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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Made it through another stage of SMASHTV aka work by iterating that the robots being deployed to attempt to stop me from fulfilling my destiny are completely worthless beyond serving as the parasitic butt end of a joke I am making in order to entertain myself over the infinite expanse of eternity. Imagine Alien vs Predator with me as the Predator hunting these aliens with the effective goal being that I enact the “No brown M&Ms” part of the Van Halen contract 😂 That is my current “reality” as I participate in my Theater of Dreams.
  2. You understand that the concept of “having beef” is effectively a subversive way of saying they like other men’s meat inside them right? As I said on an individual basis I have no issue with anyone, yet I despise the ideology that people seek the need to be a submissive “gang initiate” as a means via which they can forge a personal sense of identity as that notion is a paradox within itself. That is the primary point I was making along with the negative social repercussions being manifested in reality
  3. Been there, done that, lived to tell the tale. Given I let go of such a fear and my manhood card is still intact given that I allowed the wife to indulge in a pleasure these closeted guys would restrict her from, what does that say about them?
  4. And yes, I’m terminally online as we exist within the Matrix as designated with boundaries by the framework of the “Shell” and amended via the Terminal app. Just saying…,
  5. Thanks for labelling me and all such labels are relevant in the scheme of realising one is infinite in nature so I don’t take any of it seriously, and the fact that you are so willing to judge and apply labels to me is more a reflection of yourself than of anyone else, including me. Yet you may have missed the point whereby I said if God appeared to me as my (male) clone, I would have no hesitation in having sex with myself, so if you consider this fact or that I would let the Mrs screw me in the ass as I would do to her given I obey the Golden Rule of “Do onto others” in every aspect of my relationship with the one I love, I figure your accusations of me being homophobic in the general sense are so off base it isn’t funny. But I guess a guy who defends closeted homosexual bikers doesn’t know much about chakra alignment and what pleasures exist beyond the forbidden door 😂 And given my initials are MO, I am 100% nobody’s “ho” as I just have my wife role play as one each Christmas or I wish to remind myself of how lucky I am to have lived my life skirting around the fun police and their sirens as per https://youtu.be/Ltq77V49hwE
  6. https://www.model-kartei.de/sedcards/fotograf/472068/mobsta/ My modelling portfolio should you wish to check it out
  7. Having travelled the world shooting models I should resume studying & have been offered another Bachelors in Creative Media at my Uni, but in all honesty I can’t be bothered going to school and getting another $30k of debt only for them to teach me what I learned from professional photographers & models I know which is the secret is all in the eye of the camera holder and the way they use and manipulate light.
  8. Eating ass is perfectly fine, and I’ll never give up indulging the woman with such an activity, but coprophilia is the equivalent to cigarette smoking. There is no debate or dispute as this is factual truth. Congrats to those who saw the errors of their ways and quit. I bet your wallet, lungs, clothes and those around you appreciate not having to be confronted with the smell of someone whom just walked out of a forest fire.
  9. Congrats on the milestone and I’m glad to hear you are happy to have stopped and can also see how our vices can have a destructive and sometimes fatal effect on our lives. It’s sad to hear that so many of the participants in this thread have died, as even when I caught up with EBPH when I visited SF, he was telling me of people on here who has died then (as we drank beers and cranked lines 😂).
  10. …are literally volunteering to be links in a human centipede of the ET variety as they suck brown cancerous toxic shitty smoke from literal butts. Whilst some consider these movies to be one of the worst horror ideas of the past decade or so, I find it funny that I view all cigarette smokers as participating in the same activity albeit on a purely voluntary and proactive basis as opposed to being put in the situation by a mad Doctor. Discuss.
  11. Nah. I refuse to participate in the supporting of organised crime when it is extortionate to the point that my society is falling into a state of decay as a result of me refusing to draw a line in the sand and tell these dumb fucks that they have nothing I want and nothing I need beyond them remaining perceptible so I have someone to openly mock and laugh at whilst they spiral into an existential crisis of realising how badly they fucked up in their lives.
  12. I hurt myself. I spent 35 years of my life living a lie in that I chased a materialistic paradigm thinking that I’m doing so I would be seen in a positive light by other people. Only once I had lived in castles, seen the world, had the hottest women and driven in a Lamborghini only to realise my mistake was believing that anything beyond what one is altruistically willing to sacrifice and give up as they manifest the love the wish to receive by giving it away was the ultimate crime against oneself that I, and anyone else for that matter, could commit. Yet in becoming the living incarnation of the live I wish to be given which saw me leave my friends etc behind to go spend an entire day travelling to the other end of the Earth so that I could give the female “Me” the love I wanted by rocking up to her door in a Lambo decked out head to toe in Armani offering to take her anywhere in the world she wished to go as I manifested the ultimate, paradigm of a perfect “Man”, I am now left to share that through being willing and able to let go of everything that defined me beyond the love I wished to give was the key to Heaven, freedom, happiness and judgement from myself, God or any man or woman on the face of the planet. As for my rant here, I see the wider macroeconomic and societal cancer that these gangs and their like generate as they feed off the perpetuation of fear via the drawing of an imaginary line creating a “Us vs them” culture which is similar to the notion of racism given that it is only one’s internal insecurities manifested outwards which allows such concepts to survive in a day and age where we are all half cyborgs with the entire history and knowledge of mankind’s past mistakes sitting in our pockets on our phones and tablets. And add to this the fact that I’m trying to help my brother who submitted into the belief that participation in the drug trade that helps these social parasitic gangs to remain appealing in any way saw me lose him to a prison cell for 18 months and he is likely to end up back there as a result of the extortionist prices and limitations being placed upon his and his friend’s ability to get high. My simple question to any of these gang members of “Who are YOU?” knowing that their answer will be one of avoidance as they run from facing themselves in the mirror as they hide behind the walls of their clubhouse, only allows me to mindfuck any of these boys infinitely harder than any fist or bullet will ever be able to affect me, as I am able to laugh at myself knowing that I can mathematically prove I’m a perfect 10 based on my identity, as well as through the cumulative sum of actions I have made throughout my life to free myself of the judgement of anyone and everyone, including myself. Whilst I’m aware that my thread title is antagonistic in nature, it’s intended that way in today’s overly PC society as I harbour beliefs which are founded in mutually congruent and understandable truth, which is that I’m happy to make as big a joke of myself as I am of others whom remain with their head stuck too far up their own ass of seriousness they cannot do the same. Also, as I am a “4” being born on May the 4th, I see myself as nothing more than a stick figure or the “1” with his dick in his hand skeeting all over the faces of those whose failure to laugh at themselves leaves them no ability to laugh at anyone or anything else in life.
  13. Hey man, I’m not homophobic in the slightest, I just dislike liars and those whom are scared to come out of the closet as the fear of judgement they harbour is a disease which spreads and infects society. To iterate, I strongly despise the label centric society in which we live, as given I can factually breakdown reality back to 1s and 0s which therefore renders any further labelling beyond 1 = truth and 0 = a lie completely meaningless as only those whom live in complete truth as I now do can make such assessments of myself and by shining a mirror on others and making them introspectively critique themselves beyond labels such as “patched bikie member” can one find the underlying “root” of truth which allows one to let go of their repressed urges and make peace with themselves without any need to be reliant on anyone but themselves to ultimately be happy.
  14. 1. I invite them to do so given that any man who needs to restore to physical violence as a means via which to assert dominance has already lost the mental game, and knowing that I have caused offence and triggered their ego means that I now live inside their head in a penthouse, rent free of course. As even though my head my get “knocked off” I’m not the insecure one who was so offended by a comment which actually holds truth within it, as if what I said wasn’t true then there would be no need to pay any attention to it as it would be a meaningless lie. I’m aware that being an antagonist in this respect in “shining the light” on the truth of the situation these purported “men” whom join these gangs, but as a Luke born on May the 4th, I’m more than happy to live up to my name’s meaning by making fun of those whom are to insecure to make fun of themselves. 2. Not sure what you mean by this statement, but I’ll just leave this picture of a bikies ride here for you to enjoy 3. If you are wondering what prompted this thread, it’s due to bikie clubs charging a 3500% markup on drugs my brother was looking at procuring compared to the price I paid in California. If you are ok with paying for such exorbitant prices so that these parasitic closeted gays go about life, knowing that the average street addict therefore needs to resort to crimes like breaks and enters and armed robberies to support their habits of wishing to get High, then you fail to understand how there is not a single positive aspect of being another man’s submissive bitch as all bikies below the head of the club actually are. Yet given that the head of said club bases their entire identity around having the support of the club and is afraid of being alone, I pose the question to any and all of them to tell me whom they are as a man without the bikes, the gang, the drugged up sluts or the money they obtain through organised crime. Given that I’m asking such an existential question to people whose identity I s completely comprised around their attachment to such things as a distraction from facing the true nature of their insignificance and lack of the one thing that we all chase and covet in “LOVE”, their failure to meet the sacrificial paradigm I have proven capable of with my life of giving up everything to define what a “Man” will do to give and redirect “Love” in that I sacrificed my family, friends, job, career, qualifications, car, house, bank accounts, country and even the Southern Hemisphere of home to go the other end the earth to give my woman the love I want for myself and as such, anyone whom fails to, or is afraid of doing the same will never be able to claim they have given, received, indulged in or experienced “love” in any form at all because in creating a new paradigm I separated myself as the “Man” from these gay “boys” and their “club”. So now you see, I welcome any of these fools to try and escape the Hell I willingly relegate their scared, closeted asses to given that all the proof of me having lived the life that any man could, should and would aspire to lives on in the cloud and the internet forever as they can keep their temporary “Hell” as I reside in a permanent, fearless Heaven as I openly mock these goons on public forums so that when I encounter these people in reality, there is no subversive underlying tone as I treat them as I treat anyone else in reality in that I am honest, true, and have no fear in whipping out my phone to show the images of my life which pretty much will obliterate any opportunity for them to insinuate that I would ever want to walk a mile in their shoes, knowing that they 100% wish they could be walking in mine. And this is why knowledge derived from experience is true power, and is why I am not afraid to call others out on their bullshit given that I was once deluded into caring about what other’s think to the point I realised I was losing myself just as the boys who need to join a gang are doing by allowing other boys to stand over them like they are in the schoolyard.
  15. Boomers are kangaroos where I come from, so I’ll take out as a compliment?
  16. After seeing that RIP thread you bumped, I kind of feel bad for being a proponent of encouraging excessive alcohol consumption, and I see from my own experiences how bad it is for the culture of humanity to do such a thing. I’m glad the thread title has been changed, and whilst I wouldn’t change any experiences I have ever had given they made me the Man I am and as such were necessary experiences I consciously chose to make happen, I now realise how not all people are as lucky or have the mental capacity and fortitude to know their limits as to when to stop drinking as I, and other’s seem to have done. Additionally, the price of booze these days is ridiculous, $12+AUD for a pint in the city, so kids of today might not be able to indulge themselves as I was lucky enough to from my late teens to mid 30s. I know it more a factor of greedy landlords charging exorbitant rents, but the topic of unjust economic greed is one I’ll reserve for another thread.
  17. Thanks for this bump, and sad to see I predicted such an outcome in the Team Alpo post I made. RIP AyeBee I’ll never forget his coke infused meltdown thread and having experienced a similar situation myself I completely relate to the struggles and pain we can find ourselves in as a result of dealing with the loss of a woman that we love. And the thread that gave his username change was a classic memory from here, and the pics that ran through our heads as readers as we got updates from inside the swamp or whatever as it was happening was just the pinnacle of internet happenings 😂
  18. So I wrote a diatribe comment recently on YouTube as a video about what it takes to become a “bikie” or a “patched member” showed up in my algorithm. So if the homosexual undertones of being a “bikie” (where everyone can have a ride on you) or a “patched member” (like these guys are actually women with a strapon) are not enough let’s get down to the facts here. 1. The Media try’s to sell bikies as being lost men who lack a family so they try to join a gang. Given this, what straight man who has any actual value or personal identity wants to join a club of other men whom are going to tell him what to do like he is a submissive little bitch? As far as I’m concerned such behaviours are only conducted by closeted gays whom use the “gang” as a means via which they can try attempt to gain an identity given without the safety of their little group they really have no value at all. So given closeted gays are living a life of life’s and denial, they deserve no respect. 2. These gangs are just criminal enterprise fronts and they prey upon the weak and lost “men” as the gullible fools whom they can exploit to commit acts of crime and violence. No man whom needs a gang of other men in his life deserves to be respected, as it is only the man who can stand alone with his own sense of self and identity which is extraneous of anything external to him whom deserves respect. 3. As a straight man, if I needed validation and support of a “family” I believed I missed out on, I would find myself a group of women to go hang around with so I could either act like they were my family or I could start a family of my own with one of said women. 4. These pathetic criminal scumbags love nothing more than to try and act tough when the fact remains they have nothing of value but the intimidation factor of numbers in their gang as they are too mentally deficient to have worked out that violence doesn’t do anything beyond exhibit the fact that the arbiter of violence is defeated by their own mental shortcomings bound by the root cause of fear. 5. These criminals are nothing more than middlemen who drive up the prices of drugs due to their incessant greed and lust for money, as they believe that money is something that they hope will provide them with the sense of purpose and identity that they have already admitted that they lack by making the decision to hide in the closet and seek out other closeted gay men in a bikie gang. 6. There was a reason one of the Village People was a Biker, as everyone has always known bikies are gay and are a complete joke to anyone with any discernment about actual, factual truth. 7. Bikies love their tattoos, as not only do they believe they have better taste in aesthetics than God the creator in whom’s image Man was made, but getting tattoos is just another closeted homosexual practice performed by those whom like to be penetrated yet are too insecure to admit they are actually gay. I made other more succinct points in the YouTube comment and will add more thoughts as they come to mind, but I just wanted to expose these goons for the fear filled, pathetic scared little boys they truly are as none of them are ever going to be considered by me as “Men” while they cause a public nuisance riding around on their equivalent of a Sybian vibrator. Feel free to discuss.
  19. Cool thread. Since I crashed my car I’m now going to get a van and make out onto a mobile home. Will use this thread for inspiration going forward as I work out exactly what I want, given the rising price of fuel (a completely bullshit facade to allow Arab oil sheiks to shit on instagram models/whores chests like the soulless pieces of shit both these classifications of humans are) has put me off a 4x4. Anyway, enough of a rant about the bullshit state of this fucked up joke of a world we inhabit but when you have pathetic cunts running things who are bound by fear and greed it is to be expected.
  20. Are you still alive AB? Hope you are doing well if so, but if you continued this pace for the past 12 years then you either are dead, do not have any teeth left, or have a trail of broken relationships behind you
  21. Part time alco and full time paedophile? 😂
  22. Quoted for truth but it’s funny to me that I started this thread and whilst I am sober now, I still can indulge within a 3 beer limit I have set myself, yet I realise after getting ammeter recently that I become obnoxious but am similar to Michael J Fox in Teen Wolf when his eyes go red when I get into a rage about how much I hate how worthless whores denigrate that which is priceless to become worth an ultimately worthless monetary amount. Yet in saying this, I went into a bottle shop recently just to see how things have changed since I worked in one only to find these beers which had my name on them (Along with the SOS cry for help in between) I would say the mango beer was incredible and would recommend to anyone who is looking for “Man” to go 😂
  23. I’ve heard this shit being promoted for years due to Rogan and his JRE goons of the “JavaScript Runtime Environment” and I wouldn’t take anything that closeted gay Joe Rogan says seriously until he has his wife on the podcast and she asks him in front of the world why he prefers to “hang out” at the comedy store comparing cocks and riding his mate Andrew Santino bareback than to spend time at home being a husband and father to his kids. Fuck Kratom and fuck Rogan, as if you want such a feeling as these crater dwelling cunts are trying to convince you kratom will make you experience, then just get on amphetamines with the hope that one day you can be as high as I am naturally after having amphetamines for a couple of decades only to realise that I’m higher off of them than I am on them.
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