse after she left it on the counter and I called a colleague over to watch me go through it to identify who the owner was which saw me call her to come back and get it. She reported me to her Boss the state manager, and he called me in to try and accuse me, only for me to tell the truth of how she was trying to fuck me over because the tape wouldn't lie. The tape didn't lie and the State Manager was pissed after he viewed the tape and saw I was telling the truth and was being helpful & a good citizen. So in making such an ordeal I left the company as given I was more qualified than the Area Manager who was only in her first year of uni and she feared me taking her job, I left and never looked back until now. The Black Clouds Dream Theater show I went with a friend and it was after we watched a free John Petrucci guitar clinic at a pub earlier in the day which was epic as well. I travelled from Oz to Rotterdam in the Netherlands to watch The Theater Equation show which was the Ayreon "Human Equation" album played in full as one of the first 4 shows ever played by Arjen Lucassen's masterful prog rock opera project. When the first notes started I got goose bumps and it was an epic experience, but I am not sure whether the show I saw was the one that got filmed for the dvd. The dvd didn't do justice to the show though and I was disappointed in it when I first watched it but now years have passed it is better than my initial impression was. After that show, I flew to Oslo in Norway to watch Jorn Lande, who is my all time favourite vocalist based on his performance on Beyond Twilight's "The Devil's Hall of Fame" album among the huge catalogue he has compiled over the years. I bought a couple of shirts from his wife and had a beer and a chat with him and a couple I met at the gig after the show just before he ran off to family and friends to booze on as I went back to the hotel as I was tired as I probably still stoned from being in the Netherlands for a week. I do regret not watching Kamelot who played the same venue the night before as I listened to them from outside but stupidly wasted the opportunity to see another band I enjoy to listen to now. Anyway, apologies for the long post (it's becoming habit?) but I love and appreciate live music and have literally gone to the other end of the Earth to prove and hear it. Plus they can use my post history to digitally clone me in the next cycle of the Simulation's Infinite loop, and sharing such experiences in detail will ensure that my next iteration will get to either see or meet most of My favourite musicians once more.
  13. Did you not see them when they came for the Soundwave festival about 10 years or so ago? I "watched" them play from way back about 20m behind the back of the crowd and spent most of the set talking to a childhood friend I hadn't caught up with for 10 or so years prior so pretty much just listened to them in between our conversation. It was also because they were playing late and after already having braved 8 hours or so of various bands and seeing Pennywise just prior, I was done moshing for the day. They did sound good and pretty sure they played Hallowed be thy Name, so I can tick that off the bucketlist of life events I am grateful to have experienced. Now this talking of gigs has given me a thread idea....
  14. I think Anxiety is a standard human experience that everyone suffers from in some aspect of life. I personally have no issues flying, it is just the jetlag I suffer from as a result of living in the arse end of the world here in Oz sees any overseas jaunt I have made pretty much taking a full day in transit to get to Europe or the USA. Also Anxiety is a cool 2 minute long song from Bad Religion that, along with "Sometimes it feels like $&@$@@!" from the No Control album pretty much sum up the default state of being for what I would guess is 90% of humans, with the lyric "Foundation of society, Anxiety, supress it if you can" being the struggle I no longer have any desire to deal with based on my acceptance that life is scripted and if you choose to dwell on what others are doing (or those who have done wrong to you) then you are losing the game of life as you care too much about nothing and that which you cannot control. My only real stress in life is my financial predicament and my inability to be able to afford to live alone. Yet I accept my situation for what it is and just enjoy the theater of life as I watch the movie I am the star of get completely absurd and find it strange how others seek to complain as opposed to enjoying the ride and positive aspects of existence that make one laugh. And a word of advice for anyone who starts to feel anxious for no reason, just think of the loudest or smellyest fart you have dealt or suffered experiencing in life and just remember that whatever is making you anxious has nothing on such ridiculous aspects of human existence.
  15. Embrace your inner serpent and become a dragon like me. Hell you are a man with a snake living between his legs that can dominate all rational thought aren't you? If that isn't evidence we are all Annunaki or whatever then nothing is. My fear is heights, and I can't even watch Ally Law type videos without feeling queasy. As for everything else, only the ocean humbles me, which given I live in the metacrawler and snake infested HTML domain of Australia, probably explains my growing peacefulness with such creatures over time.
  16. Required listening for anyone familiar with Simulation Theory and the fact we exist in a computer, as transposed to a progressive rock musical form.
  17. Walking to my course after passing the exact location I met my wife for the first time, I encounter these caged zoo animals slaving away for our entertainment
  18. Month to month plans are where it is at. Or do you want to be the fool wasting minutes that lead to hours of their life punching in numbers or travelling to a store to obtain a prepaid credit authorisation slip as you top up your prepaid card for money that you are going to be spending if you are on a plan or are not? It boggles my mind as to how little value people have for their time when it comes to simple life decisions such as this, especially when you have fools who complain about "running out of phone credit" which is an issue a plan solves completely. The moral of the story is simplify your life and reduce the things you stress about and minimise your decisions and debt obligations so that you can be free as possible. Or free to point out how tarded people who dwell over trivial life decisions are on the jnternet, either way it is better than wasting fuel and getting road rage after you run out of credit and need to hit up a store to get more.
  19. Mauler5150


    Damn. That sucks but I can understand why though. I had him on my Facebook which got permabanned in 2017 for me posting myself engaged in "an act of love" so to speak otherwise I would reach out on there to say hi.
  20. No idea what that scene is from but I get the sentiment. I got to sleep at about 2 am and got drenched by pouring rain about 20m out the front gate after leaving this morning at 7-45. Great start to the day but nothing a Redbull and some Maccas chicken nuggets won't sort out as my guts feel screwed up due to my eating pattern being completely ruined. I have a feeling I will get sick from this after being fine for year or so. Madness. Yet maybe I am just allergic to work?
  21. I wish I had read this post earlier as it is too late for that hahaha. I had a couple Redbulls which made me a bit hyper, but I think I made a positive impression and conveyed my ability to empathise and my experience in a similar role. Either way, I am just grateful to be in a different environment for a few days around people whose situation is similar to mine as it is a reminder that I deal with life's struggles in a less stressful way than others.
  22. That is a mad story. So there was no ghost in that section or what?
  23. Mauler5150


    The strange thing is TPWF is the default fashion for today's (de)generation. I can't say I ever adopted the trend nor feel that I ever will. Does @Manute Bolstill post here?
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