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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Sorry I didn't zoom in further to accurately display the circular mandala with a swastika innthe middle of it on the streetlamp pole as I wanted to show that it was actually located here in Oz as opposed to India where such icons are all over the place. After seeing a few of these around on the streetlamps as I check handstyles to wntertain myself while walking, I found the position of this one across the street from a retirement village ample fodder to mock the elderly whom would put ADHD addled youth like myself through a "concentration camp" type of torture. As whilst my GrandFather suffered a similar fate as a POW in WW2 that prompted him and my GrandMother to migrate here to Australia, it seems that this chain of events saw him escape the gas chambers whereas I did not get to do the same as I exit the shopping centre as some old prick pollutes the air with cancerous cigarette smoke. With the placement of the swastika icons being in a place to see if I am "concentrating" and paying attention, and being a former "SS" Commodore driver myself, making a joke about such atrocities to which I have suffered through is perhaps just my way of conveying that I am at peace with who I am, in spite of trauma being removed by only a generation of genetics. Whilst I understand this isn't a text thread, I feel context is neccessary in this instance. Here is a better lok at what I was on about.
  2. Well the love is reciprocated to those who can sense the sarcasm underlying the truth I try my best to convey of how warped this domain we exist within has become. The best part is that over the years of making what was once in excess of 10k posts on here, you really can get an insight into how one can seemingly appear to have gone insane, yet strangely I am the least insane of all the people I encounter whom like to attempt to appear "blue pilled" whilst they subversively try to act red pilled as they attempt to try steal the happiness I have in regards to who I am. I had a conversation yesterday which confirmed this with an acquaintance I hadn't seen for a couple of years. One only need to watch the above video to see the proof of how people with an actual sense of respect and moral decency towards others like Ralphy and myself seem to have, are seemingly an endangered species at this point given how quick the scum that inhabit this place would ruin the existence of other people and businesses with their selfish actions all whilst they use whatever excuses they can find, (in this case Police overstepping their authority on a known to be violent person) to justify their actions.
  3. I am sober and the drug test I will have to take the week after next will confirm as such. As for George, he is sober as a result of being in his gold coffin for 3 years and this thread was my covert way of shouting out Sven Stoffells for his streams as they are the funniest (completely the opposite of politically correct) thing to do with art on the internet besides this place.
  4. Walking through the Concentration camp here in Purgatorio, I find this swastika just outside the old SS soldiers barracks If I was in India this would be fine, yet to find it emblazoned on public infrastructure here in Australia, really tells the state of those making the decisions around here.
  5. Went to the place where the One who made the first move to claim me. As such, the sound "MA" should always be the sound that I attribute with "The Kiss of Death" as Emma was the one who curcumvented communal standards and lounced upon me to make her lips meet mine such that Lelly lost the race and is responsible for those who sit in the car like the sad guy at the end of the street wity no business if being there. So whilst Kelly will always have a place in My memory of conversations of what adults would discuss as to a future, and will always love me, she sure has a screwed up way of way of showing me and the wider world that this is the case. So even though Emma was in the wrong, She has to be forgiven for making me feel wanted in a way that defined my passitivity when it comes to making a first move on women, and any insinuation that I would ever seek to cause them any harm or pain is a flaw of the "Duri" who incorrectly have analysed Me in their failure to adequately critique themselves for allowing Predators to prey and degrade the life experiences of innocent kids. As those acts have nothing to do with Me.
  6. Heading to the ghetto to get some more SadoMasochisticART credit so I can go on a FIFO course so I can catch the HIV(is) positive cashflow situation.
  7. As the eldest of 6 kids on my Mother's side, and 4 on my Dads with only my Brother and I sharing parents, I reached out to my Father last September or so, and told him that I wanted him in my life physically present whilst he is alive so I could convey to him that I have love for him in spite of him choosing to ignore his own kids as he roleplays and pretends to be a parent to kids with whatever woman he has found after he left my Mum and the wife he had daughters with. My message pretty much said I wanted to put a line in the sand for his past neglect and at least use the gift that is the present to ensure neither of us has to die free with potential regret of "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" as he is getting into his 60s and neither of us knows what today or tomorrow holds. My message got ignored, so when I had my car accident I could have died in a week later I sent the pics and no response. So to follow up a couple of months later, as I was in the area I visited his parent's gravesite to clean it up and left some flowers. I sent him the image and that was me burying my Father as I sent the message to him that I no longer have to deal with doing it in future if he wastes the rest of his life ignoring me and my multiple requests to catch up. The best part is that his Father's grave has his ex wife's name on it, so it probably was a harsh reminder of him neglecting my Brother and I for women who did nothing but leave him with betrayal whilst I had to help him pick up the pieces after his divorce as an 18 year old. As for my Mother, I have a good relationship with her, but after begging her to quit cigarettes for the past 20 years, as I want her to live and be in my life as long as possible, I have already accepted her inevitable death by cancer as her parents succumbed to around the age she is now, and I will deal with the process whenever it happens. She knows I love her and I have told her as much.
  8. My favourite video to have be born from George's sacrifice May his memory live on in the form of the $6M mansion BLM grifters bought from scamming the public of the "Free world leader" that is the USA. And if the Santa/Satan/Jesus born on Christmas meme isn't apparent to those reading this thread, I hope you see that these demons were running wild after George suffered through an experience I went through as a 12 year old prior to John Wicking the guy whose shin was on my neck with a lead pencil prior to snapping it off in his leg after I warned him 3 times to get the fuck off me. Thoughts?
  9. As the Author of the Team Alpo (formerly Team Alco) thread on here, and with addiction having crippled or taken the lives of many, please give a round of applause for St George Floyd, the greatest black man to have ever lived, the Man who has the main street of the Perth CBD named in his honor I used to look out over from my 19th floor window as a corporate slave, who is now 3 years sober as of today. His sacrifice will be forever remembered by the community for the insane looting and his family never needing to work again in the wake of his sacrifice, he truly was the Jesus of this generation since I am denied such a position due to still living and breathing.
  10. I get MGM flashbacks from the hotel walkway pictured
  11. Come on man, as I said and as would be obvious to anyone who knows me, I can't afford gear, nor would I be sinking beer or be in public to begin with as I would descend into a multiscreened Architect from the Matrix like cave having sex with Angels and "Machine Elves". So understand that all the drugs consumed when makimg these posts was the alcohol depicted in the images. Amd today's scene that sees me spending the $500 dole advance on anything but supporting the organised criminal scumbags that markup the price of said gear by 3000% of what it costs in the USA as I make fun of the HIV positive HIVis wearers that have distorted the WA economy to where a beer costs $10 at a pub is as follows.
  12. You know it. Such is the price of infamy that I had to write these rules in the first place. The sad state of reality in being circumvented from freely living as I choose due to the false implication of using the lie that is artificial scarcity of resources, such as fossil fuels, as the way in which financial imposts are placed upon me, when the truth is that as we are in a video game simulation, everything is free and infinite and all assets should be available for me to use in any way I decide to use them.
  13. You are missing out bro. If Mike NoLAN wasn't such a cool character, if only for knowing Crazy Steve, I would say that I understand because you are a HIV(is) positive sufferer who would not understand. It is good to know how these AI Death Sentenced fools portray themselves in Australian society by wearing their work clothes in public as everyday wear.
  14. Also, to claim Dis, I should put a Disclaimer that the views expressed above are entirely my own and are the result of living as a Pureblood unvaxxed person in a Coronavirus infected simulation. So to those whom disagree with my truth, feel free to buy me a beer to discuss why I am left in an environment with contrarians whom seek to deny "truth" as it actually is, all thanks to "The SIKest K" that is my Mother given I am here as a result of her love and desire to continue her lineage. Please ensure that the passphrases are used, lest I view you as an NPC droid whom I would have no issue with staking like Buffy does on the vampire Slaying show as I would rather "buff" my world of such nonsensical fools.
  15. Another thong that anyone wishing to engage in conversation with me in person, is that you must view yourself through the lens of if you chose to perform sex work and entwine money and sex, and this can be as simple as being an Onlyfans thot through to being an Arab's toilet as you blow his 13 year old brother and camel, you will only ever be worth whatever you charged someone financially or in trade (read as "drugs") in exchange for the performance of said sexual acts of flesh. Essentially such a choicr makes one degrade their pricelessness of tge temple tgat is their body down to an insignificant monetary amount, as even if you fucked soneone for a billion dollars ala Kim Kardashian, pricelessness is still greater than or ">" a billion dollars which are only arbitrary electrical binary impulses stored on bank's servers in all truth. Obviously this excludes nudity that is done for free or to have an artist create a sculpture, painting, drawing or image that is not lustful in intent. And any man that gets tattoos that are not in tribute of their religious beliefs or sobeobe who has died, effectively desecrates the batural form as bestowed to them by God, and putting a needle in your body, no matter if it is your arm, arse, or otherwise, is as homosexual an act as going to a gay bathhouse and allowing a procession of men to penetrate your body that is your gift from God. If one derives offence at these above critiques of other's behaviours, please try and tell me what part of what I have said is not truthful such that you have a justifiable reason to be offended at anything other than your own suboptimal decision making as this has nothing to do with anything except me putting a mirror up to the failure of mankind as a species in their ability to maintain morals, integrity, and standards upon which any value can be placed upon that which exists.
  16. Well it is a (somewhat) blunt object, but as one who has a fire inside him whose only boundary is the flesh which contains it, I do not indulge in seeing others choose to burn themselves and their domain they live in to the ground, yet they are determined to bring such a fate upon themselves via their choice to try and entangle themselves within my own personal space. All I can do is laugh at those stupid enough to try and obtain in a bounty which will only see them with no ability to cash it in, as if I die, then God dies, as does everyone and everything that gas ever been created by God and the Developers to which He|I handed the ability to manipulate the experiential domain in which I exist as the infinite consciousness of perception itself.
  17. And if anyone wants to understand the true "Depths of Hell", consider it coming home to your wife lowering herself to sleep with her dead inside brother who would leave his Brother in Law on the side of the Highway for being a jealous drunk. And for Her to do such a thing only for me to nonchalantly mock hed patheticness to her face with pure contempt and disgust whilst I retreat to the sanctity of my bedroom with the intention of letting her understand that I truly pity the pathetic situation she has found herself in due to her incapacity of giving back what she was given in the form she was given it. For her to think I would want to interact with any of her abominable creations in any spectrum beyond the audio and light frequencies due to her corrupting the flesh with her choice to lower herself to sleep with the equivalent of "mould" in flesh format, sees me having every right to laugh in her face as she realises that her choice to try and assert dominance backfired as whilst I will refuse to "Give a fuck", I can also refuse to give her my love in it's ultimate form as I deny her the ability to breed and procreate. As true power comes through being the one who has to forgive the other for their wrongs, even if they are too stupid to correct them as is the case for me in my present scenario with every scumbag south of the river still attempting to imply they have any influence over my life beyond being the literal "butt" of the joke that I am not only telling at their expense, but I intend to fuck when I see them dead and buried with everyone and everything they ever had in life stripped from them forever. To reiterate my comedy is of a dark nature, but that is expected when I am denied a car with a "NAT" Western Australian numberplate and residence so that I can entertain and watch these fools make idiots of themselves.
  18. I fully expect the title of this thread to be changed in true 12oz tradition and to be memed or joked about for putting myself out there but such is the fearlessness of being a literal one Man MOB. Well technically my initials are MLOB, but I still have respect for my fellow Men having the ability to make me laugh as Matt Loves Only Babes, yet despises paedophiles whom have ruined my ability to have any faith in the Church the "Bi sHOps" and priests corrupted with their fucked up perversion that corrupts lives before they have even began.
  19. To conclude this rant, I will state that true happiness as a Man comes from knowing that in marrying the Devi, if she chooses to become a Devil by fucking every other man and woman alive as opposed to me as her God, then she adds the "L" to her name and becomes the Devil whom dooms all of the men and women (as well as their kids) she commands to come and hurt me, to experience an inevitable and certain death along the way to her learning and understanding that in me She found perfection, and there is nobody else on Earth capable of sitting at the right hand side of the Boss as I do to God and on the 12oz Reunion shirt. So how is that for a joke that can obliterate anyone else's claim in this world to try and make fun of me?
  20. Also the third term one can use to socially interact with me is "Sick K Brah" As not only do I get to mock the impotent Sikhs who need to carry swords around in place of their defunctive penises, most likely due to their homosexual preferences of being obsessed with men who I guarantee watch gay, all male porn as they go about having sex with their wives to try and have kids, but because those who use this term understand that I was literally spawned from a "K hole", as my Mother's middle name happens to be "Kaye" so that her initials are "JK", which is why I can take the rape and pillaging of my LAN as being the joke it's occupants choose to prove themselves as being here in the place where "The Joker" from the NoLAN Batman movie was born in the same hospital I was, the difference being that I lack the silver spoon Western Suburbs/Golden Triangle upbringing in exchange for coming from a ghetto so that I have an appreciation for those who work towards their life goals as opposed to being handed them regardless of the effort they expend.
  21. Also kids, if you use needles to ingest drugs due to the influence of some scumbag piece of shit guy telling you it is great, then consider yourself to be euthanising yourself as there are far greater "highs" to be had that are not chemically based, if the two 8-balls of meth I have in my camera bag in my green Lambo depicted in the first photo proves I know better than anyone as to the chemically induced highs available that were subsequently eclipsed by natural ones I gave recieved by giving up on my selifsh desires beyond loving as I wished to be loved only to recieve the smile I got in the last photo immortalised as the reminder that there is nothing else I can do in life beyond educate others as to what lead to me "Winning" the game of life whilst I depict my failures knowing that nobody can judge me as I eventually learned to become the perfect Man zi aspired to be as evidenced by this singular image I can use to hold others accountable for their potential ability to do the same. As if they fail to show the world the proof of the ultimate lows and highs they can experience, why the fuck should anyone listen to them in the first place, let alone take the potential of breeding with such fools? Whilst this thread is me laying my dick on the metaphorical "Table" and it is smaller than "John's" (as in John Davis of Korn sang in some song saying his was bigger), then sure, but at least I am not the man who allowed pimps to make whores of their daughters and get them strung out on drugs and painkillers to numb the fact that they are the living desd for having sold their souls to some pathetic dealer or rapper who encourages and portrays such pathetic behaviours as their way of denigrating the lives of others to align with their own as they are too afraid to face themselves or admit they fucked up in life in the first place, let alone using said mistakes to become the ultimate version of themselves as I have proven above. As whilst I, the Prophet known as Lord Matthew Luke, was inadvertently (but rightfull and correctly so with how things have transpired) dressed as "Azrael, the Angel of Death" as described in the Book of Revelation for my wedding, the only world I enjoy ending is that of the fools who think hurting themselves and others is any potential way to find happiness in this world as opposed to giving it out. Because trust me, there is no greater feeling than to laugh in the face of any assailant that wishes to cut off my head due to their own insecurities as the mutually congruent truth is that I would die knowing that I am a better Man than any bitch like them will ever be capable of becoming in their lifetime, if only for them being preoccupied with the lives of other men to the detriment of their own whilst they "Come at me" in the most "/yeshomo way possible by trying to steal my happiness and life with their pathetic deeds. So "Come at me Bro" if you are wanting the entire world wide web coded my initials being featured in the underlying HTML adorning every page of the internet, but if you choose to do so, consider yourself a "faggot rapist" as you are the third stick penetrating a Man who has no sexual attraction to you in the first place. If you want to be defined as a "faggot rapist" until the end of forever in the event you prove capable of ending my life, then good luck to you as this is the label I will apply to "The Unforgiven" whose souls are completely devoid of any light or perception of reality.
  22. In case one wonders what inspired this thread, consider the wife fucking her brother as I came home only for me to say "Hello Angelo" to his face to remind him he is in a Hell of his own making.
  23. Failure to obey the above sees any man or woman who interacts with me outside a commercial premises failing to love themselves, and by extension, love others, as if one cannot devote their lives to learning to love themselves first they are therefore incapable of loving others, and if this is the case, they render their individual existence to be devoid of any value or love as they languish in Hell itself. Also they open themselves to be ridiculued by me and mocked by the Writer's Forum and 12ozProphet collective, and who would want to upset those whom can vandalise one's domain to the point it becomes shrouded in a cloud of regrets? And if you are a woman whom foolishly and recklessly allows some criminal scumbag with no degree, no diploma, no qualification, and no business other than drug dealing or pimping you out, then you are a victim of your own self hatred and feelings of inferiority. As this potentially is a result of a broken home, consider my rules above my way of educating others that you cannot love yourself if you compromise who you sre willing to let touch your flesh to begin with. So understand I have no sympathy nor time for those whom engage in relstionships that are "poly" in nature as you lack love for yourself if you are not willing to share as no division of 100% beyond a 1:1 ratio gives you 100% "love" in return. Why else you think that evil only existed when the Devil was inteoduced to the couple of Adam and Eve in Genesis? Because the only 3rd party you need is Eden (existence) itself.
  24. The last image is Heaven, as that smile is all I care about in this world after stripping away the Lamborghini, her clothes, and the attachment to anything other than the fearlless, endlessly sacrificial, reciprocal love I give in the hope of getting back in return. I have had it all and know everythiing there is to know in life and these pics are the proof. Unless you are willing to do the same and can lay an iPhone 7 and a iPhone 14 on the table depicting 2 still images after discarding the 3rd to ensure you are still at 21 and get zBlackjack, the you are always going to be a lo be a loser in life, in love, and in existence itself.
  25. I have made up some rules of how I live my life and therefore decree that others abide by them lest they sacrifice their lives, the potential of being eradicated and "bounced" from existence, or stuck in an infinite "Loop" of committing the same mistakes forever on loop as the worthlessness of their fear filled existence sees them entering my life as a mere footnote of patheticness that I will openly photograph and mock in this thread going forward for the entire galaxy to laugh at. Rule 1. If you wish to interact with me, the code words are "Oontz" or "Wonk saggin". Rule 2. If you are a Man, focus on making a woman happy before you worry about me or yourself. Rule 3. If you are a woman, find a man who obeys Rule number 2 otherwise they are a faggot who loves Me and worships men more than they will ever love you. Rule 4. If you are a woman, make sure your man has some qualification in life beyond being a drug dealer, criminal, theif or murderer before you allow him the priviledge of even touching you. Rule 5. Understand that I will meme on myself harder than you can ever attempt to do so via using mockery, sarcasm, or subversion as you attenpt to make a joke at my expense. If in comparing your life to mine, and you get jealous or envious of the fact I have realised my "Ultimate reality" as depicted in the following images, which show me "In Hell, Heaven, and everywhere in between", yet understand I want you to do the same but trying to tear me down via tall poppy syndrome affecting you makes you unworthy of my pity, as you truly are a pathetic decision maker and do not deserve to be in my presence, let alone detract from your own by concerning yourself with that which you can never take to begin with.
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