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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Caught this sodomite trying to get "Swift" with it. For those whom understand simulation theory, understand how this program applies to the (w)hole
  2. Best part of having historically "John Wick-ed" someone who George Floyded me way back when I was 12 is that I will stab any cunt who gets too close to me and laugh in their face as their jugular bleeds and they die as a result of their own stupidity in attempting to try and steal love and happiness I would willingly give should they prove worthy of recieving it.
  3. This faggot on the bike did 4 laps coming to stalk me. I remember your face as it resembles Andrew the rapist aqcuaintance of my brothers who sodomised his 4 daughters and drove a Santa Fe.
  4. I just had a bitch come at me on a bicycle so I metaphorically cut out her ovaries to ensure such scum can never breed and corrupt this society with their fucked up decision making as you don't come for the King unless I request you to do so jajajaja
  5. And for clarity sake, I consider the denisons of 12oz my family, as unlike the faggots which surround me in reality, at least here we can indulge in discourse, aka the correction of Dis due to the corrupted fools which have perversely fucked it so bad that both heads they possess have disappeared up their own assholes in a reverse Ouroboros type situaton that sees their hollow laughter a mere distraction from how worthless their individual identities have become.
  6. Also the BGC stands for "Big Greedy Cunt" as I found out working for these extortionists at one point in time. Distort wages, suppress unions and the power of people who get things done to negotiate fairly, to the extent their $500|hr lawyers darft contracts referring to clauses which do not exist prior to me , someone they attempt to trick into slavery, refusing to sign as a result. Fuck these cunts up their assholes, faggots the lot of them, and that means you Sam you cunt.
  7. Again, I carry two sticks, one between my legs, one in my hand, and any man who gets close to me is therefore forming a group as they wish to out themselves as a faggot.
  8. and for those wondering why I have a branch on the table, it is because I am the fabled "WoodArtChi" that young Aboriginal boys are taught to fear as I carry it around to let any man that comes into my vicinity that they are therefore a "faggot" as they choose to turn two sticks (which I have one in my pants and one in my hand, currently on the table) in the purest sense of the word. Gays are fine as they embrace themselves, but closest scared little faggots are truly those whose life consists of lies and deceit and thus need to be despised and mocked in public forums like Channel Zero as they truly are a hole which knows no depths of where their depravity can descend to.
  9. Came into the City (as how else can one go "All City" without being in the CBD?) to have a meal and a beer only to encounter these gun toting retards at the place I came to reclaim my place as King. These tools have never even been to Belgium I bet, let alone have a pic of them alongside Belgium's greatest export in the Muscles from Brussels as I have. They have a long way to go in respect of how they choose to spend their existence obviously.....
  10. Anyone who has lived in Australia and has experienced beyond the 1% of the rich who would kill their Grandmothers to detach themselves from such experiences will confirm these creatures are real, are prevalent, and are an indictment on the whore seeing "John" who choose to apologise for giving them the societial welfare and accomodations they choose to abuse as opposed to use earlier this millenium. Even the impotent male Indian Sikhs who carry swords around due to their dicks inability to get hard are no match for these demons of flesh incarnate, and this video should be preserved until the end of time as it truly reflects a reality which most would fear as their ultimate nightmate becoming reality as one is unable to (morally) defend themselves against a drunken creature which has abandoned them centuries ago.
  11. Inspired by the Eldest siblings thread I thought as "Big Brother" who gets to watch the world I developed due to imparting freedom of choice to Mankind only for them to abuse it, I would be neglecting my duty to not make this truth of systemic failure known to the internet at large, as it is too well known to anyone who has experienced "The Lukey Country" in all it's truthful form. Forget Great White sharks. Forget redback spiders. Forget King Brown Snakes (I worked with one at one point in time, you know it Brodie) As an Australian who lives in a country of creatures feared the WAN *cough* I mean "World", over, the most feared creature that exists as one who has travelled the world is "The Australian Gin" as featured in this video, a couple of which at one time when I was living in the place my brother turned into his own personal zombie infested crack den from breaking down my bedroom door as they tried to rape me. A variation of the "Jinn" of the Middle East, albeit drunker with less utility and ability to contribute anything other than criminal offspring to infect society, all due the results of their neglective parenting and propensity to lie around in public parks getting drunk off of the dichotomoised welfare system that supports their existence, as they then go looking for fights against people walking by just living their lives as they seek to enjoy the augmented Western (read as developed to be 1st world) nature of Oz for what it is. Then their once innocent, prior to turning into scumbag kids due to their parents failures, go on to use the degenerate rap music (anti) "culture" as a way of tricking innocent boys (like my younger brother who is now in prison due to buying into the "Scarface" model only to neglect the meaning of the film is crime leads to misery, loneliness, and fear of getting killed for being at the top) and girls of their peer group into misusing drugs, committing crimes, and breeding more offspring whose souls are sacrified into a world dominated by these selfish Gin and their offspring having no concern for the plight of anyone but themselves and rheir ability to denigrate society with their actions and their desire to corrupt those they choose to breed with. So as Established Titles can confirm, as LORD Matthew Luke, I wish for these pathetic wastes of flesh to understand, "It's My LAN(d)", it always has been, always will be, and these parasites have been manifested for the purpose of me making them the paradigm of all a human should never choose to emulate in their actions and decisions. So feel free to discuss, as the worthless scum that is a gun toting Chicago gang member has nothing on these Gins in regards to inducing fear in all they encounter, as anyone who resorts to using a weapon, joining a gang, or believes they need to either of these things, only does so because they have chosen to accept they are unworthy of love as they have succumbed and have lost the war inside their own head.
  12. So looks like I am going to be van shopping and living a life of freedom next month as I am done living with anyone else as I just want to hear the wind and the waves, not someone grunting and groaning with their dick in the bathroom sink. Fuck renting when I can just go registration and fuel and go wherever I want. I am just done with bullshit artists who pollute my world with cancerous cigarette smoke as they are too high a percentage of the general population and seemingly I am caught in an inescapable cycle of being surrounded by them. So I will be going through this thread to get ideas as my budget will be limited and I may get rid of my Mesa Boogie Mark V I intended ro be buried with one day as I have no place to use my musical gear and other artistic tools like my cameras and M1 iMac in spite of having way too much time that I could be investing in creating that which I would love to.
  13. I will update this to add my biggest fear is getting given the love I gave out in the same exact form I gave it. So it means my woman coming to get me in a Lamborghini to take me anywhere in the world all expenses paid with her having zero attachments to anyone but me as we are free to make a fresh start living a life of 5 star (or more) luxury, just as I have given to her. The reason I fear this is if it were to happen, then I would no longer be the greatest lover to ever live, which as it currently stands, is a title I would prefer to hold onto as I make a mockery of anyone whose fears prevent them from taking similar actions to prove they are on my level. Also, it would prevent me from seeing her as a liar, and perhaps it is better for her to remain in fear of my judgement as to her incapacity to reciprocate love as it was given to her.
  14. Yeah those are Ch 0 jokes from way back, I think they are older than my tenure on here if my memory serves me correctly.
  15. I find it funny that this thread was started by Harvey Wallbanger and is titled with the phrase "Trap House:" Well given I interpret this as referring to a trap that comes from letting a "Ho use (your) colon", I hope Harvey was prepared for it lest the Ho get covered in shit. As for it referring to a house laden with traps or the use of stanley knives or kitchen utensils as weapons to harvest flesh from the unwitting who inadvertently find themselves in such a location surrounded by soulless sharks, I am familiar with such locations and feel embarrassed for the owners who allow their domain to become occupied by their incessant fears of the love they will never know of or have beyond having witnessed it when I stupidly entered such a ghoul infested place. I wrote the above as my initial take on this topic, but if it is related to fixing the fuck ups that others have made due to their selfishness and stupidity with whom they allow to occupy their residence in the past, then please carry on.
  16. Yes, I only ask questions to gain an answer or because I know the answer and am attempting to perform a consistency or quality check of the information I understand such that I have a mutually agreeable sense of reality, which is becoming more difficult in our cyber world as device attached cyborgs. So as opposed to giving an answer to my previous question, do you agree that touching other people's phones is the same as touching their genitals due to the personal content contained on our phones that details our entire digital identity is accessible by someone else who is effectively the equivalent of a butt pirate anal rapist?
  17. If a foreskin is the equivalent of an asshole, would the fact that I can still peel mine back be the equivalent of fucking the world God made or that I am held by a noose of sorts for not getting it chopped off and being a good Jew?
  18. I made sure to remove all my linked contacts on LinkedIn before I deleted my account as I decided I don't need to be in a chain of "professionals" as to me they are just prostitutes by another name. Plus nobody is worthy of being attached to me until the world proves capable of reciprocating the love I gave away in the exacting form I gave it - read as I get to go anywhere in the world all expenses paid as I get collected from whereever I am in a Lamborghini with the only requirement of me to indulge in the love forevermore which I have already proven capable of giving and yet fail to see anyone else capable of doing the same. And if it involve my Devi giving up her malicious, murderous, nefarious streak (aka all that defines Her) such that she can equal my paradigm then She can become love as opposed to guilt and self loathing hatred she has attempted to use me as the scapegoat for being the Greatest Of All Time in the Game of Love.
  19. The deepest. I take this to mean that I would descend to the literal bowels of Hell itself to remind the shit that reside there exactly what they are through their incessant need to compare, contrast and attach themselves to that which is not them. As after all, as Buddist beliefs state, once can onl reach the Paradise of Heaven via losing all attachments as I have done to everything beyond the vessel that holds my conscious form and the device which holds memories of my past which allowed me to ascend to such a state whereby I am devoid of hate yet seem to have reflected upon others the depths to which they hate themselves. But, alas, given I descend from a lineage of MacLeods and all that I guess there can be only "One" and if you choose to apply such logic to the concepts of Love and Hate, then I am surely glad that I am the One Love as opposed to the one who hates jajajaja.
  20. Well I figure that silicon is consistent with being plastic in certain states so maybe you are right?
  21. Can't really comment on Brandy other than it being a girl's name who had a crush on me at primary school who hated her best friend as they sought to compete for my attention. And I thought I waxed prophetic above about that which is to come, yet it anything further comes to mind beyond that which is detailed above I will add it in for you.
  22. Found an old email from EBPH as I sent him on telling him to get back on here and this was the attachment that was on the email, which made me laugh when I opened it as I had no idea what it was
  23. I hear you there as there were many shows where I only found the merch stand when the show was over and all they had left was extra medium size shirts which are way too small but I bought them anyway so they look like muscle shirts if I hit the gym.
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